中国儿童保健杂志 ›› 2017, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (1): 24-27.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2017-25-01-08

• 科研论著 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1 广州市妇女儿童医疗中心,广东 广州 510263;
    2 广州市海珠区妇幼保健院,广东 广州 510610;
    3 广州市白云区妇幼保健院,广东 广州 510400;
    4 广州市荔湾区妇幼保健院,广东 广州 510375
  • 收稿日期:2016-03-20 发布日期:2017-01-10 出版日期:2017-01-10
  • 通讯作者: 林穗方,
  • 作者简介:胡艳(1979-),女,安徽人,主治医师,硕士学位,主要研究方向为妇幼保健,儿童营养。
  • 基金资助:

Influence of early feeding practices on consumption of fruit and vegetables among children in kindergarden.

HU Yan1,WU Qi2,ZHA Da-yong3,HUANG Ya-shen4,FANG Guo-qing3,LIN Sui-fang1.   

  1. 1 Guangzhou Women and Children Medical Center,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510263,China;
    2 Haizhu Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510610,China;
    3 Baiyun Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510400,China;
    4 Liwan Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510375,ChinaCorresponding author:LIN Sui-fang,
  • Received:2016-03-20 Online:2017-01-10 Published:2017-01-10

摘要: 目的 了解婴儿期母乳喂养持续时间和纯母乳喂养对学龄前期儿童蔬菜和水果摄入的影响,为婴幼儿喂养指导提供更为有力的科学依据。方法 使用已经进行的儿童肥胖研究的基线调查数据进行分析,数据为通过问卷调查的方式了解儿童婴儿期喂养基本情况和儿童膳食现状,使用Logistic回归模型对可能关联进行验证。结果 在1 189名调查儿童婴儿期,纯母乳喂养持续超过6个月的占17.1%,母乳喂养持续时间超过12个月的占9.6%。纯母乳喂养持续6个月以上的儿童在学龄前期超重肥胖发生率明显低于纯母乳喂养持续时间<6个月的儿童(2.2% &3.7%,P<0.05)。学龄前儿童摄入每周≥6次的水果和蔬菜的频率比例分别为87.5%及67.7%。婴儿期持续母乳喂养12个月及以上儿童在学龄前期摄入蔬菜频率高于母乳喂养持续时间<12个月的儿童(OR=1.251; 95%CI1.115~2.563),纯母乳喂养≥6个月的儿童较纯母乳喂养时间<6个月的儿童在学龄前期摄入蔬菜的频率高,两者存在统计学关联(OR=1.015;95%CI1.002~1.105)。母乳喂养模式与学龄前期儿童摄入水果频率差异无统计学意义(OR=0.882;95%CI0.412~1.514) &(OR=0.657;95%CI0.442~1.019)。结论 长期母乳喂养及纯母乳喂养与学龄前期儿童蔬菜摄入量存在正向关联,但与学龄前期儿童水果摄入无任何关联。生命早期科学喂养方式对于儿童生命后期营养习惯的形成乃至对营养发育的影响都十分重要的,因而社会和家庭对于母乳喂养的认识和支持也需进一步深入和提高。

关键词: 母乳喂养, 学龄前期儿童, 蔬菜摄入

Abstract: Objective To investigate the association between pattern and duration of breastfeeding and fruit and vegetables intake in preschool children,in order to provide a scientific support to guide infant feeding. Methods A secondary analysis was conducted using baseline data from a former non-randomized trial.Information on infant feeding and current situation were collected in questionnaire filled by parents.The associations between duration of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding and consumption of fruit and vegetables were tested by a logistic regression model. Results During 1 189 children in the research,17.1% children had exclusive breastfeeding for more than 6 months and 9.6% children had breastfeeding duration lasting for more than 12 months.There was lower prevalence of overweight and obesity in exclusive breastfeeding duration for more than 6 months group than that less than 6 months group(2.2% & 3.7%,P<0.05).Approximately 87.5% and 67.7% of children consumed fruits and vegetables,respectively,six or more times a week.Consumption of vegetables among preschool children was higher in children who were breastfed for 12 months or longer (OR=1.251; 95%CI:1.115~2.563).Meanwhile,exclusive breastfeeding duration for more than 6 months had a significant association with consumption of vegetables (OR=1.015 ;95%CI:1.002~1.105)after adjusting children gender,age,parents' BMI and etc.There were no relationship between any breastfeeding mode and fruit intake consumption in preschool time(OR=0.882;95%CI:0.412~1.514) &(OR=0.657;95%CI:0.442~1.019). Conclusions Longer duration of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding duration are positively associated with consumption of vegetables in preschool children;However,there is no association with consumption of fruits.It is important for feeding pattern in early life as for which influence the nutrition habit and the growth of children during later life,so the awareness and support for breastfeeding in community and family should further deepened and improved.

Key words: breastfeeding, preschool children, vegetable intake
