journal1 ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 391-394.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2015-23-04-18

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Research on evaluation of 3~6 years old children's nutritional status through the application of human body composition analyzer in Guigang

LI Lin,DUAN Jie-hua,TAN Xiao-liang,TAN Yan-ping   

  1. Child Heath Care Department of Maternal and Child Health Hospital,Guigang,Guangxi 537100,China
  • Received:2015-01-02 Online:2015-04-10 Published:2015-04-10



  1. 贵港市妇幼保健院儿童保健科,广西 贵港 537100
  • 作者简介:黎琳(1971-),女,广西人,主治医师,主要从事儿童保健工作。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To evaluate 3~6 years old children's physical development and nutrition status in Guigang,in order to provide a guide for children health and nutrition diet therapy and further to improve the nutritional status of children. Methods A total of 1 200 cases of 3~6 years old children were selected in Guigang.Using stratified random sampling method,6 kindergartens were selected randomly in different functional areas (including the school condition was good,medium,poor kindergarten each 2).By detecting child body composition:water,the total amount of body fat,protein,skeletal muscle,inorganic salt,analysising the period of children body composition growth and development and shape,to evaluate the growth and nutrition condition. Results The difference was statistically significant in 3~6 years old male,female children physical development,compared with the 2005 national survey of the same sex and age group of children's height,weight,Guigang was low;Evaluation of growth "moderate" up,"in the upper,lower" second,"the finest inferior,inferior" at least;children with low birth weight ratio upper,lower" second,"the finest inferior,inferior" at least;Children with low birth weight ratio was 2.50%,weight loss ratio was 2.33%,slow growth ratio was 3.17%,overweight ratio was 9.25%,obesity ratio was 2.58%.Protein deficiency ratio was 11.92% and inorganic salt deficiency ratio was 12.25%. Conclusions Preschool children in Guigang city,the malnutrition rate is low,the growth condition overall is good,but the rate of overweight and obesity rate is higher.In the future,more attention should be paid to the children's nutritional excess,unbalanced nutrition status,promote the children's healthy growth and development,at the same time reduce children's nutrition surplus rate.

Key words: 3~6 years old children, growth and development, nutritional status, human body composition analyzer, assessment

摘要: 目的 评价贵港市城区3~6岁儿童体格发育及营养状况,为指导儿童健康营养饮食及治疗,进一步改善儿童营养状况提供依据。方法 选择贵港市3~6 岁儿童1 200例,采用分层随机抽样的方法,选取城区不同功能区随机抽取6个幼儿园(包括办学条件较好、中等、较差的幼儿园各2个),通过检测儿童人体成分主要指标:体总水分、 体脂肪量、 蛋白质、 骨骼肌、无机盐等,分析该时期儿童人体成分情况、生长发育情况及体形等,进行生长发育及营养状况评价。结果 贵港市3~6岁男、女童体格发育差异有统计学意义,贵港市儿童身高、体重与2005年全国调查同性别年龄组比较均较低;生长发育评价为“中等”最多,其次为“中上、中下”,“上等”、“下等”最少;儿童低体重率2.50%,消瘦率2.33%,生长迟缓率3.17%,超重率9.25%,肥胖率2.58%;蛋白质不足11.92%,无机盐不足12.25%。结论 贵港市学龄前儿童营养不良发生率低,生长发育状况总体良好,但是儿童超重、肥胖率较高,今后需要多关注该地区儿童营养过剩、营养不均衡状况,在促进儿童生长发育健康的同时,降低儿童营养过剩率。

关键词: 3~6岁儿童, 生长发育, 营养状况, 人体成分分析仪, 评价

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