journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (4): 318-320.

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Survey on growth and anemia of students in primary school for children of migrant workers in Minhang district, Shanghai

WANG Zheng-yuan1, ZHANG Xin-yi2, SUN Jian-qin1, CHEN Yan-qiu1, ZONG Min1, CHEN Yu-hua3, PIAO Jian-hua4, HUANG Zhen-wu4   

  1. 1 Clinic Nutrition Center, Huadong Hospital, Fudan University, Shanghai 200040, China;
    2 CDC of Minhang District, Shanghai 201100, China;
    3 Shanghai Population Welfare Foundation, Shanghai 200040, China;
    4 Institute of Nutrition and food safety, Chinese Center for Disease and Prevention, Beijing 100050, China
  • Received:2010-11-05 Online:2011-04-06 Published:2011-04-06



  1. 1 复旦大学附属华东医院临床营养中心,上海 200040;
    2 上海市闵行区疾病预防控制中心,上海 201100;
    3 上海市人口福利基金会,上海 200040;
    4 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所,北京 100050
  • 通讯作者: 孙建琴,;黄振武,
  • 作者简介:汪正园(1986-),男,湖北人,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为营养与健康
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To evaluate the growth situation and the prevalence of anemia of students in primary school for children of migrant workers in Minhang district, Shanghai and the dietary nutrients status of anemic students, to provide evidence for anemia prevention and intervention among migrant workers' children. 【Methods】 By random sampling, two primary schools for children of migrant workers including 2 513 students aged 6 to 13 were selected from Shanghai. Their height and weight were measured. 60% of students diagnosed with anemia were investigated on 24-hour dietary survey of three consecutive days. 【Results】 Girls were at higher risk for underweight(OR=1.49) and boys were at higher risk for overweight(OR=5.53). The prevalence of anemia was 10.3%. Height, BMI and age showed positive correlation with the value of Hb(r=0.204、0.346、0.440,P<0.05). The anemic children were at higher risk for stunting(OR=1.76) and underweight(OR=1.78). The proportion of the ratio of calcium, zinc, vitamin A, vitamin C intakes under the 60%AI or RNI for subjects were 72.1%, 48.3%, 45.6%and 32.7% respectively. 【Conclusions】 The anemia of migrant workers' children is a high prevalence, anemia can affect growth and development. For the anemic students, intakes of energy and nutrients are not enough and the dietary pattern is unreasonable.Improving nutritional status is the key to prevent anemia and promote growth.

Key words: growth and development, anemia, dietary nutrients, primary school for children of migrant workers in Shanghai

摘要: 【目的】 了解上海闵行区民工小学学生生长发育状况、贫血发生率,贫血学生的膳食营养状况,为制定预防民工子女贫血措施提供依据。 【方法】 选取上海市两所民工小学的2 513名6~13岁学生作为研究对象,测身高体重,对诊断为贫血的60%学生进行连续三天24 h膳食调查。 【结果】 女生消瘦风险是男生的1.49倍(OR=1.49),男生超重风险是女生的5.53倍(OR=5.53)。贫血患病率为10.3%。身高、体质指数、年龄与血红蛋白值呈正相关(r=0.204、0.346、0.440,P<0.05)。贫血学生生长迟缓和低体重风险分别是非贫血学生的1.76倍(OR=1.76)和1.78倍(OR=1.78)。钙、锌、VitA、VitC的摄入量不足推荐摄入量60%的比例分别为72.1%、48.3%、45.6%和32.7%。 【结论】 民工子女贫血患病率高,贫血会影响生长发育。贫血学生营养摄入不足,膳食结构不合理,改善营养是预防贫血促进生长发育的关键。

关键词: 生长发育, 贫血, 膳食营养, 民工小学

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