Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: The Chinese Pharmacological Society
Editor-in-Chief: HUANG Zhili
ISSN 1009-2501
CN 34-1206/R
WANG Jie, TIAN Shuo, LI Yilin, WEI Jun, MA Yu, LIU Yanqiu. Study on the mechanism of pinoresinol diglucoside on angiogenesis during osteoporotic fracture healing[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2025, 30(1): 20-31.
LI Nanshan, LIU Kuiliang, LI Qian, LAO Yueqiong, WANG Yadan, SU Hui, LIU Hong, WU Jing.
SRPX2 promotes HUVEC angiogenesis via macrophages
[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2018, 23(11): 1228-1234.