journal1 ›› 2018, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (3): 335-337.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2018-26-03-30

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Analysis of nutrition and growth of kindergartens children in Fengjie County in 2016

XIANG Yang   

  1. Fengjie Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital,Chongqing 404600,China
  • Received:2017-06-20 Online:2018-03-10 Published:2018-03-10



  1. 奉节县妇幼保健院,重庆 404600
  • 作者简介:向阳(1968-),男,主任,副主任医师,主要从事儿童保健工作。

Abstract: Objective To analyse the relationship between dietary nutrition and growth index of children in Fengjie County,and to find the disadvantages of dietary management of kindergartens,in order to improve the dietary management guidance. Methods The dietary nutrition was detected by the weighing method of nine kindergartens in second quarte in 2016.And the height and weight,blood biochemical index of children were also tested to analyze the dietary and nutritional status. Results The dietary energy could basically meet the requirements of the children,but there were still some problems such as inadequate intake of nutrients or irrational dietary structure.Dietary intake of proteins,fats,carbohydrates and sodium were higher,sodium and phosphorus intake exceeded,while calcium was inadequate. Conclusions The diet in kindergartens in Yong'an town of Fengjie county is not reasonable.Further improvement of the dietary structure is needed to enhance the normal growth and development of children.

Key words: kindergartens children, dietary nutrition, growth and development

摘要: 目的 通过调研奉节县永安城区托幼机构儿童在园膳食营养与儿童生长发育的关系,分析膳食管理中存在的不足,指导托幼机构改进膳食管理工作。方法 随机抽取9所幼儿园,对2016年二季度的膳食营养进行分析,并对儿童的身高、体重、血生化指标进行测定,分析儿童膳食营养状况与儿童生长发育情况。结果 奉节县城区幼儿园膳食结构存在不合理的现状,蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物三大营养素和总能量摄入较高且比例不合理,钠、磷摄入超标,而钙摄入不足。结论 奉节县永安镇城区幼儿园在园膳食合理性欠佳,需要进一步调整膳食结构,保障在园儿童正常的生长发育需求。

关键词: 集居儿童, 膳食营养, 生长发育

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