
中国临床药理学与治疗学 ›› 1998, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (2): 99-102.

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张富强, 周文华, 王兆林, 杨国栋   

  1. 宁波市微循环与莨菪类药研究所, 宁波 315010
  • 收稿日期:1998-03-06 修回日期:1998-04-07 出版日期:1998-06-26 发布日期:2020-12-01
  • 作者简介:张富强, 男, 33岁, 大学, 主要从事药物成瘾神经生物学机制的研究。周文华, 男, 33岁, 在职博士生, 研究方向为药物成瘾神经生物学和分子生物学机制。杨国栋, 男, 60岁, 研究员, 中国中西医结合学会微循环专业委员会主任委员。

Effects of scopolamine on intravenous morphine self-administration and reinstatement of responding in rhesus monkeys

ZHA NG Fu-Qing, ZHOU Wen-Hua, WANG Zhao-Lin, YANG Guo-Dong   

  1. Ningbo Institute of Microci rculation and Henbane, Ningbo 315010
  • Received:1998-03-06 Revised:1998-04-07 Online:1998-06-26 Published:2020-12-01

摘要: 目的 研究M胆碱能受体阻滞剂东莨菪碱对猕猴吗啡静脉自身给药及反应恢复行为的影响。方法 建立猕猴吗啡静脉自身给药模型(固定比率1,给药期4h)以及反应恢复模型。观察不同浓度东莨菪碱急性处理对吗啡静脉自身给药模式、踏板反应率、吗啡用药量以及自由活动度的影响。同时观察慢性和急性东莨菪碱处理对静脉自身给药行为淬灭后反应恢复行为的影响。结果 东莨菪碱急性处理(0.025,0.075,0.25,0.75mg/kg)可以减弱FR1程序控制下吗啡静脉自身给药行为,不仅表现为总用药量和反应速率的降低,而且还可延迟自身给药行为的起动,同时对自身给药行为模式有较大的影响,小剂量东莨菪碱可使急促的用药行为变为缓慢,大剂量时几乎可完全阻断动物的踏板反应。反应恢复实验结果显示,东莨菪碱急性处理可延迟淬灭后踏板反应的恢复,而慢性处理可降低动物的踏板反应率及总的强化次数。结论 提示东莨菪碱对复吸行为可能有一定的治疗作用。

关键词: 东莨菪碱, 吗啡, 自身给药, 反应恢复

Abstract: Aim To study theEffects of scoplamine, a marscarinicreceptor antagonist on intravenous morphine self-administration and reinstatement of responding in rhesus monkeys (fixed ratio 1, FR1).Methods Rhesus monkeys were trained to press response lever for intravenous morphine self-administration under a fixed ratio 1 schedule in a daily 4 h session.Response pattern, total responserate, total mophine intake and spontaneous activity wererecorded duringsessions.Effects of acute pre treatment with different doses of scopolamine on self-administration were studied, and alson theEffects of acute and chronic treatment with scopolamine on reinstatement of responding by priming dose of morphine were observed afterext inction of self-administration were observed.Results Theresul ts showed that acute treatment of scopolamine (0.025 ~ 0.75 mg/kg)could not only attenuate intravenous morphine self-administration under a F R1 schedule, which was represented by decreased total morphine intake and responserate persession, but also delay theinitiation of morphine self-administration.Theresponse pattern was affected under this treatment.Chronic Effect of scoplamine was also evaluated afterext inction during which a daily dose of scopolamine(0.25 mg/kg)was administered, andin thetesting day, only a priming dose of morphine (0.25 mg/k g)was administered.Chronic scopolamine treatment caused 45 % decrease of responserate by morphine priming.Conclusion Chronic scopolamine treatment might inhibitthereinstatement of responding afterextinction.

Key words: scopolamine, morphine, self-administration, reinstatement
