
中国临床药理学与治疗学 ›› 2009, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4): 475-480.

• 综述与讲座 • 上一篇    


钱伯初, 史红, 郑晓亮   

  1. 浙江省医学科学院药物研究所, 杭州310013, 浙江
  • 收稿日期:2008-09-05 修回日期:2009-01-18 发布日期:2020-10-29
  • 作者简介:钱伯初,男,研究员,硕士生导师,主要从事药理学与毒理学研究。Tel:0571-88215627 E-mail:qianbochu@yahoo.com.cn

Application of imaging new techniques in experimental porcine pulmonary embolism model

QIAN Bo-chu, SHI Hong, ZHENG Xiao-liang   

  1. Institute of Materia Medica, Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences, Hangzhou 310013, Zhejiang, China
  • Received:2008-09-05 Revised:2009-01-18 Published:2020-10-29

摘要: 肺栓塞是内源性或外源性栓子堵塞肺动脉或其分支引起的常见急性心血管病,因其通常突然发病和高致残率而严重危害生命健康,然而该病的临床和基础研究进展甚缓。近年来发展的非侵入性螺旋CT 血管造影(CTA)、磁共振血管造影(MRA)、磁共振灌注和通气成像、实时MRA 等影像学新技术在猪肺栓塞动物模型得到广泛应用。本文简要介绍影像学成像在猪肺栓塞模型研究中的应用,包括人血栓所致猪肺栓塞模型的纤维蛋白特异性对比剂分子磁共振成像;CTA、MRA 和实时磁共振成像在猪肺栓塞模型的比较;组合应用磁共振灌注、血管造影和3He 通气成像评价猪肺栓塞模型肺功能的可行性和猪肺栓塞模型肺通气灌注CT 显像与平面显像的比较。上述方法将有益于肺栓塞基础与抗肺栓塞药物研究的深入开展。

关键词: 磁共振成像, 肺栓塞, 超极化气体, 动物模型, 纤维蛋白特异性对比剂

Abstract: Pulmonary embolism is a common acute cardiovascular disease with pulmonary artery and its embranchment blocked by endogenous or extraneous embolus.Usually, pulmonary embolism happens suddenly and has a high mutilation rate, so it is a big threat to human health, but the clinical and basic researches on pulmonary embolism are very limited.Imaging new techniques such as noninvasive spiral CT angiography (CTA ) , magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) , magnetic resonance (MR) perfusion, ventilation imaging , and real-time magnetic resonance imaging are developed recently and widely applied in porcine pulmonary embolism model.This paper briefly introduced the application of MR imaging in porcine pulmonary embolism model, including magnetic resonance imaging of fibrin-specific contrast agent in porcine pulmonary embolism model induced by human thromb, the comparision of CTA, MRA, real time magnetic resonance imaging in porcine pulmonary embolism model, the feasibility for the assessment of lung function in porcine pulmonary embolism model combining with MR perfusion, angiography and 3He ventilation imaging, the comparision on pulmonary ventilation perfusion CT and planar imaging in porcine pulmonary embolism model.The above-mentioned methods are useful to carry out the research of pulmonary embolism base drug and antipulmonary embolism drug.

Key words: magnetic resonance imaging, pulmonary embolism, hyperpolarized gas, animal model, fibrin-specific contrast agent
