
中国临床药理学与治疗学 ›› 1998, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (4): 256-260.

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郑青山, 桂常青2, 孙瑞元2   

  1. 皖南医学院弋矶山医院临床药理研究所,2药物研究所,芜湖 241001
  • 收稿日期:1998-06-20 修回日期:1998-08-10 出版日期:1998-12-26 发布日期:2020-12-01
  • 作者简介:郑青山,男,35岁,副研究员,硕士。主要从事复方药物配伍规律的定量研究;孙瑞元,男,教授,研究所所长,卫生部新药审评委员会生物统计专业主任委员,中国药典委员会会员,国家新药研究与开发常务专家委员会常委。
  • 基金资助:
    1 由国家自然科学基金(No.39670845),卫生部课题基金(94-1-335)和安徽省教委科研基金(96JL0117)资助

Quantitative analysis of analgesic effect and acute toxicity of acetaminophen , butabital and caffeine in combination in mice

ZHENG Qing -Shan, GUI Chang-Qing1, SUN Rui-Yuan1   

  1. Institute of Clinical Pharmacology of Yijishan Hospital;
    1Institute of Materia Medica,Wannan Medical College,Wuhu 241001
  • Received:1998-06-20 Revised:1998-08-10 Online:1998-12-26 Published:2020-12-01

摘要: 目的 定量分析醋氨酚、布他比妥和咖啡因联用的镇痛作用及急性毒性变化,以确定合适的联用比例和联用剂量。方法 采用配方均匀设计法设置7个水平联用比例和剂量,用小鼠甩尾法作镇痛试验,综合数理分析结果和专业知识,再经确定性试验证实;采用参数法分析联用的急性毒性数据。结果 (1)醋氨酚40.7mg/kg,布他比妥6.4mg/kg和咖啡因5mg/kg联用效果较好,其联用比例为8.1∶1.25∶1;(2)3药联用有协同作用;(3)联用的急性毒性未见增强。结论 醋氨酚,布他比妥和咖啡因联用(8.1∶1.25∶1)镇痛效应增强,但毒性未增(无协同作用)。

关键词: 醋氨酚, 布他比妥, 咖啡因, 药物协同作用, 药物联合治疗, 均匀设计

Abstract: Aim To analyzed and evaluate the analgesic effect of acetaminophen (Ace),butabital(But)and caffeine (Caf)in combination.Methods According to the formula uniform design method,7 different doses at 7 different pro portions were administered (ig)to observe the analgesic effect in mice by the swirling tail method.The optimum doses and proportion in combination were obtained according to the experimental data,ma thematical analysis and the special field demand,which was demonstrated by another experiments (the swirling tail method and the light -electric vibrating box method).Acute toxicity of the combination was quantitatively analyzed by the parameter method.Results The combination of Ace 40.7,But 6.4 and Caf 5 mg/kg (proportion as 8.1∶1.25∶1)was appropriate and the acute toxicity didn't increased.Conclusion The formula uniform design method can be effectively applied to analyze the multidrug effects,but its result must take a special field demand into account,and the estimated optimum dose and proportion for combination be demonstrated by another further experiment.

Key words: acetaminophen, butabital, caffeine, uniform design, combination drug therapy, drug synergism
