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Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics ›› 2019, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (7): 799-804.doi: 10.12092/j.issn.1009-2501.2019.07.012

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Efficiency of GnRH agonist trigger on embryo cultural outcomes in IVF subjects with diminished ovarian reserve

ZHANG Ling, XU Weihai, HUANG Qiongxiao, FU Xiaohua, ZHANG Lin, LI Shishi, ZHU Jing, WU Ruifang, SHU Jing   

  1. Department of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility, People's Hospital of Zhejiang Province/ People's Hospital Affiliated to Hangzhou Medical College, Hangzhou 310014, Zhejiang, China
  • Received:2018-07-12 Revised:2019-05-30 Online:2019-07-26 Published:2019-07-29


AIM: To compare the effect of two trigger protocols-GnRH agonist and hCG on in vitro fertilization cultural outcome in patients with diminished ovarian reserve (DOR). METHODS: The patients with DOR undertaking the first cycle of IVF treatment in our IVF center were recruited for this study, and those with GnRH antagonist down-regulation stimulation excluded. All subjects were analyzed in two groups-GnRHa and hCG. The outcomes of oocyte retrieval, normal fertilization, embryo development were compared between the two groups. RESULTS:Comparison of GnRHa and hCG between the two groups showed no significant difference in age, BMI, index of basal function of ovary and the related parameters of treatment. In group GnRHa, the normal fertilization rate (% egg number), available embryo rate (% egg number), good embryo rate (% egg number) and good embryo per embryo were 73.03%, 63.10% and 42.24% respectively, which were significantly higher than those of the hCG. However, the aforementioned significance did not existed after applying the model of generalized estimation equation for the balancing age, ovarian reserve function, infertility factors and treatment regimen. CONCLUSION:GnRHa trigger may result in an equal laboratory culture outcomes to hCG, which need to be further confirmed by prospective studies.

Key words: trigger protocol, GnRHa, hCG, cultural outcome, in vitro fertilization

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