
中国临床药理学与治疗学 ›› 2005, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (7): 760-763.

• 研究原著 • 上一篇    下一篇


汪芳, 王莉, 华潞, 胡颖, 康健, 张阴凤, 李一石   

  1. 中国医学科学院, 中国协和医科大学, 心血管病研究所暨阜外心血管病医院临床药理研究室, 北京100037
  • 收稿日期:2005-03-08 修回日期:2005-04-27 出版日期:2005-07-26 发布日期:2020-11-10
  • 通讯作者: 李一石, 女, 主任医师, 博士生导师, 研究方向:心血管临床医疗及临床药理。Tel:010-68331753 E-mail: liyishi@public3.bta.net.cn
  • 作者简介:汪芳, 女, 博士, 副主任医师, 研究方向:心血管临床医疗及临床药理。Tel:010-68331753 E-mail: wanfsr@sohu.com

Effects of different dosage of amiodarone on heart rate and rhythm in healthy volunteers

WANG Fang, WANG Li, HUA Lu, HU Yin, KANG Jian, ZHANG Yin-feng, LI Yi-shi   

  1. Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Cardiovascular Institute and FuWai Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medicine Science (CAMC), Beijing 100037, China
  • Received:2005-03-08 Revised:2005-04-27 Online:2005-07-26 Published:2020-11-10

摘要: 目的: 观察连续口服胺碘酮600 ~ 800 mg·d-1对健康受试者心率、心律的影响。方法: 16 名健康男性, 每日600 mg 或800 mg 连续分次口服胺碘酮。服药至出现各种缓慢心律失常时停药。试验过程严密监测心电图(ECG) 和24 h 动态心电图(Holter) 。结果: ECG: 胺碘酮800 mg 组服药1 d 后白昼心率即有明显下降, 停药3 周恢复至药前水平;用药后ECG 最早出现的改变为PR 间期延长。Holter: 服药3 d 时胺碘酮800 mg·d-1组平均心率及24 h 总心率数较用药前明显减低。停药1 周两组平均心率及24 h 总心率数与用药前比较差异无统计学意义。结论: 胺碘酮致心律失常作用的最早表现为P-R 间期延长, 与剂量呈正相关, 提示服用胺碘酮时应重视对PR 间期的监测。

关键词: 胺碘酮, 心率, 心律, I 期临床试验, 心律失常

Abstract: AIM: To compare the effects of 600 mg·d-1 and 800 mg·d-1 amiodarone on heart rate and rhythm in healthy volunteers. METHODS: 16 subjects were randomly assigned to two groups: amiodarone 800 mg·d-1 and 600mg·d -1 group. The drug was withdrawal when bradycardia arrhythmia occurred. The ECG and Holter were detected during procedure. RESULTS: Mean HR in 800 mg·d -1 and 600 mg·d -1 amiodarone group was significantly lower than that in the baseline after drugs were administrated 1 day (65 ±7.4 vs 75 ± 15.6 bpm, P <0.05) and 2 days, respectively, but both return to normal at 3 days afterwithdrawal. The earliest manifestation of ECG was prolongation of PR interval which was dose-related. QTc was prolonged after administration. Mean HR and total HR of 24 hours recorded by Holter significantly decreased at 3rd day in 800 mg·d -1, while they were not decreased in 600 mg·d -1 .HR restored to normal at 1 week after withdrawal. The reasons for withdrawal were prolongation of PR interval, paroxysmal sinus arrest, conjuncular /ventricular escape, II degree I /II atrioventricular block and sinus bradycardia. CONCLUSION: The earliest manifestation of amiodarone’s pro-arrhythmia is prolongation of PR interval which is dose-related. So the monitoring of PR interval is necessary after administration.

Key words: amiodarone, heart rate, rhythm, clinical trial, phase I
