
中国临床药理学与治疗学 ›› 1997, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (4): 260-263.

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袁成, 王景祥, 刘书盈1, 李晓华2   

  1. 济南军区总医院临床药理科,1呼吸科,2胸外科;济南 250031
  • 收稿日期:1997-08-01 修回日期:1997-08-22 出版日期:1997-12-26 发布日期:2020-11-30
  • 作者简介:袁成, 男, 34 岁, 主管药师, 主要从事临床药理学研究。 王景祥, 男, 62岁, 主任药师, 药理科主任, 全军新药评审委员会委员。

Effects of anticarcinogents on ondansetron pharmacokinetics in primary lung carcinoma patients

Yuan Cheng, Wang Jingxiang, Liu Shuying1, Li Xiaohua2   

  1. Department of Clinical Pharmacology, 1Deparment of Respiratory Medicine, 2Department of Thoracic Surgery, General Hospital of Jinan Military Comand, Jinan 250031
  • Received:1997-08-01 Revised:1997-08-22 Online:1997-12-26 Published:2020-11-30

摘要: 目的 研究 6种抗癌剂对奥丹西酮药动学的影响。方法 奥丹西酮的药动学在 21例分别应用 甲氨蝶呤、5-氟尿嘧啶 、环已亚硝脲、环磷酰胺和长春新碱 、顺氯氨铂的原发性肺癌患者中进行 观察, 化疗前和化疗同时服用奥丹西酮, 其血浆浓度采用反相高效液相色谱法测定。数据处理采 用 PKBP-N 1 程序。结果 奥丹西酮吸收快, 并符合二房室模型, 除单/大剂量冲击疗法, 持续应 用抗癌药物均使其药动学参数发生明显变化, T1/2β 延长约 1h, T1/2α 发生不规则变化, Cmax 和 AUC 也明显升高, 但 Tmax 和 T1/2ka 长期用药将发生体内蓄积。结论 临床应用奥丹西酮防治化 疗所致胃肠道反应时, 应据患者条件和化疗方案调整给药。

关键词: 奥丹西酮, 药物动力学, 抗癌药, 药物相互作用

Abstract: Aim To research the effects of anticarcinogens on the pharmacokinetics of on-dansetron. Methods The pharmacokinetics of ondansetron was studied in 21 cases of primary lung carcinoma treated with methotrexate, 5-fluorouracil, lomustine, cyclophosphamide plus vincristine, and cis-platin. Before and within chemotherapy, ondansetron concentrations in plasma were determined by a reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography. The data obtained were fitted with PKBP-N1 pharmacokinetic program. Results The plasma drug concentration-time course conformed to a two-compartment open model with a rapid absorption both before and after chemotherapy. Because methotrexate and lomustine were taken in single/large dose schedule, they did not cause the pharmacokinetic parameters of ondansetron to change markedly, but T1/2β was prolonged for about 0.5h. Other three chemother apiescaused the parametersof ondansetron to changemarkedly, except T1/2ka and Tmax, T1/2β was prolonged for 1h T1/2α hada irregular change, and Cmax and AUC were remarkably increased.But ondansetronwas stored up in patient's body after taken with multi-dose.Conclusion The test points out that regulating rationaly medicine plan is necessary when ondansetron is used within sustained chemotherapy.

Key words: ondansetron;pharmacokinetic;anticarcinogen
