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Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics ›› 1999, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (2): 119-121.

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Inhibitory effect of Bezoar Qianjinsan on central nervous system

XU Qing-Rong, LI Na, XU Yong, LIU Wei-Dong, TIAN Chun-Lin, WANG Xin-Jun   

  1. Department of Pharmacology, Binzhou Medical College, Binzhou 256603
  • Received:1999-01-18 Revised:1999-05-11 Online:1999-06-26 Published:2020-12-04

Abstract: Aim To explore the inhibitory effect of Bezoar Qianjisan on central nervous system.Methods Bezoar Qianjinsan was applied to mice via stomach to observe its effect on the convulsion induced Caffeine sodium benzoate, or elect rostimulation and the spontancous activity of mice.Bezoar Qianjinsan was also applied together with pentobarbital sodium or codeine to observe the hypnotic effect by test ing the disappearance of ref lex 15 min after drug application, or the analgesic effect by observing mice's writhing motion.Result Bezoar Qianjinsan could antagonize drug or ellevtrost imulation induced convulsions obviously, enhance the hypnotic action of pentobarbital sodium, potentiate the analgesic effect of codeine, and to some extent reduce the spantaneous activity of mice.The da ta were statistically very significant as compared with those in the control group(P<0.01). Conclusion Bezoar Qianjinsan could inhibit central nervo us activity of mice.

Key words: mouse, anticonvulsion, hypno, analgesic, spontaneous activity

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