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Appeal Policy

  • Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics welcomes reasonable appeals from authors based on sufficient reasons and evidences. If you want to appeal the handling decision of the manuscript, please submit an appeal letter to the email (cjcpt96@163.com) of the journal editorial department, clearly stating the basis of the appeal. The appeal letter should include the following content:

    (1) Reply to our journal's handling comments on the manuscript item by item and provide clear reasons for refutation, explaining why the manuscript should be reconsidered.

    (2) If it is believed that the reviewer made an error in evaluating the manuscript, relevant material explanations should be provided.

    (3) If it is believed that the reviewer may have a conflict of interest, relevant evidence should be attached.

    After receiving the appeal, our journal will decide whether to arrange for a re review based on the reasonableness of the appeal content. The author's appeal will be notified by email within one month. Each manuscript only accepts one appeal, and the decision on this appeal will be final. Do not accept repeated or unfounded appeals.

  • 2024-09-11 Visited: 118