journal1 ›› 2014, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (12): 1293-1295.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2014-22-12-19

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Investigation and analysis on influencing factors of neglect experiences for rural elementary and middle school students in Xuzhou city.

GONG Xiang-jun1,CHU Ying1,JIANG Li-yong2,NIU Xiao-xia2,MAO Wei-wei2.   

  1. 1 Maternal and Child Health-Care Centers of Xuzhou,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221009,China;
    2 Maternal and Child Health-Care Centers of Tongshan District in Xuzhou,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221116,China
  • Received:2014-03-19 Online:2014-12-10 Published:2014-12-10
  • Contact: CHU Ying,



  1. 1 徐州市妇幼保健所,江苏 徐州 221009;
    2 徐州市铜山区妇幼保健所,江苏 徐州 221116
  • 通讯作者: 褚英,
  • 作者简介::宫相君(1985-),女,安徽人,医师,硕士学位,主要研究方向为儿童行为发育。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Object To investigate the incidence and impact factors of neglect for rural elementary and middle school students in Xuzhou,and to provide scientific basis for making a scientific interventions to reduce the incidence of neglect for rural elementary and middle school students. Method Two towns were randomly selected in Xuzhou,and a primary and a junior high school were selected from one township,and a high school from another township,one class was selected form each grade,scale of "Projection of Neglect Experiences for Rural Elementary and Middle School Students in China" was applied to investigate the incidence and impact factors of neglect for rural elementary and middle school students. Results A total of 533 students were investigated,in which 112 was from Grade 1~3 (age groups 6~8 years old),139 was from Grade 4~6 (age groups 9~11 years old),282 was from junior and senior school (age groups 12~17 years old),the total incidence of neglect was 25.3 %,26.7%,38.5% respectively.Chi-square analysis showed the incidence of neglect was colosly related with those factors,such as parents' workplace often changed,relationship of teenagers with their parents,and only-child or not. Conclusions In order to create a harmonious parent-child relationship,and reduce the incidence of neglect for elementary and middle school students,parents should provide a stable family environment for their children,and pay more attention to adolescence students whose physical and mental development are more special.

Key words: rural, elementary and middle school students, neglect

摘要: 目的 调查徐州市农村中小学生忽视发生率及其影响因素,为减少农村中小学生忽视发生制定科学的干预措施。方法 随机抽取徐州市两个乡镇,其中1个乡镇选1所小学和1所初中,另一个乡镇选1所高中,每个年级随机抽取一个班,采用《中国农村中小学生忽视项目》的量表进行调查。结果 共调查533人,其中1~3年级(年龄6~8岁)112人,4~6年级(年龄9~11岁)139人,初一至高三年级(年龄12~17岁)中学生282人,总忽视发生率分别是25.3%、26.7%、38.5%,χ2检验结果示,父母工作地点变动、与父母关系、是否为独生子女等因素与忽视发生率密切相关。结论 家长应给予子女一个稳定的家庭环境,更多地关注处于身心发育都较为特殊的青春期学生,形成和谐的亲子关系,以减少农村中小学生受忽视的发生。

关键词: 农村, 中小学生, 忽视

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