journal1 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (1): 90-92.

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Survey on family sports behaviors of primary school students in Hangzhou

GE Qiu-hong1,FU Li-xing2,YU Jun-yan3   

  1. 1 Hangzhou Chenjinglun Sports School,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310007,China;
    2 Binwen Campus of Hangzhou Puyan Primary School,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310053,China;
    3 Hangzhou Modern Experimental Primary School,Hangzhou,Zhejiang 310014,China
  • Received:2011-10-09 Online:2012-01-06 Published:2012-12-06



  1. 1 杭州市陈经纶体育学校,浙江 杭州 310007;
    2 杭州市浦沿小学滨文校区,浙江 杭州 310053;
    3 杭州市现代实验小学,浙江 杭州 310014
  • 作者简介:葛秋虹(1965-),女,浙江人,副主任医师,本科学历,主要从事医学和心理学工作

Abstract: 【Objective】 To understand the status of family sports behaviors of primary school students in Hangzhou and promote their healthy development. 【Method】 362 households with primary school students were surveyed with an adapted questionnaire based on the Questionnaire of National Citizens' Physical Endowments Supervision in 2005. 【Results】 70.17% of families had sports consumptions; children in 29.83% of families had over one hour for extra-curricular sports on average; children whose parents attended sports activities for over 3 times a week had longer extra-curricular sports time and less affected by influenza than those whose parents attended sports activities less than once a week. 【Conclusion】 Reduce the homework of primary school students, improve their parents' awareness of the importance of family sports and increase the sports time between parents and children are essential to promote their healthy development.

Key words: primary school students, family sports, behavior, survey

摘要: 【目的】 了解杭州市小学生家庭体育行为的现状,以促进小学生健康发展。 【方法】 采用根据2005年国民体质监测调查表改编的问卷对362个小学生家庭进行调查。 【结果】 70.17%的家庭有各种体育类消费,29.83%的家庭儿童平均每天课外体育活动累计时间在1 h以上, 父母均每周参加体育活动在3次以上的家庭的儿童较父母均每周参加体育活动在1次以下家庭的儿童平均每天课外体育活动累计时间长、一年患3次及以上感冒的人数少。 【结论】 减轻小学生的学业负担,提高家长对家庭体育的认识,增加家长和儿童一起体育活动的时间,可以促进小学生的健康成长。

关键词: 小学生, 家庭体育, 行为, 调查

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