journal1 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (12): 1090-1093.

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Current situation of maternal knowledge related with infant sleep health during pregnancy in urban area

Chinese Infants Sleep Development Study Group   

  • Received:2012-09-04 Online:2012-12-06 Published:2012-12-06



  • 通讯作者: 王惠珊,
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To find out the status of maternal knowledge related with infant sleep health in urban area and correlation between maternal knowledge and demographic characteristics. 【Methods】 469 data were collected with questionnaire which was filled by themselves.Data were analyzed with Binomial Logistic Regression to explore the relationship between maternal knowledge and demographic characteristics. 【Results】 The percentages of mothers who knew the changing trend of infant sleep duration and could decide infant's sleep status correctly were 75.3% and 55.9% respectively.88.3% of them prefered to have their infants sleep in the baby's crib,67.0% of them believed they should put their baby in bed before they fall asleep,and 68.7% of them would not soothe their infant right after night wakes or not soothe at all.Maternal age,level of education and family income were correlated with maternal knowledge related with infant sleep health. 【Conclusion】 The popularity of health promotion related with infant sleep health is effective in urban area,and it could be improved by highlighting specific issues to different population in accordance with their needs,especially the mothers with relatively low level of education.

Key words: infant sleep, maternal knowledge, influencing factor

摘要: 【目的】 了解城市地区孕妇对婴儿睡眠健康的认知情况及人群分布特点。 【方法】 采用自填式问卷调查469名孕妇对婴儿睡眠健康相关知识的认知情况。选择多元logistic回归模型探索母亲孕期认知的社会人口学分布特征。 【结果】 城市孕妇对婴儿期睡眠时间变化趋势、睡眠/觉醒状态判断知晓率分别为75.3%和55.9%,88.3%的母亲选择同室独床或单独卧室,67.0%的母亲认为应在婴儿完全清醒或犯困未睡着时将婴儿放到床上睡觉,68.7%的母亲认为应在婴儿夜醒后不安抚或先观察再安抚。母亲学历、年龄及家庭收入与孕期母亲的睡眠健康认知水平存在相关性。 【结论】 城市地区母亲孕期在婴儿睡眠健康认知方面状况较好,但仍有相当比例母亲尤其是低学历者存在一定误区,相关睡眠健康教育有待强化。

关键词: 婴儿睡眠, 母亲认知, 影响因素

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