journal1 ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (12): 1303-1305.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2015-23-12-22

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Relationship between sexual self-concept,sexual self-efficacy and sexual risk cognition among female puberty.

ZHANG Yue-zhen,LUO Jun-hong.   

  1. Department of Nursing,Quanzhou Medical College,Fujian,Quanzhou,Fujian 362100,China
  • Received:2015-02-01 Online:2015-12-10 Published:2015-12-10
  • Contact: LUO Jun-hong,



  1. 泉州医学高等专科学校护理系,福建 泉州 362100
  • 通讯作者: 骆俊宏,
  • 作者简介:张月珍(1972-),女,副教授,本科学历,主要研究方向为儿童与青少年保健。

Abstract: Objectives To discuss the relationship between sexual self-concept,sexual self-efficacy and sexual risk cognition,and provide strong material for our sexual health education of female puberty.Methods Multi-stage cluster proportional sampling was performed and questionnaires of sexual self-concept,sexual self-efficacy,sexual risk cognition were administered to collect data from a medicine college with 758 valid copies replied.Results 1)The delay of premarital sexual of self-concept had highest score;The personal efficacy of sexual self-efficacy had highest score;And the high risk behavior of sexual risk cognition had highest score.2)Relationships between sexual self-concept,sexual self-efficacy,and sexual risk cognition among female puberty were statistically significant.Conclusion Relationships between sexual self-concept,sexual self-efficacy and sexual risk cognition were statistically significant among female puberty.

Key words: sexual self-concept, sexual self-efficacy, sexual risk cognition, female puberty

摘要: 目的 探讨青春期女性的性自我概念、性自我效能与性危险认知的关系,为我国青春期女性的性健康教育提供有力的素材。方法 采多阶段集束比例取样方法,对758名16~18岁青春期女性进行性自我概念、性自我效能、性危险认知的调查。结果 1)青春期女性在性自我概念中以延后婚前性行为得分最高;而性自我效能中以个人效能得分最高;在性危险认知中以高危性行为得分最高。2)青春期女性的性自我概念与性自我效能间具有显著相关性;性自我概念与性危险认知间具有显著相关性;性自我效能与性危险认知间具有显著相关性。结论 青春期女性的性自我概念与性自我效能、以及性自我效能与性危险认知之间具有显著关系。

关键词: 性自我概念, 性自我效能, 性危险认知, 青春期女性

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