journal1 ›› 2015, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (12): 1319-1322.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2015-23-12-27

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Study on knowledge,attitudes and parent-child communication of child sexual abuse
prevention in young children's parents in Beijing city.

CHEN Jing-qi1,YU Bu-yi1,FENG Ya-nan1,ZHANG Wen-jing1,LI Jing-yi1,ZHAO Xiao-xia1,
JIN Yi-chen1,LIU Cheng-feng1,QIU Chen2,HAN Ping3,KONG Yan-qiu4.   

  1. 1 Institute of Child and Adolescent Health,Peking University Health Science Center,Beijing 100191,China;
    2 Beijing Sixth Hospital,Beijing 100007,China;
    3 Maternal and Child Health Hospital of Haidian District,Beijing 100080,China;
    4 Fuxin City Teachers Training College,Fuxin,Liaoning 100023,China
  • Received:2015-01-08 Online:2015-12-10 Published:2015-12-10



  1. 1 北京大学医学部儿童青少年卫生研究所,北京 100191;
    2 北京市第六医院,北京 100007;3 北京市海淀区妇幼保健院,北京 100080;
    4 阜新市教师进修学院,辽宁 阜新 100023
  • 作者简介:陈晶琦(1958-),女,辽宁人,教授,博士学位,主要研究方向为学校健康教育、预防儿童虐待等问题。
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: Objective To explore the knowledge,attitudes and parent-child communication of child sexual abuse (CSA) prevention in young children's parents in Beijing city,and to provide reference for CSA prevention education. Method Totally 214 parents of young children in two kindergartens of Beijing were participated in the research and surveyed by the self-administered questionnaires anonymously.Results Among 214 parents of young children,45.8% of them knew that children were most likely to be sexually abused by people familiar to them,over one quarter parents worried about that the prevention education would have a negative impact on children,53.5% parents had told children if sexual abuse happens,parents or other trustworthy adults should be told.Conclusion More attention need to be paid to CSA prevention education in parents of young children,and parent-child communication of CSA prevention need to be promoted.

Key words: prevention of child sexual abuse, knowledge, young children, parents

摘要: 目的 了解幼儿家长预防儿童性侵犯知识、态度和亲子间交流状况及其影响因素,为做好幼儿家长预防儿童性侵犯教育工作提供参考依据。方法 本调查对象来自同意参加这项研究的2所北京市幼儿园儿童家长。采用不记名自填式问卷调查方法。结果 45.8%的家长能认识到对儿童进行性侵犯的人多为儿童熟悉的人,超1/4的家长担心预防儿童性侵犯教育可能会使儿童对“性”知道得太多而产生不好的影响,53.5%家长与儿童谈论过不要保守性侵犯这样的秘密,要告诉信任的人。结论 要重视幼儿家长预防性侵犯教育工作,促进亲子间预防性侵犯问题的交流。

关键词: 预防儿童性侵犯, 知识, 小学生, 家长

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