journal1 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (7): 588-590.

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Research on the mean length of the three longest utterances in Mandarin-speaking toddlers aged 16 to 30 months in Shenyang

WANG Yong-juan,ZHAO Ya-ru,TAN Ying-hua,JIANG Shu-ping,PAN Hong-di,MA Xian-sheng.   

  1. Developmental Pediatrics of Shengjing Hospital,China Medical University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110004,China
  • Received:2012-02-07 Online:2012-07-06 Published:2012-07-06



  1. 中国医科大学附属盛京医院发育儿科,辽宁 沈阳 110004
  • 通讯作者: 赵亚茹,
  • 作者简介:汪永娟(1984-),女,山东人,在读硕士研究生,专业方向为发育儿科
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To identify the mean length of the three longest utterances(MLU3)development in Mandarin-speaking toddlers aged 16 to 30 months. 【Methods】 Using face-to-face interviews with the CCDI(Chinese Communicative Development Inventory-Mandarin Version),parents of 194 toddlers aged 16 to 30 months randomly selected in two urban districts in Shenyang were asked to report three of their children's longest utterances.Then calculated the MLU3 of each child.Next it was given that childrens' MLU3 change with age. 【Results】 184 toddlers entered the study.The MLU3 value increased with the age increase gradually.Linear regression analysis showed that MLU3 was positively correlated with age(r=0.742);The MLU3 of 23 months group was more than that of 22 months group,the difference was statistically significant(P<0.01);The MLU3 of rest adiacent groups showed no significant difference. 【Conclusions】 The mean length of the three longest utterances in Mandarin-speaking toddlers developes gradually as age increased from 16 months to 30 months.22~23 months is the rapidly period for MLU3 development.

Key words: mandarin, mean length of utterance, toddlers

摘要: 【目的】 了解16~30月幼儿普通话最长语句的平均句子长度随年龄增长的变化规律。 【方法】 采用现况定量研究方法。随机抽取沈阳市2个城区194名16~30月幼儿,家长完整填写《汉语沟通发展量表使用手册》中的幼儿量表,以词为单位计算每名幼儿最长3句话的平均句子长度(MLU3),观察MLU3随年龄增长的变化情况。 【结果】 184名幼儿进入研究。MLU3值随年龄增长而逐渐增加,直线回归分析示MLU3与月龄呈正相关(r=0.742);23月组MLU3值较22月明显增加,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),余相邻各组间MLU3值差异无统计学意义。 【结论】 16~30月幼儿普通话最长语句的平均句子长度随着月龄的增长而不断发展,22~23月是最长语句平均句子长度发展最迅速的时期。

关键词: 普通话, 平均句子长度, 幼儿

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