Responsible Institution: China Association for Science and Technology
Sponsored by: The Chinese Pharmacological Society
Editor-in-Chief: HUANG Zhili
ISSN 1009-2501
CN 34-1206/R
Pharmacologic effects and clinical evaluation of Tenapanor, a new drug for hyperphosphatemia
HOU Wenping1,2, XU Lei2, SU Changhai2
1Graduate School of Baotou Medical College,Baotou 014060, Inner Mongolia, China; 2Department of Pharmacy, Ordos Central Hospital, Ordos 017000, Inner Mongolia, China
HOU Wenping, XU Lei, SU Changhai. Pharmacologic effects and clinical evaluation of Tenapanor, a new drug for hyperphosphatemia[J]. Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, 2023, 28(12): 1429-1435.