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Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics ›› 1999, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (2): 101-103.

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Microcalorimetric study of ant iviral effect of antiviral antibiotic 17997

LU Jian-Hua, TAN An-Min, TAO Pei-Zhen   

  1. The Secnod Affiliated Hospital of Lanzhou Medical College, 730030
  • Received:1999-01-25 Revised:1999-02-23 Online:1999-06-26 Published:2020-12-04

Abstract: Aim and Methods The thermog enesis curves of Vero cells infected by HSV-Ⅰ and the effect of 17997, a newly-found antiviral antibiotic, on the duplication of HSV-Ⅰ were determined by the LKB 2277 themal activity monitor.Results We found that HSV-Ⅰ interfered a with the metabolism of the Vero cells that had been infected and there was an increase in the heat production.When the Vero cells were treated with 17997 at the concent ration of 1×10-6mol·ml-1, the thermo genesis curves can decline to that of normal metabolism of Vero cells. Conclusion The antibiot ic 17997 can inhibit the duplication of HSV-Ⅰ and has no effect on the metabolism of Vero cells.

Key words: microcalorimet ry, HSV-Ⅰ, antibiotic 17997

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