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Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics ›› 1999, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (2): 140-143.

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Effects of lidocaine and propofol on the activities of myocardial sarcolemmal Na+-K+-ATP ase and sarcoplasic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase following ischemia-reperfusion

LIU Hong-Liang, DAiti-Jun, WANG Jun, ZEN Yin-Ming   

  1. Medical Institute of A neathesia, XuZhou Medical College, XuZhou 221002
  • Received:1999-04-14 Online:1999-06-26 Published:2020-12-04

Abstract: Aim To investigate the effects of lidocaine and propofol on the activities of myocardial sarcolemmal Na+-K+-ATPase and SR Ca2+-ATPase following ischemia-reperfusion. Methods forty-eight rats were randomly divided into six groups:Sham group(the coronary was not sutured), NS group (saline 5 ml·kg-1), L5 group (lidocaine 5 mg·kg-1), L10 group (lidocain 10 mg·kg-1), P300 group (propofol 300 μg·kg-1·min-1)and P1000 group (propofol 1000 μg·kg-1·min-1).Five minutes before ischemia, Saline or lidocaine was injected intrav eneously within 30 seconds and propofol was infused intraveneously till the onset of ischemia.The left coronary artery was occluded with a silk suture for fifteen minutes, then loosened to achieve reperfusion for ten minutes.The activities of sarcolemmal Na+-K+-AT Pase and SR Ca2+-A TPase were measured with pho to colorme-t re.Results Compared with that in NS group the activ ities of S R Ca2+-A TPase in the lido caine groups were increased significantly (P<0.05), while the activites of sarco lemmal Na+-K+-A TPase in propofol groups were increased significantly(P<0.05, P<0.01 respectively).Propofol of 1000 μg·kg-1·min-1 could increase the activity of SR Ca2+-ATPase (P<0.05).Lidocaine of 10 ml·kg-1 could increase the activity of sa rco lemmal Na+-K+-ATP ase significantly (P<0.05). Conclusion Lido caine, propofol could attenuate my ocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury by increasing the activities of sarcolemmal Na+-K+-ATPase and SR Ca2+-AT Pase during reperfusion.

Key words: lidocaine, propofol, sarcolemma Na+-K+-AT Pase, sarco plasic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, ischemia-reperfusion/myocardium

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