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    Volume 11 Issue 2
    06 February 2006
    Bioactivity and function of BAM22
    CAI Mei-fang, HONG Yan-guo
    2006, 11(2):  121-125. 
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    BAM22( Bovine adrenal medulla 22) is a peptide with 22 amino acids that is one of the cleavage products of proenkephalin A,-the precursor of Leu-and Met-enkephalin .It binds to μ-、δ-and κ-opioid receptors with a high affinity, and this binding is naloxone-displace- able .The BAM22 peptide exhibits opioid activities.It has been found recently that BAM22 also displays an affinity to novel “ orphan” G-protein-coupled receptors, named the sensory neuron-specific receptor ( SNSR) .The fact that SNSR is uniquely localized in the small sensory neu- rons of dorsal root ganglion renews interest for studying the peptide .The bioactivity and functions of BAM22 were re- viewed in this article.
    Advancement of vanilloid receptor 1
    CHEN Min, ZHANG Lu-yong, YAN Ming
    2006, 11(2):  126-130. 
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    Vanilloid receptor subtype 1 ( VR1) is a central molecule of injury sense.VR1 plays an important role in pain generation at central nerve system level, or at peripheral level ;further more, VR1 involves in many physiological actions and pathological processes .The acti- vated VR1 at the terminus of nerve can regulate blood pressure by affecting peripheral blood vessel contraction or relaxation .Activated VR1 can protect myocardium from ischemic injury .VR1 is also involved in asthma, gastric secretion, and gastrointestinal motility .Besides, VR1 ac- tivation can inhibit hair shaft growth, and induce tumor cells apoptosis .The concise report reviewed the advance- ment of VR1 research in recent years .
    DNA methylation and tumor disease
    WU Zhong-nan , ZHOU Xiang-jun , WANG Yong-xiang
    2006, 11(2):  131-135. 
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    Abnormal methylation of DNA in certain genomic regions is a frequent epigenetic alteration that is involved in Human tumorigenesis and development .Vari- ous studies have shown that this aberrant DNA modifica- tion can be detected in body fluids of tumor patients, e . g .circulating blood , sputum , urine .So the evaluation of DNA methylation in these body fluids by methylaion de- tection methods can be utilized as a potential biomarker for early cancer detection and accurately clinical assess . This plays a significant role in cancer diagnosis and treat- ment .
    Relationship between hypertension and inflammation
    WU Jin-shou, HONG Hua-shan
    2006, 11(2):  136-140. 
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    Inflammatory processes appear to play an important role in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular dis- eases.It has been established that inflammation has a pivotal role in the atherosclerosis .As a major risk factor contributed to atherosclerosis, hypertension seems to be a chronically low-grade inflammation process .Lots of stud- ies suggested that blood pressure elevation is significantly positive correlation with the levels of inflammatory medi- ators, such as C-reactive protein .Inflammation may pro- mote the process of hypertension .Furthermore, inflamma- tion is highly associated with cardiac fibrosis and vascular remodeling in hypertension .Current clinical trials, for example, ASCOT-LLA suggested that use atorvastatin to reduce the inflammatory reaction in hypertensive patients with normal concentration of cholesterol would decrease the major cardiovascular events ( relative risk reduction 36 %) .This paper summarizes the association inflamma- tion with hypertension as well as cardiac fibrosis and vas- cular remodeling, and tries to explore the clinical signifi- cance of the association .
    Most advanced review on non-lipid-regulating action of atorvastatin
    SUN shan, WU Shang-qin
    2006, 11(2):  141-144. 
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    Recent reports have indicated that Statins could remarkably improve the prognosis of patients suf- fered from coronary artery disease .And this effect is not only due to Statin' s lipid-regulating function, but also correlated to its non-lipid-regulating action .Atorvastatin is the latest kind of statins .In this article, we specified the non-lipid-regulating effect of Atorvastatin in the preven- tion and therapy to coronary artery disease .Furthermore, we summarized its corresponding clinical evaluation or se- curity .
    CPU0213 ameliorates vascular activity of septic shock rats by suppressing ET system and NF-κB pathway
    HE Hai-bo , YUAN Sheng-hua , DAI De-zai , JI Min
    2006, 11(2):  145-152. 
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    AIM:To study the amelioration of blood vessel and mechanism of a non-selective ETA ETB receptor antagonist (CPU0213)on cecal ligation and puncture (CLP)rats .METHODS :After 8 hours at CLP , the rats were subcutaneouly administered with CPU0213 (30 mg·kg -1 , bid ×3 d).During the time , the changes of survival, hemodynamic parameter (mean arterial pres- sure :MAP, HR :heart rate), indexes of important or- gans and weight of peritoneal exudates were reviewed , plasma ET-1 and serum iNOS , GSH-PX , SOD , MDA were detected , simultaneously , the activity of aorta pecto- ralis and was registered , the mRNA expressions of NF- κB , TNF-α, iNOS , ECE (endothelin converting enzyme), preproET-1 , ETA , ETB receptor and the activated NF-κB protein amount of mesenteric blood vessel were detected . RESULTS:In the septic model group , the MAP and survival rate decreased (P <0 .01);the HR , indexes of important organs and weight of peritoneal exudates were increased significantly (P <0 .01);blood vessel activity of aorta pectoralis (in vivo and in vitro)were decreased ; The levels of ET-1 , iNOS and ROS in serum were mark- edly increased (P <0 .01);the mRNA levels of TNF-α, iNOS , preproET-1 , ECE , ETA R and ETBR in mesenteric blood vessel were enhanced significantly (P <0 .01);the protein amount of activated NF-κB was increased (P < 0 .01)versus sham-operated group .All of these changes were reversed after CPU0213 administration .CONCLU- SION:CPU0213 can lessen the impairment of vascular smooth muscle cell, decrease effusion , recover vascular normal activity , degrade indexes of organs, and elevate survival rate by suppressing the ET system and NF-κB pathway .
    Expression change of ADAR1 gene of alveolar macrophages in acute lung injury
    WU Yu-mei, MA-Xue, XIONG Xiao-yun, MENG Jing-ru, HU-Jing, LI Ming-kai, LUO Xiao-xing
    2006, 11(2):  153-157. 
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    AIM :To observe the expression change of ADAR1 gene of alveolar macrophages( AMs) in acute lung injury( ALI) and what role ADAR1 gene maybe play in the disease .METHODS:The ALI model was induced by intratracheal administration of LPS and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid cells were counted by hemacytometer .For the differential cell count, the cells in BALF, which centri- fuged to glass slides using cytospin cartridge were stained with a modified Wright/Giemsa stain and the percent of AMs was got ;at the same time, RT-PCR was carried out to measure the expression change of adar1 gene in the ALI models .RESULTS:The total cell count in BAL, which collected from successfully induced ALI models by intra- tracheal administration of LPS at the dose of 2 .5 mg·kg -1 increased sharply , from 1 .74 ×106 in control group to the peak 17 .13 ×106 , 1 .70 ×106 at 6 h and 9 h respectively as ALI developed after IT LPS ;The absolute count of AMs increased especially at 6 h to 9 h after IT LPS, while the percent of AMs decreased from nearly 98 %in sham group to 21 % in ALI model group .The expression of ADAR1 gene increased time-dependently, especially at 6 h and 9 h of ALI.CONCLUSION:The absolute count of AMs increases significantly in ALI model and ADAR1 gene of AMs expression also increases .ADAR1 gene of AMs may play a very important role in ALI .
    Study of mechanisms and effects of lycopene on lipid peroxidation injure in hyperlipemia rabbits
    TANG Xiang-yu, SUN Wen-qing, WANG Lei, GUO Fang, HE Hui, DING Li, QU Shun-ling, Xiao Chun , YANG Xiang-dong
    2006, 11(2):  158-163. 
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    AIM :To continuously observe the protec- tive effects of lycopene on lipid peroxidation injure in hy- perlipemia rabbits and to study the possible mechanisms . MEDHODS :30 New Zealand rabbits were randomly di- vided into three groups .They were individually housed in metal cages .Throughout the experimental period, they were given restricted amounts of food ( 80 -100 g·h-1 per day ) .Control group was fed with normal diet ;Model group was fed with 1 %cholesterol, 10 %lard and 89 % normal diet ;Lycopene group was fed with 1 %cholester- ol, 10 % lard and normal diet plus 6 %lycopene ( 60 mg·kg -1·d-1 ) ;At the time of the first day, the second, 4th, 6th and 8th week, Blood samples were drawn from ear edge vein of rabbits .Total cholesterol ( TC) , Triglyc- eride ( TG ) and High density lipoprotein cholesterol ( HDL-C) , Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and Ma- · 162 · Chin J Clin Pharmacol Ther 2006 Feb;11( 2) leic dialdehyde (MDA) content of serum were detected . The level of serum nitric oxide synthases ( NOS) activity and Nitric oxide ( NO) were determined .At the end of the study, the plaque areas were measured .SPSS 10 .0 software was used to evaluate the differences between three groups .RESULTS :Compared with Model group, lycopene could reduce the levels of serum TG and MDA, increase serum SOD activity, increase serum NO, dimin- ish lipid plaque areas significantly .CONCLUSION :Ly- copene has antiatherogenic effect .The possible mecha- nisms may be that lycopene can reduce TG, decrease lipid peroxidation injure and protect vascular endothelium in hyperlipemia rabbits .
    Effect of diethylstilbestrol on TNBS-induced colitis
    JIN Yan, LIU Li, WANG Qing-wei, WANG Zhi-peng, LI Yu-hua, FENG Juan, MEI Qing-bing
    2006, 11(2):  168-172. 
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    AIM:To observe the modulatory action of diethylstilbestrol on TNBS-induced colitis .METHODS: After the rats with colitis induced by TNBS were injected intramuscularly with diethylstilbestrol at doses of 50, 100, 150, 200 μg·kg -1 respectively, they were killed on day 7 postdose .Then determined colon weight, ulcerative erea, thymus weight, spleen weight, MPO aetivity and observed microstructure with HE staining .RESULTS:Diethylstil- bestrol at the dose of 50 μg·kg-1 deteriorate the inflam- mation, but diethylstilbestrol of 100 μg·kg -1 ameliorate the disease .Interestingly, diethylstilbestrol increased the mortality rate of the rats though it relieved inflammatory response significantly at the doses of 150 and 200 μg·kg -1 .CONCLUSIOND:Diethylstilbestrol exhibits curative effect at the proper dose, while much lower or higher level of diethylstibestrol can not be used to treat the colitis .
    Synergistic protective effect of NGF and ganglionside GM1 on the Intoxica- tion of 2, 5-hexanedione in PC12 cells
    LIU Li, YANG Guo-cheng, LIU Shao-ping, MENG Xiang-ping, GAO Xing-hua, TANG Bei-bei
    2006, 11(2):  173-177. 
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    AIM:To investigate whether NGF and GM1 have synergistic protective effect on 2, 5-HD intoxi- cation in PC12 cells .METHODS :Cells were divided into control group and treated groups at random .Control group was maintained in normal medium ;treated groups were exposed to 2, 5-HD with or without NGF, GM1 .The cells' morphological changes were observed by inverted microscope after being dyed with Giemsa .The cell via- bility was determined by MTT assay .The apoptotic ratio was determined by flow cytometry ( FCM) .RESULTS: PC12 cells which was treated by 2, 5-HD injury aggravat- ed, the cell viability decreased ( P <0 .01) , and the ap- optotic ratio increased ( P <0 .01) .PC12 cells pretreated with NGF and GM1 obviously resisted injury, the cell via- bility increased ( P <0 .05) , apoptotic ratio decreased ( P <0 .05) .Combination of NGF and GM1 afforded addit- ional protection that was greater than that of either agent individually ( P <0 .01) .CONCLUSION:2, 5-HD in- hibited the survival, induced apoptosis and injury of PC12 cells.NGF and GM1 showed synergistic protective effect on 2, 5-HD intoxication in PC12 cells .
    Determination of ropivacaine in plasma by modified reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography
    DONG Xi-chen , FU Zhao-hui , ZHANG Wen-zhong , HUANG Yu-guang
    2006, 11(2):  178-180. 
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    AIM :To establish a Reversed-Phase high performance liquid chromatography method for determina- tion of plasma ropivacaine in dog .METHODS:The sam- ple was deproteinated by acetonitrile and determined with RP-HPLC and ultraviolet detection .the analytical column was Intertsil C18 column (4 .6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm).The mobile phase consisted of methanol :H2O(50 ∶50), the detection wavelength was 215 nm and the flow rate was 1 .4 ml·min -1 , the column temperature was 20 ℃, the sensitivity was 0 .02AUFS respectively .The volume of sample for detection is 10 μl .RESULTS:The linear range was 0 .1 -25 μg·ml-1(r =0 .9992).The recovery of ropivacaine was 91 .2 %-93 .6 %, RSD was 2 .10 %- 3 .40 %(n =6).The detection limit was 0 .05 μg·ml -1 . the intra-day and interday precisions of assay for ropiva- caine was 1 .35 %-2 .88 % and 1 .80 %-3 .76 %.The quantative analysis of ropivacaine in plasma was not inter- fered by impurities .CONCLUSION:The assay method was shown to be suitable for determination the concentra- tion of ropivacaine in plasma.The method is simple , ac- curate , sensitive and reproducible .
    Effects of puerarin on GSK-3 in hepatic cell in rats with insulin resistance
    HONG Tian, BI Hui-min, BI Xin
    2006, 11(2):  207-210. 
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    AIM:To develop a rat model of insulin resistance and observe the effect of puerarin injection on expression of GSK-3 in insulin resistance rats . METHEDS:30 Wistar rats were divided into three groups randomly :control group, model group and puerar- in group .The model group and puerarin group were given high fat diet ( 20 %surcose, 10 %ard, 2 .5 %chlesterol, 1 % cholic acid) for 4 weeks .Then the puerarin group was given abdominal injection puerarin 100 mg·kg -1·d-1 for six weeks .At the end of this experiment, we detect GSK-3 protein by western-blot analysis .Then computer image pattern analysis system was used to analyze the ex- pression of GSK-3 in the hepatacyte.RESULTS:Tthe model group showed a hyperglycemia, hyperinsulinism, the ISI decreased and HOMA-IR increased .GSK-3 ex- pression enhanced in the model group, but the expression of GSK-3 in puerarin group decreased compared to the model group .CONCLUSION:Puerarin injection can significantly decreased the expression of GSK-3 and im- prove insulin resistance .
    Rapid determination of loxoprofen in human plasma by HPLC-MS and its pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence study
    LI Hao, SUN Jian-guo, WANG Guang-ji, JIANG Xi-ling, XIE Yuan-yuan, LI Peng
    2006, 11(2):  211-214. 
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    AIM:To develop an assay for the quanti- fication of the loxoprofen in human plasma and study its pharmacokinetics and bioequivalence in healthy volun- teers .METHODS:The method involves the addition of ibuprofen ( internal standard) solution in methanol, hex- ane-ether ( 4 ∶1, v/v ) solution to 0 .2 ml acidified plas- ma sample, followed by centrifugation .Separations were performed on Diamonsil 150 mm ×2 .1 mm, 5 μm column with the mobile phase of 0 .2 %NH4 Ac-acetonitrile ( 25 ∶75, v/v ) .This LC-MS method was established for the determination of loxoprofen in human plasma after a single oral dose administration of 60 mg loxoprofen sodium ( test preparation and reference preparation) in a crossover de- sign .RESULTS:The method is successfully validated in the pharmacokinetics study of loxoprofen in human volun- teers .The main pharmacokinetic parameters after a single dose administration of 60 mg loxoprofen sodium were as follows ( test and reference) :Cmax 7 .17 ±1 .63 and 6 .94 ±13 .30 μg·ml -1 , Tmax 0 .46 ±0 .23 and 0 .46 ±0 .28 h, AUC0 -10 11 .65 ±13 .75 and 11 .19 ±18 .28 μg·ml -1·h, AUC0 -∞12 .04 ±1 .42 and 11 .64 ±1 .89 μg·ml -1·h . CONCLUSION :The method is simple and readily appli- cable to routine bioavailability studies of loxoprofen sodi- um with high sensitivity and the relative bioavailability of loxoprofen sodium is ( 105 .3 ±11 .5) %.The results show that the test and reference preparation are bioequiva- lent .
    Effects of co-administering probenecid orally on pharmacokinetics of cefaclor in rabbits
    LUAN Jia-jie, MA Zhang-qing, WANG Wu-san, GUI Chang-qing, SONG Jian-guo
    2006, 11(2):  215-222. 
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    AIM:To investigate the effects and quantitative relations of co-administering probenecid OF different dosages on pharmacokinetics of cefaclor in rab- bits and approach the possible mechanisms involved as well.METHODS:Monitor plasma and urine cefaclor concentrations .24 male rabbits were randomly divided in- to 4 groups by Cefaclor 50 mg·kg -1 , Cefaclor 50 mg·kg -1 + Probenecid 100 mg·kg-1 , Cefaclor 50 mg·kg -1 +Probenecid 250 mg·kg -1 and Cefaclor 50 mg·kg -1 +Probenecid 625 mg·kg -1 .Blood and urine samples were collected according to the regular time schedule after intragastric administration .The concentra- tion of cefaclor in blood and urine were determined by HPLC.Pharmacokinetic parameters were calculated by DAS ( Drug and Statistical) software .Measur plasma pro- tein-binding rate of cefaclor .The experimental groups and drug dosage were same as described above.The blood sample was drawn at 1 hour after administration, and the protein-binding rate of cefaclor was determined by equi- librium dialysis .RESULTS:Within the dosages of pro- benecid ranged from 0 -250 mg·kg -1 , T1/ 2ka, Tmax, Cmax and AUC of cefaclor increased in accordance with increas- ing dosage of co-administering probenecid while CL/F and Vd/F were decreased ( P <0 .01) ;However, when the dosage of co-administering probenecid was 625 mg·kg -1 , Cmax of cefaclor strikingly decreased ( P <0 .01) , while AUC and CL/F maintained at the levels of those with pro- benecid 250 mg·kg -1 .In this experiment, urinary excre- tive peak time of cefaclor in its prototype postponed grad- ually, biological half life prolonged and urinary excretive accumulation percentage decreased obviously( P <0 .01) . To the dosages of probenecid ranging from 0 -250 mg·kg -1 , protein-binding rate of cefaclor decreased nota- bly( P <0 .01)going with increasing dosages of co-admin- istration probenecid ;While the dosage of co-administra- tion probenecid reached 625 mg·kg -1 , the protein-bind- ing rate of cefaclor corresponded to that of cefaclor 50 mg·kg -1 without probenecid ( P >0 .05) .CONCLU- SION:Co-administering probenecid can strikingly change pharmacokinetics of cefaclor and the influential degree of pharmacokinetics parameters is dependent on dosages of probenecid used in the experiment .Biological half life prolongs and urinary excretive accumulation percentage of cefaclor decreases obviously .