Effect evaluation of the first permanent molars sealant program for schoolchildren in Xincheng district of Xi'an,China.
LI Jun1,2,WANG Yan-bo2,ZHANG Song-jie2,WANG Lei2,HUANG Ying2,GAO Jian-min1.
(1 Medical School of Xi'an Jiaotong University,Xi'an,Shaanxi 710061,China; 2 Xi'an Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Xi'an,Shaanxi 710054,China) Corresponding author:GAO Jian-min,E-mail:gaojm@mail:xjtu.edu.cn
LI Jun,WANG Yan-bo,ZHANG Song-jie,WANG Lei,HUANG Ying,GAO Jian-min.. Effect evaluation of the first permanent molars sealant program for schoolchildren in Xincheng district of Xi'an,China.[J]. journal1, 2015, 23(8): 807-810.
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