journal1 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (5): 413-415.

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Periods study of nutrition interventions about infants aged 6~24 months in Ningqiang county affected by Wenchuan earthquake

WANG Lin-jiang1,XU Zeng-kang1,CHANG Feng1,FU Ping2,ZHANG Jian2,ZHANG Tong-jun1,ZHANG Han-pei3,LI Jian-li3,SONG Peng-kun2   

  1. 1 Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Shaanxi,Xi'an,Shaanxi 710054,China;
    2 Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety,China Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing,100050,China;
    3 Center for Disease Control and Prevention of Ningqiang,Hanzhong,Shaanxi 724400,China
  • Received:2012-03-05 Online:2012-05-06 Published:2012-05-06



  1. 1 陕西省疾病预防控制中心,陕西 西安 710054;
    2 中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所,北京 100050;
    3 汉中市宁强县疾病预防控制中心,陕西 汉中 724400
  • 通讯作者: 常锋,
  • 作者简介:王林江(1981-),男,陕西人,主管医师,本科学历,主要从事营养卫生工作
  • 基金资助:

Abstract: 【Objective】 To investigate the relationship between effectiveness and periods of nutrition interventions about infants aged 6~24 months in Ningqiang county. 【Methods】 Infants were divided according to periods of nutrition interventions.And the differences of infants' weight-for-age Z-score(WAZ),height-for-age Z-score(HAZ),weight-for-height Z-score(WHZ)and hemoglobin concentration between groups were compared. 【Results】 The WAZ of 0~2.9 months group,3~5.9 months group and 6~8.9 months group were 0.37±1.25,0.07±0.97,0.07±1.02,respectively,and they increased significantly compared to the baseline(P<0.01).The WHZ of 0~2.9 months group,3~5.9 months group and 6~8.9 months group were 0.55±1.11,0.43±1.00,0.32±1.26,respectively,there were significant differences between intervention groups and non-intervention group.(P<0.01).The HAZ of 0~2.9 months group(P<0.01)and 6~8.9 months group(P<0.05) also increased significantly. 【Conclusions】 Through nutrition interventions the nutrition status of infants aged 6~24 months could be improved significantly.And there is a susceptive periods of nutrition interventions '0~9months'.

Key words: growth and development, malnutrition, anemia, nutrition intervention, periods, infant

摘要: 【目的】 探讨宁强县6~24月龄婴幼儿营养干预效果与干预周期的关系。 【方法】 按照干预措施实施的时限将婴幼儿分组,分别比较不同时限干预组与未干预组婴幼儿的年龄别体重Z评分(Weight-for-age Z-score,WAZ)、年龄别身长Z评分(Height-for-age Z-score,HAZ)、身高别体重Z评分(Weight-for -Height Z-score,WHZ)以及血红蛋白的差异。 【结果】 干预0~2.9月组、3~5.9月组和6~8.9月组的WAZ分别为0.37±1.25、0.07±0.97、0.07±1.02,与未干预组相比差异存在统计学意义(P<0.01);干预0~2.9月组、3~5.9月组和6~8.9月组的WHZ分别为0.55±1.11、0.43±1.00、0.32±1.26,较未干预组有显著增加(P<0.01);干预0~2.9月组(P<0.01)、6~8.9月组(P<0.05)的HAZ较未干预组显著增加。 【结论】 通过营养干预可以显著改善宁强县6~24月龄婴幼儿营养状况,本研究存在“0~9个月”的敏感干预周期。

关键词: 生长和发育, 营养不良, 贫血, 营养干预, 周期, 婴幼儿

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