journal1 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (12): 1256-1258.

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Influences of imaginary companions on the 5~6 years old children's conservation ability.

LIN Qi-yi1,SHU Wen2,WANG Yi-fu3,KANG Yu-lian1.   

  1. 1 Department of Psychology,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou,Fujian 350007,China; 2 Qingpu Kindergarten,Huaian,Jiangsu 223002,China; 3 School of Education Science,Huaiyin Normal University,Huaian,Jiangsu 223300,China
  • Received:2013-06-25 Online:2013-12-06 Published:2013-12-06



  1. 1 福建师范大学心理学系,福建 福州 350007; 2 淮安市清浦幼儿园,江苏 淮安 223002; 3 淮阴师范学院教育科学学院,江苏 淮安 223300
  • 作者简介:林其羿(1988-),男,江苏人,在读硕士研究生,主要研究方向为基础心理学、皮亚杰研究等。

Abstract: Objective To compare the children's conservation ability between who have or don't have the imaginary companions (ICS). Methods 50 children aged 5~6 years old were selected randomly,the method called"double-interview process" was used to determine the children who had the psychological phenomenon called Ics.Secondly all the children were given three conservation tasks to test their developing level of the conservation ability. Results The rate of ICS was 34%(17/50).The main impact of ICS was obvious(F(1,49)=13.241,P<0.01),the interaction of ICS and age was obvious(F(1,49)=6.152,P<0.05),the simple impact of the ICS was obvious in the 5 years old group(F(1,46)=13.868,P<0.01). Conclusion Imaginary companions may be one of the important factors which can improve the children's ability of conservation and may has a positive impact on the children's cogitation development.

Key words: imaginary companions, the ability of conservation, preschool children

摘要: 目的 研究比较5~6岁儿童,有假想伙伴的与没有假想伙伴的儿童在守恒能力发展上是否有区别。方法 随机选取了50名5~6岁被试儿童。首先采取“双向访谈法”进行了假想伙伴的判定,随后进行了守恒任务的施测。结果 在50名被试儿童中,有17名存在假想伙伴。在对守恒能力发展的影响上,假想伙伴的主效应显著(F(1,49)=13.241,P<0.01),假想伙伴和年龄的交互作用显著(F(1,49)=6.152,P<0.05),假想伙伴在5岁组上的简单效应显著(F(1,46)=13.868,P<0.01)。结论 假想伙伴有可能是促进儿童思维能力发展的重要因素。

关键词: 假想伙伴, 守恒能力, 学前儿童

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