journal1 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (9): 779-782.

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Association between infancy feeding methods and sleep

Chinese Infants Sleep Development Study Group   

  • Received:2012-08-20 Online:2012-09-06 Published:2012-09-06



  • 通讯作者: 王惠珊,

Abstract: 【Objective】 To examine the differences in infants' sleep patterns and sleep behaviors by feeding methods. 【Methods】 Twenty four hour sleep diaries recording of 524 healthy term infants' sleeping and feeding methods were administered for 8 times in total from birth to 4 months old.At 4 weeks and 3 months old,all infants' parents completed a Sleep Behavior Questionnaire.General linear models and Chi-square test were conducted to determine the differences in infants' sleep parameters and behaviors by feeding methods. 【Result】 Partially breastfed infants showed less daytime sleep percentage by 4.2% and 5.2% and less 24-h sleep by 1.6% and 2.4%,compared to exclusive breastfed and formula-fed infants.No differences in sleep patterns were observed between formula-fed and exclusive breastfed infants.In nocturnal waking,formula-fed infants showed fewer nighttime waking compared with exclusive and partial breastfed babies.All three feedingmethods preferred co-sleeping with one of adults,and also presented similar in sleep-onset and nighttime awakening transitional objects needs,however,differed in detailed types of sleep-onset transitional objects. 【Conclusion】 Partially breastfed infants presented poor self-comfort ability,shorter sleep length and more interrupt during nighttime sleep,compared with the other two feeding methods.Certain interventions to improve their sleep health should be concerned.

Key words: sleep, feeding methods, infant

摘要: 【目的】 探索婴儿早期喂养方式对其睡眠状况及相关睡眠行为的影响。 【方法】 采用家长睡眠日记方法收集524名足月婴儿出生至4月龄共8次睡眠和喂养的相关信息,并在生后第4周和第3个月时完成婴儿睡眠行为方式的调查。选择广义线性模型及χ2检验方法探索婴儿喂养与睡眠之间的相关性。 【结果】 部分母乳喂养婴儿白天和24 h睡眠时间比例分别比完全母乳和配方奶喂养婴儿少4.2%、5.2%和1.6%、2.4%,但完全母乳喂养与配方奶喂养方式婴儿上述两项指标平均水平相似;配方奶喂养婴儿夜醒次数要少于其他两种喂养方式。在睡眠养育行为上,三种喂养方式婴儿均偏向于同床睡眠及较高比例的入睡和夜醒后的安抚需求,但入睡时具体安抚方式选择存在差异。 【结论】 部分母乳喂养婴儿自我入睡能力、睡眠长度以及睡眠质量均比其他两种喂养方式婴儿差,如何改善并促进其睡眠健康值得关注。

关键词: 睡眠, 喂养方式, 婴儿

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