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Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics ›› 2001, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (4): 350-352.

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Effects of scorpion venom active peptides on the concentration of PGI2 and NO secreated by human umbilical vein endothelical cells

SONG Yi-Min, LI Xue-Kun, LV Xin-Ran   

  1. Department of Pharmacology, Weifang Medical College, Weifang 261042
  • Received:2000-12-11 Revised:2001-03-06 Online:2001-08-26 Published:2020-11-30

Abstract: Aim To further research into the antithrombotic mechanism of scorpion venom active peptides (SVAP).Methods Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC)were cultured with enzyme digestive method.after the cultured HUVC was incubated in conditioned media for 1 hour, the effects of SVAP on the concent ration of 6-Keto-PGF1αand NO of HUVEC were determined with radioactive-immunolygic and nitrate reduction enzyme method respectively. Results As compared with control, SVAP in the doses of 1, 5, 10, 20 mg·L-1 had the distinctive increase of 54%, 68%, 72%, 79% of the concent ration of 6-Keto-PGF1α and SVAP in the doses of 10, 20 mg·L-1 had the significantly increased of 27%, 46% of the concentration of NO.Regression anylysis showed that the release levels of PG I2 and NO in HUVEC induced by SVAP was of positive correlation. Conclusion Antithrombotic mechanism of SVAP is related to the increase of PGI2 and NO released from HUVEC and synergistic and mediating action between NO and PGI2.

Key words: scorpion venom active peptides, PGI2, NO, enthothelical cells

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