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    Volume 6 Issue 4
    26 August 2001
    Intracoronary adenosine decreases the incidence of no reflow during percutaneous intervention in patients with acute myocardial infarction
    CHEN Shao-Liang, YUAN Zen-Bai, YE Fei, FANG Wu-Wang, SONG Jie, TAN Huai-Qing, Tamari
    2001, 6(4):  295-300. 
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    Aim To investig ate the role of intracoronary adenosine for the prevention of no reflow.Methods The procedural outcomes of 79 patient s who undertook percutaneous intervention in the setting of acute myocardial infarction was studied.Twenty-eight patients did not received int racoronary adenosine, and fiftyone received intracoronary adenosine bolluses (24-48 μg before and after each balloon inf lation).Results Eight patients who were not given adenosine experienced no reflow (28.6%) and high in-Hospital death rate, three of fif ty-one patients (5.9%) in the adenosine group experienced no reflow.No untoward complications were noted during adenosine infusion. Conclusion Int racoronary adenosine bolus administration during percutaneous intervention in the patients with acute my ocardial infarction is easy and safe and may significant lylessen the incidence of no reflow and may improve the outcome of this procedure.
    Release of endothelin 1 and angiotensin II induced by percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
    CHEN Shao-Liang, DUAN Bao-Xiang, YE Fei, FANG Wu-Wang, HU Zuo-Ying, HUANG Jing, DAI Zhen-Ling, ZHOU Lin, LUO Jun, LIN Song, ZHA Ming-Fan, GEN Qi-Ji
    2001, 6(4):  301-306. 
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    Aim Endothelial dysfunction plays critical roles in acute and chronic complications after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA).Coronary endo thelial injury and the release of vasoactive substances induced by PTCA were investigated.Methods Forty-four patients with ischemic heart disease who underwent elective PTCA to isolated stenotic lesions in left coronary arteries were examined.Eleven patients received balloon angioplasty (BA), fourteen percutaneous int ravascular brachtheraphy (VBT), and nineteen stent implantation.Blood samples were drawn from the coronary sinus immediately before and 4 h and 24 h after PTCA.Levels of plasma endo thelin 1 (ET-1), angiotensin (ANG) Ⅱ, von Willebrand factor (vWF), and thrombomodulin (TM) were measured.Seven subjects who underwent diag nostic coronary angiopg raphy (CAG) were used as control group.Results In all patients, ET-1 levels in the coronary sinus blood significantly increased immediately after PTCA.ANG Ⅱ levels and vWF activity showed significantly increased immmediately 4 h after PTCA.Changes in levels of these markers were similar among the BA, VBT and stent groups.TM levels were elevated in all groups of patients, including those simply undergoing diag nostic CAG.Conclusion Changes in ET-1, ANG Ⅱ and vWF levels in the coronary sinus ref lect coronary endo thelial injury induced by PTCA.
    Short-term results of cutting balloon and intravascular brachytherapy for the treatment of coronary in-stent restenosis
    YE Fei, CHEN Shao-Liang, DUAN Bao-Xiang, HUANG Jin, LIU Zhi-Zhong, SONG Jie
    2001, 6(4):  307-310. 
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    Aim To evaluate and compare the feasibility and clinical outcomes of cutting balloon angioplasty (CBA) and cutting balloon combined with intravascular brachy therapy (IBT) for the treatment of coronary in-stent restenosis.Methods 41 patients (47 lesions) with in-stent restenosis(ISR) were randomly divided into three groups, the patients in the control group were t reated by plain old balloon angioplasty (POBA), and in CBA group with CBA, and in CBA +IBT group by CBA combined with IBT.All the patients were followed up for 6 to 8 months.The end-points of the observ ation were angina pectoris (AP) accompanied by elect rocardiog ram changes similar to before the t reatment, myocardial infarction (MI), target-lesion revascularization (TLR) and nontarget-lesion revascularization (N TLR).If no thing happened, acute gain (AG), late loss (LL), loss index (LI), and re-restenosis (RRS) w ould be compared among the three groups by quantitat ive coronary angiography after 6 to 8 months.Results The incidences of AP, MI, TLR and NTLR were similar in three groups(P>0.05);the levels of LL, LI, RRS in CBA group and CBA +IBT group were significantly lower than those in control group (P<0.05) and AG in CBA group was higher than that in other two groups(P<0.05).Conclusion CBA and IBT are effective in treatment of ISR, and CBA seems to be prior to CBA +IBT.
    Adenosine-5'-triphosphate test for the noninvasive diagnosis of AV nodal dual pathways(AVNDP) and assessment of results of slow pathway ablation in patients with AV nodal reentrant tachycardia
    HE Sheng-Hu, SHAN Qi-Jun, CAO Ke-Jiang, ZOU Jian-Gang, CHEN Ming-Long, LI Wen-Qi, ZHU Li, QU Ri-Xing, TU Li-Li, LI Shou-Zhen
    2001, 6(4):  311-315. 
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    Aim To assess the value of the administration of adenosine-5'-triphosphate (A TP) during sinus rhythm for noninvasive diagnosis of AV node dual pathways(AVNDP) and aboli tion or modification of the slow pathway (SP) after radiof requency (RFCA) in patient s with inducible sustained AVNRT.Methods Incremental doses of ATP were int ravenously administ rated during sinus rhy thm to patients with spontaneous or inducible sustained AVN RT (study group, n=45) and to patients with no evidence of AVNDP or inducible AVNRT (control group, n= 37) until ECG sig ns of AVNDP (50 ms increase or decrease in P-R interval in two consecutive beats, or occurrence of AVNRT) or second-degree AV block were observed.Results Four patients (two in study patient s and two in co nt rol patients) could not complete the t rial and were excluded from analysis. AVNDP was observed by ATP in 36(84%) study patients, whereas it was diagnosed by electrophy siology criteria in 38(88%) patients.AVNDP was observed only in 1(3%) control patient.AVNDP by ATP test was disappeared in 18(90%) of 20 patients who underwent SP abolition and in 3 (38%) of 8 patients who underwent SP modification.Conclusion ATP test during sinus rhythm enables noninvasive diagnosis of AVNDP in a high percentage of patients with inducible AVN RT and reliably confirms the Results of RFCA of the SP.
    Prognostic value of elevated C-reactive protein in unstable angina after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
    CHENG Jiu-Pei, LIU Zhi-Zhong, DUAN Bao-Xiang, CHEN Shao-Liang
    2001, 6(4):  316-319. 
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    Aim To observe the changes of serum C-reactive protein (CRP) in patient s with unstable angina after percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty (PTCA) and to invetstig ate the relationship between the peak values of CRP and clinical restenosis.Methods A prospective case study was undertaken in 47 patients who underwent successful PTCA (PTCA group) for unstable angina and another 25 patients as control who underwent coronary angiog raphy.Levels of CRP were measured by RIA at baseline, 48 hours and one week after PTCA.All of PTCA group were followed clinically for 9 months.An exercise testing or a thallium perfusion scan (TPS) was performed within nine months post-PTCA and CAG was repeated in the part of abnormal patient s.Results At nine-month follow-up, clinical restenosis developed in 44% of 25 patients with high serum levels (>30 mg·L-1) of CRP, and in 9.1% of 22 patient s with normal CRP levels(P<0.01).Conclusion Serum CRP 48 hours after PTCA is a marker of ninemonth clinical performance.
    Analysis of endothelin receptor and its subtypes in the left ventricle of rats with dilated cardiomyopathy
    FANG Wu-Wang, YAN Yue-Ying, DUAN Bao-Xiang
    2001, 6(4):  322-325. 
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    Aim To observe the changes of endothelin receptors and their subtypes of left ventricules in normal SD rats and dilated cardiomyopathy rats.Methods To establish the best condi tions of the binding experiment, different protein concent rations, incubation temperature and incubating time were tested with 1 25I-ET-1 ligand respectively.With the selected condi tions, saturation binding experiment s were performed to determine the amount of endothelin receptor and its subtypes in normal SD rats and in dilated cardiomyopathy ones.Results (1) The opt imal incubating temperature was 37 ℃.Under this condition, the binding amount of 1 25 I-ET-1 increased rapidly in 0~30 minutes, and reached to saturation point at 60 minutes, and there was alinear correlation between 1 25I-ET-1 binding amount and cell membrane protein concentration. (2) Endo thelin-1, bosentan, BQ123, BQ788 etc.could competit ively suppress the bound of 1 25 I-ET-1 to endothelin receptors.(3) The amount of endothelin receptor in left vent ricle of dilated cardiomy opathy rats was (92.21±34.34) nmol·kg-1 protein, which was significantly low than that in normal SD ones.There was no change on the ratio of endothelin receptor subty pes A and B.Conclusion 125I-ET-1 can be used to determine the amount of endo thelin receptor and its subty pes in varied tissues specifically.The amount of endothelin receptor in left ventricle of dilated cardiomyopathy rats is down regulated, but the ratio of endothelin receptor subtype A vs B remains to be 2:1.
    Intracerebroventricular administration of scopolamine attenuates naloxone precipitated morphine abstinence syndrome
    GU Jun, TANG Shuai-En, ZHOU Wen-Hua, YANG Guo-Dong
    2001, 6(4):  326-329. 
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    Aim To investigate the effect of cholinergic receptors in central nervous system on morphine dependent rats.Methods Male Sprague-Dawley rats w eighing 200~250 g were rendered dependent on morphine by subcutaneous injection of mo rphine in increasing doses for 5 days.Prior to testing, rats received infusion of either asolution of drug (scopolamine, pirenzepine, methoctramine)or vehicle (normal saline)in lateral cerebral vent ricle.Withdrawal behavior was monitored for 60 min after int raperitoneal administ ration of naloxone.Results The animal pretreatment with scopolamine (25, 50 μg)or muscarinic subtype antagonists (20 μg pi renzepine, 25 μg methoct ramine) could significantly at tenuate naloxone precipitated morphine abstinence syndrome.Cent ral administ ration of scopolamine could reduce reaction of morphine withdrawal in a dose-dependent manner.Conclusion The central cholinergic receptors may be play an impo rtant role in the process of morphine withdraw al. Both M1 and M2 receptors may cont ribute to the development of morphine dependence and tolerance.
    Protective effects of 9-(4-ethoxycarboxylyphenoxy)-6,7-dimethoxy-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro acridine on anoxia and ischemic injury in cultured PC12 cells
    SHENG Rui, LIU Guo-Qing
    2001, 6(4):  330-333. 
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    Aim To investigate the effects of EDT on anoxia and ischemic injury in cultured PC12 cells.Methods Cultured PC12 cells were treated with 1 mmol·L-1 Na2S2O4 and 20 mmol·L-1 NaCN in combination with glucose deprivation.The pro tective effects of EDT on these two models were evaluated by lactate dehydrogenate (LDH) ef flux assay and colormetric MT T assay.Results EDT, within the range of 10-8~10-6 mol·L-1, significantly antagonized LDH efflux induced by two models and increased the optical density at 570 nm tested by colorimetric MTT assay in concent ration-dependent manner.10-6 mol·L-1 EDT might time-dependently inhibit two injuries and reach maximal level at 48 h.Conclusion EDT can protect PC12 cells from anoxia and ischemic injury.
    Inhibitory effects of isoflavones on growth of YAC-1 T lymphocyte tumor cells of mice in vitro and ehrlich-ascites-tumor of mice in vivo
    YU Li-Mei, XU Lu, YAO Ming-Hui
    2001, 6(4):  334-338. 
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    Aim To observe the effect of isoflavones on the growth of YAC-1 cells in vitro and ESC tumor in mice and their immune function. Methods Isof lavones induced inhibitory rate of YAC-1 cells and the proliferation of lymphocy te were assessed by the modif ied MTT assay.NK cell activities were determined by LDH.The anti tumor activity in vivo was observed by weighing the tumor and calculating spleen and thymus indexes.Results The grow th of YAC-1 cells were inhibited by isof lavones in a concentration and time-dependent manner.Isof lavones power ext racted from soybean (50, 100, 400 mg·kg-1, o ral administ ration) could enhance spleen index and ConA-induced proliferation of lymphocyte in female mice, but not in male ones.Isoflavones in the doses of 50, 100, 400 mg·kg-1 could significant ly inhibit spleen index and increase NK cell activi ties.The grow th of tumor was significant ly inhibited in ESC tumor-bearing female mice in the doses of 100, 400 mg·kg-1.Conclusion Isof lavones has inhibitory effect on the growths YAC-1 cells in vi tro and ESC tumor in vivo.Isoflavones not only strengthens the nonspecail immune function of tumor-bearing mice, but also of the normal female mice.
    Effect of bambuterol on experimental asthma and its mechanism in guinea pigs
    ZHANG Hong-Quan, LIN An-Ping, GE Xiao-Qun, LIU Xiao-Mei
    2001, 6(4):  339-342. 
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    Aim To probe the effect of bambuterol on experimental asthma and its pharmacody namic and pharmacokinetic chracteristics, as w ell as its mechanism. Methods Experimental asthma model on guinea pigs was induced by histamine and ovalbumin in vivo and their t rachea f lake and pulmonary bar were emptied to the research in vi tro respectively.Results Bambuterol inhibited asthma induced by histamine and ovalbumin in guinea pigs in a dose-dependent manner. Bambuterol gave no relaxation to all t rachea f lake, but the int ragast ric gavage (ig) of plasma of the bambuterol-treated g uinea pig s relaxed t rachea f lake and pulmonary bar, and the effect on pulmonary bar was st ronger than that on t rachea f lake.The peak value appeared about 4 h after administration, and the action continued for more than 24 h.Conclusion Bambuterol as pro-drug of terbutaline metabolized in body has a mild and permanent effect on the model of experimental asthma in g uinea pig s.
    Clinical anti-ischemic effects of trimetazidine in the treatment of stable angina
    DAI Zhen-Lin, DUAN Bao-Xiang, LI Jian-Chun
    2001, 6(4):  343-345. 
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    Aim To evaluate the antianginalcy of trimetazidine in combination with other regular antiischemic drugs in the treatment of stable angina. Methods Twenty-two male cases with stable, effortinduced angina and positive exercise ECG test were treated with trimetazidine for 12 weeks.Exercise ECG test was ex amined again in the end of the study. Results There were obviously increased in exercise tolerance, total exercise workload after treatment (P<0.01, all), and there were also significant prolong ation of the duration of angina pectoris, improvement in ST segment depressing at peak exercise (P<0.01).Average number of chest pain per week and nitrog lycerin consumption obviously decreased (P<0.01).Conclusion There is obvious anti-ischemic efficacy of trimetazidine in combination with other antianginal drugs.
    Effect of zhinao capsule on learning and memory, and free radical metabolism in experimental model rats with alzheimer disease
    YANG Wen-Ming, HAN Ming-Xiang, LI Ze-Gen, ZHANG Guo-Liang, BAO Yuan-Chen, SHAO Zhen-Bing, LIU Ai-Ping, DING Jin-Dong, HU Bing
    2001, 6(4):  346-349. 
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    Aim To observe the effect of Zhinao capsule on learning and memory, and f ree radical metabolism in experimental model rats with alzheimer disease (AD).Methods According to an method improved by us, the injections of β-amy loid protein (β-AP) into lateral ventricle and the transforming growth factor β1 (TGF β1) into the brain tissue in rats were applied to successfully make an experimental rat model of AD.Then the step-through test and the w ater-maze test were employed to investig ate the function of learning and memory in AD models.In addition, the xanthine o xidase method and the thiobarbituric acid clorimetry were respect ively used to assay the activi ty of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and content of malondialdeny de (MDA) in brain tissue of AD models.Results There were changes of behavior (impairment of learning and memory) as w ell as typical pathological features (β-AP deposition plaques etc.) in brain tissue in AD animal models induced by β-AP and TGF β1.The activity of SOD was lower and content of MDA was higher in AD models than that of normal rats.Zhinao capsule could relief the impairment of learning and memory, raise the activity of SOD, and reduce the content of MDA in the brain tissue of AD models.Conclusion Zhinao capsule can markedly enhance the function of learning and memory in rats with experimental AD model induced by β-AP and TGF β1, and its mechanism is closely related to the scavenging free radical.
    Effects of scorpion venom active peptides on the concentration of PGI2 and NO secreated by human umbilical vein endothelical cells
    SONG Yi-Min, LI Xue-Kun, LV Xin-Ran
    2001, 6(4):  350-352. 
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    Aim To further research into the antithrombotic mechanism of scorpion venom active peptides (SVAP).Methods Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC)were cultured with enzyme digestive method.after the cultured HUVC was incubated in conditioned media for 1 hour, the effects of SVAP on the concent ration of 6-Keto-PGF1αand NO of HUVEC were determined with radioactive-immunolygic and nitrate reduction enzyme method respectively. Results As compared with control, SVAP in the doses of 1, 5, 10, 20 mg·L-1 had the distinctive increase of 54%, 68%, 72%, 79% of the concent ration of 6-Keto-PGF1α and SVAP in the doses of 10, 20 mg·L-1 had the significantly increased of 27%, 46% of the concentration of NO.Regression anylysis showed that the release levels of PG I2 and NO in HUVEC induced by SVAP was of positive correlation. Conclusion Antithrombotic mechanism of SVAP is related to the increase of PGI2 and NO released from HUVEC and synergistic and mediating action between NO and PGI2.
    Effect of valsartan and benazepril on the activities of Na+-K+pump and Ca2+ pump in the myocardium of SHR
    YANG Ting, HU Zuo-Yin, CAO Heng, YANG Shang-Ying
    2001, 6(4):  353-355. 
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    Aim To observe the effect of valsartan and benazepril on the activities of Na+-K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase in myocardium of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR).Methods Twenty-four SHR were divided into the NS, benazepril, valsartan 8 mg·kg-1 and valsartan 24 mg·kg-1 groups, with 6 Wistar Kyoto rats(WKY) serving as control.after 4 experimental weeks, the activi ties of Na+-K+-ATPase, and Ca2+-ATPase as well as associated indexes were measured.Results (1) The activities of Na+-K+-ATPase and Ca2+-ATPase in myocardium of SHR were no tably lower than those of WKY rats; (2) Both valsartan and benazepril increased activity of Na+-K+-ATPase in myocardium of SHR;(3) The increase of activity of Ca2+-ATPase was observed only in 24 mg·kg-1 valsartan group.Conclusion Valsartan and benazepril elevate the activity of Na+-K+-ATPase in myocardium of SHR.But the elevation of Ca2+-ATPase activity is observed only in large dose of valsartan.
    Effects of enalapril in patients of chronic glomerulonephritis with severe renal failure
    SUN Xue-Feng, ZHOU Xi-Jing, WANG Li-Ning
    2001, 6(4):  356-360. 
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    Aim To evaluate the therapeutic effectiveness and safety of enalapril in patients of chronic glomerulonephritis with severe renal failure.Methods Forty-six patients with chronic glomerulonephritis were divided into three groups according to their creatinine clearance rate (Ccr) including 13 cases with Ccr more than 50 ml·min-1 in high Ccr group, 17 cases with Ccr more than 25 ml·min-1 and less than 50 ml·min-1 in mid Ccr group and 16 cases with Ccr less than 25 ml·min-1 in low Ccr group.All patients were observed 2 mon before the 4 mon of enalapril treatment.The evaluation of efficiency was concluded in the follow ing 2 mon.Urinary protein and albumin clearance rate, renal function and serum potassium were measured every month.Results Enalapril could reduce urinary protein in high and mid Ccr group more effectively than in low Ccr group.Ccr in high and mid Ccr group was recovered soon but not in low Ccr group since all the patients' Ccr decreased by enalapril.Furthermore, serum potassium in low Ccr group grew slig htly.Conclusion Enalapril can safely decrease the urinary protein in patient s of chronic glomerulonephritis with severe renal failure.
    Telomerase and telomerase inhibitors
    JI Zhao-Ning, LIU Guo-Qing
    2001, 6(4):  371-376. 
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