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    Volume 2 Issue 3
    26 September 1997
    Inhibitory effect of vitamin E on fibrosis of remnant kidney
    Yuan Fahuan, Shi Jingquan, guang Lixia, Liao Lisheng
    1997, 2(3):  161-164. 
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    Aim To investigate whether vitamin E could suppress the fibrosis of remnant kidney in chronic renal failure (CRF)rats.Methods The 60 Wistar rats were divided into 3 groups. Rats in group A were experinced a sham operation serving as the negative control.rats in group B were given a 5/6 nephrectomy as the positive control.rats in group C were operated as those in group B and received treatment of vitamin E in their chow.The renal fibrosis of every group was estmated with the morphometry and biochemical methods 30, 60, 90, 120 days after operation respectively.Results In group B, accompanied with compensatory glome rular hypertrophy and glomerular capillary proliferation, there were obvious glomerular sclerosis, filtration membrane thickening, interstitial fibrosis, and renal hydroxy proline content increase.In group C, there were significantly less severe glomerular sclerosis, filtration membrane thickening, interstitial fibrosis, and renal hydroxy proline content than in group B.As a result, the glomerular hypertrophy and glome rular capillary proliferation were postponed.Conclusion Vitamin E can suppress fibrosis of remnant kidney in 5/6 nephrectomy induced CRF rats, and does not affect directly the compensatory glomerular hypertrophy and glome rular capillary proliferation.
    Concentration-dependent effect of cyclosporine on plasma lipid in renal transplant recipients
    Xu Feng, Wu Zhaohui, Zhang Zhongyi, Zou Hengqing
    1997, 2(3):  165-168. 
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    Aim To investigate the concent ration-dependent effect of cyclosporine on plasma lipid.Methods Pre-and post-transplant plasma lipid and cyclosporine whole blood concent ration were determined in 16 renal transplanted recipients with stable graft function.Results No statistically significant correlations were found between cyclosporine whole blood concent ration and plasma cholesterol and triglyceride increase-difference.However, post-t ranplant plasma cholesterol level was increased in renal transplanted recipients with high blood concent ration of cyclosporine(P<0.05).Conclusion The effect of cyclo sporine on plasma lipid in renal transplanted recipient is concent ration-dependent.
    Effects of buflomedil hydrochloride on the fast action potential of guinea pig papillary muscles
    Yang Surong, Yao Minghui
    1997, 2(3):  169-173. 
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    Aim To study the effects of Buflomedil hydrochloride (BUF)on the fast action potential (AP)of isolated guinea pig papillary muscles.Methods It racellular microelect rode technique was used to investigate the effects of different BUF concentrations on AP.Results different concent rations of BUF significantly reduced the amplitude of action potential (APA) and shortened the action potential duration (APD)on the levels of APD 30 and APD 50 APD 90 was also evidently shortened by BUF 10-4 M and 10-3M.The onset of the action was relatively delayed by BUF 10-4M.BUF 10-3M and 5×10-3M exerted their actions more quickly and induced a concent ration-dependent decrease in the excitability of papillary muxcles.BUF 5×10-3 M cont inued decreasing the absolute value of rest ing po tent ial (RP)after it abolished AP.Conclusions (1)BUF inhibit Ca2+, Na+ channels of guinea pig papillary muscles.The action mechanisms of BUF on K+channels a recomplicated.(2)BUF could reduce the excitability of guinea pig papillary muscles to elect rical field stimulation.(3)The inhibitory effects of BUF on AP are reversible.
    Preperation of H-2 Ag-TCS conjugate and inhibition of proliferation of recipientspleen cell in vitro
    Lan Ping, Yang Zhiyong, Wang Jiepu
    1997, 2(3):  174-176. 
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    Aim Specific immunologic unresponsiveness was induced to provent rejection of org an transplantation.Methods Donor (NIH mouse)H-2 antigen and trichosanthin (TCS)was conjugated to immunotox in (AG-TCS)by hetero bifunctional reagent SPDP、2-it.The recipient (SD rat)was pretreated by AG-TCS.In vitro the proliferation of the spleen cell, which was stimulated by donor spleen cell was observed.Results The proliferation of the SD ratspleen cell in vitro was inhibited when stimula ted by donor antigen, but it was activited by PHA.Conclutions The immunologic unresponsivness could be induced by AG-TCS, which was useful in inducement of transplantation to lerance.
    Approach on exerting Lee's index to evaluate the obese degree of mature rats
    He Ming, Tu Changchun, Huan Qiren, Li Ping, Li Xiaoyu, Peng Weijie
    1997, 2(3):  177-179. 
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    Aim Toresearch the possibility and accuracy of exerting Lee's index to evaluate the obese degree of mature rats.Methods The Lee's index, increasingrate of weigh, abdominal grease wet weight, the size of grease cells, blood lipoid of rats in different groups were measured simultaneously.Results Lee's index of obese model rats was obviously higher than that of the other rats, and the change of Lee's index was highly correlated to the change of other indexes.Conclusion Lee's index may be exerted to evaluate the obese degree of mature obese rats.
    Protective effects of tetrandrine on azathioprine hepatotoxicity in rats
    Hao Junwen, Sun Chengchun, Zhang Li, Zhang Xia, Wang Jingxiang
    1997, 2(3):  180-182. 
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    Aim To study the protective effects of tetrandrine (Tet)on azathioprine (Aza)hepato toxicity in rats.Method 27 rats were separated into 3 groups, and Aza 25 mg/kg·d, Aza 25 mg/kg·d+Tet 30mg/kg·d and normal saline were separately given to the rats in each of the 3 groups.The parameters of liver function, malondialdehyde (MDA)and surperox ide dismutase (SOD)in plasma, and glutatione (GSH)in the whole blood were detected in all.The patho logical changes of rats liver were observed by light microscope.Result In the Aza group, the levels of ALT, AKP and MDA were increased and those of total protein, albumine, SOD and GSH were decreased significantly at 1 wk and 2 wk.In the Tet group, the levels of ALT, MDA and AKP were increased and those of SOD and GSH were not decteased significantly.The hepatocy tes degene ration and necrosis in Aza group were found under light microscope.The damages in Tet group were very little.Conclusion Tet had protective effects on Aza hepatotoxicity in rats.
    effects of indomethacin on serum β2-MG in patient with obstructive jaundice
    Chen Xiaopeng, Liu Zhongjin, Zhou Guang, Li Tao, Yang Jun, Chen Guanghua
    1997, 2(3):  183-185. 
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    Aim The effects of indomethacin on serum β2-microglobulin (β2-MG)in obstructive jaundice were to be observed.Methods Serum and urinary β2-MG levels were measured by radioimmunoassay in 18 patients with obstrutive jauadice before and 3 days after oraladministration of imdomethacin, and plasma thromboxane (TXA2), prostacyclin (PGI2)levels were determined in the meanwhile.Results both TXA2/PGI2 and serum β2-MG(P<0.05)decreased signi ficantly after patients took this drug orally.But serum β2-MG could not return tonormal levels, with urinay β2-MG having no obvious changes.Conclusion Indomethacin may decrease serum β2-MG levels to a certain extent in patients with obstructive jaundice by inhibiting the synthesis of TXA2.
    Study on features of postantibiotic effects induced by six β-Lactams against Gram-negative bacilli
    Liang Yuxia1, Chen Qian, Wang Rui, Fang Yi, Liu Qingfeng
    1997, 2(3):  186-189. 
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    Aim The postant ibio tic effects (PAEs) induced by Tienam (TIN), Carberin(CBN), Piperacillin (PIP), Mezloci llin (MZL), Cefope razone(CPZ)and Cefodizime (CDZM)against Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aerug inosa were investigated.Methods PAEs were determined by spect rophotome tric method.Results PAEs induced by MZL, PIP, CPZ and CDZM against escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aerug inosa were rather short(<1h).No PAEs or negative PAEs were even found in the results of MZL against Esche richia coli.In genaral, β-lactam antibiotics induced very short PAEs against Gram-negative bacilli.However, PAEs (1~3h)induced by TIN and CBN were markedly longer than those by the other four β-latams.PAEs induced by CBN were significant longer than longer than that induced by TIN. PAEs induced by CBN and CBN were obviously concent ration-dependent.Conclusion The results suggested there were multiple mechanisms for PAEs induced by β-lactams.The features of TIN and CBN should be emphasized when they are individually used to define drug dosing intervals in clinic.
    Greyevaluation based on results of orthogonal experimental design of hott ing-bag
    Peng Weijie, He Ming, Tu Chanchun, Li Xiaoyu, Zhang Deping1
    1997, 2(3):  190-192. 
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    Aim Away was explored to evaluate and analyse the multiobject results of the orthogoral experimental design.Methods We designed the related factors which possibly influence the property of temperature of the hot ting-bag in L8(27)and made a grey evaluation based on the results of the experiment, subsequently we selected out a best recipe.Results The selected recipe could make the highest temperature of the hot ting-bag get to 58.6±0.6 ℃ and maintain the temperature for 12.1±0.4h.The time of getting to the temperature was 7±2 min.The recipe was perfectly fit for the body.Conclusion Grey evaluation can turn the multi-object problem to a simple-object one, and it is possible to employ the grey evaluation in the analysis of the results of orthog onal experimental design.
    Pharmacokinetics of ondansetron in primary carcinoma of the liver
    Yuan Cheng, Wang Jingxiang, Zhang Xiaohua
    1997, 2(3):  193-195. 
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    Aim To study the pharmacokingtics character of ondansetron in patients with primary carcinoma of liver.Methods Ondansetron was given po both in a single dose of 16 mg and in multiple doses of 16mg each and its concent ration in plasma was determined by reve rsed-phase high performance liquid chromatography.The concent ration data were fitted with a PKBP-N1 program on computer.Results The concent ration-time curve was described by a two-compartment open model with T1/2ka=0.8±0.1h and 0.7±0.1h, T1/2α=1.9±0.4h and 1.8±0.3h, T1/2β=4.3±0.5h and 5.7±0.7h, Cmax=42.6±3.8μg/L and 49.2±2.3 μg/L, Tmax = 1.8±0.2h and 1.8±0.1h, AUC0~∞=643±85 μg/h·L and 833±97 μg/h·L, respectively.Conclusion Ondansetron was absorbed repidly, and also eliminated at a fairly rapid rate.It could be stored up in the patients contrating primary carcinoma of liver when ondansetron is admani steaed in multiple doses.
    Influence of dexamethasone on the repeated axillary brachial plexus block
    Zhang Yuanxin, Dong Xigui, Sun Huizhen, Hu Shuanggui, Gao Zhongyu, Tang Xiangqin
    1997, 2(3):  196-198. 
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    Aim The effect of dexamethasone added in anesthetic mixture was retrospectively analysed.Method two hundrad patients who had each received 5 blocks were divided into two groups.In group B the patients were blocked with an anesthetic mixture consisting of 20ml of 2% lidocaine and 20ml of 0.5% bupivacaine, while in group A, the anesthetic mixture was added by 1ml (5mg)of dexamethasone.Result The onset of complete block and the sustained time in group A were better than those in group B, and there was no harmful effect during the operation or postope rative period.Conclusion dexamethasone added in anesthetic mixture could prolong the anesthetic action which is not influenced by the block times and the more the block times, the more significant is the dexamethasone action.
    Clinical trial of mezlocillin in treatment of gonorrheae
    Wang Liyu, Hua Jinhui, Wang Guihua, Wang Tiesheng, Wang Youcai, Chen Liru
    1997, 2(3):  199-200. 
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    Aim The clinical effect of mezlocillin, a new antibiotic int reatment of gonorrheae was observed and cempared with that of cefuro xime.Method The tested cases of gonorrheae were randomly divided into two groups treated by mezlocillin or cefuroxime.Results It was showed that the curetate in mezlocillin group (75%)was higher than that in cefuroxime group (70%)and the effective rates in both groups were 100%.The adverse reaction of mezlocillin was low and slight.Conclusion The mezlocillin is an effective and safe antibiotic int reatment of gonorrheae.