Antitumor effect of compound shenqi granule
ZHANG Yu-Fang, WU Yu-Bo, ZHANG Yong-Heng
1998, 3(1):
88 )
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Aim The influence of the compound Shenqigranule both on the grow th of S 180,H22, Lew is and on the antineo plastic activity as w ell as immunolog ical function in combination with ADM,DDP and CTX was to be observed.Methods Antineoplastic activity of the compound and the sy nergia, detoxi fication of chemotherapy drug s were observed in mouse transplanted tumor models.Results It was revealed that the compound Shenqig ranule Obviously decreaced the tumor of S180, H22, Lew is, increaced the antineoplasticactivity of ADM, DDP, CTX, and prevented the immusuppress induced by ADM, DDPand CTX.Conclusion The compound S henqi g ranule has the properties of ant ineoplast ic function and the synergia and detox ification which result from its enhance of immuno logical function.