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    Volume 3 Issue 1
    26 March 1998
    Effect of berberine on proto-oncogene c-fos expression induced by focal cerebral ischemia in rats
    WU Jun-Fang, WANG Ping, PAN Xin-Xin, LIU Tian-Pei
    1998, 3(1):  1-4. 
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    Aim To study the effect of berberine (Ber)onc-fos expression induced by focal cerebral ischemia.Methods Dot blotting assay was used to investigate the dynamic changes of c-fos mRNA expression in cortex and hippocampus during reperfusion after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO)2 h in rats.Results c-fos gene expression was temporally increased in cortex and hippocampus of focal cerebral ischemia by 4.5, 4.7 times, respectively.However, the changes of c-fos gene expression could be inhibited drama tically by Ber 20 mg/(kg·d)×5 d, ip.The same dosage of Ber significantly reduced contents of water and calcium of brain tissues. Conclusions The inhibitory actions of Ber on c-fos expression induced by focal cerebralischemia may be related to its protective effect on brain ischemia.
    Protective effect of cobra venom factor on experimental respiratory distress syndrome in dogs
    REN Xian-Da, HUANG Shou-Jian, SUN Jia-Jun, ZHU Zheng-Guang
    1998, 3(1):  5-8. 
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    Aim To study the protective effect of cobra venom factor (CVF), separated from the venom of Najanaja atra, on respiratory dist ress syndrome (RDS)induced by oleic acid.Methods The main parameters of respira to ry function in anaesthet ized dogs were co ntinually mo ni to red by mass spect rometer, pneumo-tachog raph and pressure transduce rs.The lung tissues were taken immediately after the experiment for histolo gical examination.Results CVF, given 20 h before the do sage depleting more than 95% of the complements, significantly at tenuated oleic acid-induced pulmonary dy sfunction.Histo logical examination showed improvement of hyaline membrane formation, alveolar haemo rrhag e and pulmonary arte riolar thrombosis.Conclusion Complement plays an important role in the development of lung injury induced by oleic acid.The depletion of serum complements by CVF inhibits the development of RDS
    Pharmacokinetics of medroxyprogesterone acetate after single and multiple injection of cyclofem in Chinese women
    ZHOU Xiao-Fei, SHAO Qing-Xiang, HAN Xue-Jun, WENG Li-Ju, SANG Guo-Wei
    1998, 3(1):  9-13. 
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    Aim Pharmaco kinetic profiles of medroxy progesterone acetate after single and multiple administ ration of cyclofem in Chinese women were analy sed to provide pharmacokinetic data for safety evaluation on chronic treatment of this long-acting injectable contraceptive.Methods Nine healthy women received once-a-month injectable cont raceptive cyclofem (aqueous microcry stalline suspension containing 25 mg medroxy progeste rone acetate and 5 mg cypionate)for up to 1 year.Blood samples were collected immediately prior to drug administ ration and to consecutive time points after injection.Int raindividual compa rison was applied in this long itudinal study.Results after 1st, 6th and 12th injection, the maximum concent rations were observed on day 3.4±0.9, 4.3±2.2 and 3.7±2.6, reespectively.Cmax of 1st, 6th and 12th treatment cycles were 3.75±1.27, 5.54±1.79 and 5.55±1.80 nmol/L, while A UC0-28were 55.84±28.15, 95.45±26.56 and 98.81±21.84 nmol/(L·d), respectively.There was significant interindividual varia tion in the pharmacokinetic prof ile of MPA after int ramuscular injection of cyclofem.No meaning ful change was observed in MRT.There was a tendency of increase in Cmax and AUC0-28 of MPA during First six mo nths of treatment, whereas no statistically significant difference be tw ee n 6th and 12th injection.Conclusion No obvious drug accumulation was occured after long-term use of cyclofem.
    Pharmacokinetics of venoruton and its compositions in patients with cardiouascular disorder
    YUAN Cheng, ZHU Li-Qing,WANG Jing-Xiang, CAO Xiao-Zhi
    1998, 3(1):  14-17. 
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    Aim The pharmacokinetics of venoruton and its chief compositions, various hydro xyethyl-rutin was observed in seven patients with cardio vascular disorder.Methods After int ravenous injection of uenoruton, the serum drug concent rations at regulart ime were measured by HPLC method with programme-controled sensitivity and the pharmacokine tical parameters were computed by the prog ramme PKBP-N 1.Results Venoruton in the patients was found to conform to an opened sing le-compartment model with t1/2=5.8±1.7 h, Vc=111.1±32.0 L, AUC=37.5±10.8 mg/(h·L)and Cl=5.7±2.2 L/h.Hydroxyethyl rutin and dihydrox yethy l rutin confo rmed to the same model as venoruto n, but trihydrox yerthyl and tetrahydroxyethyl rutin conformed to an opened dubble-compartment model.The more hydroxyethy l number, the less t1/2.Conclusion Venoruton's pha rmacokinetics is different with that of its composition.This HPLC method built in the test is a suitable for determining venoruton in the body.
    Immunopharmacological effects of extract of Baoyuantang on mice with deficiency of vital function
    SONG Chun-Hua, TAN Bei-Hua, HU Yang-Liang, SONG Jian-Guo, WU Min-Yu
    1998, 3(1):  18-21. 
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    Aim The immunopharmalogical roles of extract of Baoy uantang in mice with deficiency of vital function (DVF)were studied.Methods The mouse model with DVF was prepared by i.m administ ration of hydrocortisomum.Detection of phagocytosis and C3b receptor of macrophage was carried out with MT T method and YC roset teforming assay respectively.T cell transformation assay was car ried out with the method of MT T incorporation.The body weigh, idexes of spleen and thymus and WBC of the mice were determined by routine.Reaults The extract of Baoyuantang could block the decrease of body weight, WBC and the weight and index of thymus and spleen, and recover the function of T cells and macrophage in mice with DVF.Conclusion The extract of Baoyuantang had a supplementary treatmental effects on mice with DVF caused by hydrocortisonum.
    Effect of differnent doses of simvastatin on blood-l ipoids
    LIU Xiao-Hui, HU Da-Yi, WAN Xin-Hong, MEI Xue
    1998, 3(1):  22-23. 
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    Aim To compare the effects of different doses of simvastatin on decreasing blood-lipoids. Methods Forty-t hree patients were randomly divided into group A and B.In group A, the initial dose of simvastat in was 5 mg/d and was increased to 10mg/d if there was st ill a high level of blood-lipoids after 12 weeks thrapy.In group B, the ini tial dose of simvastat in was 10 mg/d and then the dose was increased to 20 mg/d if no good result was obtained.Results In group A, as compared with the previous level, the TC and LDL-C decreased 10.4% and 15.4% respectively.Only in 27.3% of the patients the TC decreased to normal, but none of themgot to the optimal result.The LDL-C in 9.1%o f the patients decreased to normal and in 4.5% to the optimal level.By increasing the dose to 10 mg/ d, the TC and LDL-C decreased 24.6% and 26.3% respectively and in 50% of the patients the TC level decreased to normal.The TC level in 36.4% and LDL-C level in 22.7% of the patients were optimal.In group B, the TC in 80.9% and LDL-C in 66.7% of the patients decreased to normal and TC in 76.2% and LDL-C in 80.9% of the reached a reasonable level.Conclusion Thereasonable do sage of simvastatin should be 20 mg/d, which could decrease the blood-lipoids in majority of the patients to optimal level.
    Hypotensive effect of laminine in renal hypertensive rats
    ZANG Dong-Lian, XU Qing-Dong, WANG Lei, SUN Shi-Xi
    1998, 3(1):  24-25. 
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    Aim The antihypertensive effect of laminine was studied in renal hypertensive rat models.Methods The lef t kidney was wrapped by nylon fabrics and the right kidney was removed under anesthesia to set up the hy pe rtensive rat model.The systolic blood pressure was measured by the tail method.Laminine 150 and 300 mg/(kg·d)were given orally to hypertensive rats in low dose group and high dose group respectively for 20 days, and nifendipine 10 mg/kg·d as positive control, NS as negative control.The hypotensive effects were observed on the thi rd and seventh day after the administ ration of laminine.Results after 20 days, the systolic blood pressure of rats was lowered by 20.2% in low dose group 20.2% and by 26.4% in high dose group respectively, in comparison with negative control, there were significant differences (P<0.01).Conclusion Theresults showed that laminine had hypotensive effects.
    Curative effect of enalapril on diabetic nephropathy
    YU Zhong-Mei, WANG Wen-Gang, LI Qing-De
    1998, 3(1):  26-29. 
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    Aim Clinical effects and mechanisms of enalapril on diabetic nephropathy were investigated. Methods Forty cases of non-insulin-d ependent diabetes mellitus normotension with microalbuminuria were randomly div ided into two groups:routine group and enalapril group.The following parameters were measured:effective renal plasma flow (ERPF)assesed by131I-O-sodium iodohippurate(131I-OIH)clearance rate;g lomerular filtration rate (GFR)assessed by crea rance;urinary microprotein excretion, including albumin, transferrin, retinol binding protein (RBP)and N-acetyl-β-D-gluco saminide (NAG)by E LISA method, before and after receiving enalapril for 8 w eeks.Results In the enalpril group the elevated urinary albumin, T F, RBP, and NAG were ma rkedly decreased (P<0.05).ERPF was signif icant ly increased (P<0.01) and the eleveted filtration fraction(FF)was significantly reduced(P<0.01). These paramete rs had no signif icant change throughout the study in the routine group.Conclusion Enalapril might improve the renal hemodynamic and prese rverenal function in diabetic nephropathy.
    Antitumor effect of compound shenqi granule
    ZHANG Yu-Fang, WU Yu-Bo, ZHANG Yong-Heng
    1998, 3(1):  30-32. 
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    Aim The influence of the compound Shenqigranule both on the grow th of S 180,H22, Lew is and on the antineo plastic activity as w ell as immunolog ical function in combination with ADM,DDP and CTX was to be observed.Methods Antineoplastic activity of the compound and the sy nergia, detoxi fication of chemotherapy drug s were observed in mouse transplanted tumor models.Results It was revealed that the compound Shenqig ranule Obviously decreaced the tumor of S180, H22, Lew is, increaced the antineoplasticactivity of ADM, DDP, CTX, and prevented the immusuppress induced by ADM, DDPand CTX.Conclusion The compound S henqi g ranule has the properties of ant ineoplast ic function and the synergia and detox ification which result from its enhance of immuno logical function.
    Experimental study on the oral drops of dermatophagoides arinae for the inhibition of allergy
    WAN Yi-Fu, HUANG Ma-Yang, XU Jian, ZOU Guo-Liang, LI Qiu-Gen, LI Lei-Zhen
    1998, 3(1):  33-35. 
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    Aim The oral drops of dermatophag oides farinae for the inhibition of allergy was studied. Methods The effects of the drops of de rmato phagoides farinae on the const raction of the ileum smooth muscle and the bronchoalveolar smooth muscle stimulated by antigen in g uinea pigs, and on the mastocy tedeg ranulation and the change of the vessel penet rability in rats were observed with the methods of the skull bone membrane and rat passive cutaneous anaphy laxis (PCA).Results The oral drops of dermato phagoides farinae can inhibit significantly the constration of ileum smo oth muscle and brachoalveolalr smooth muscle, the mastocyte deg ranulation, and the release of transmit ters.Conclusion The oral drops of dermato phagoides farinae has significant inhibition to allergy.It can be used to treat alle rgic asthma and other allergic disease.
    Clinical ivestigation of vitamin E on the oxidation of low density lipoprotein in coronary heart disease
    LU Fang-Hong, ZHANG Jing-Yun, RUAN Jing-Chun, WU Jian-Mei, MO Hui-Shan, ZHANG Shan-Tong
    1998, 3(1):  36-37. 
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    Aim The effect of Vitamin E on the oxidation of low denity lipoprotein in coronary heart disease (CHD)was abserued.Methods I n 32 healthy control persons and 45 CHD patients, who were divided into two groups and given Vitmin E 0.1 g qd or 0.1 g tid, po for 4 weeks, the contents of oxidized low densi ty lipoprotein oxLDL, lipid perox ides (LPO)in serum and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD)and g lutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px)in blood were examined before and after treatment.Results The oxLDL and LPO were significantly hig her in CHD patients than in the controls.after treatment with Vitmin E 0.1 g tid oxLDL and LPO decreased signif icantly (P<0.01)and GSH-Px activity increased markedly (P<0.01).Conclusion Vitamin E was a free radical scavenger and its inhibiting oxidative modification of LDL may be one of its machenisms for prevention and treatment of CHD.
    Effect of ketoconazole on concentration and Pharmacokinetics of aminophyllin in blood
    SUN Cheng-Chun, ZHANG Li, WANG JingXiang
    1998, 3(1):  38-40. 
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    Aim To study the effect of ketoconazole on the blood concentration and pharmacokinetic action of aminophyllin.Methods The concent raion of aminophyllin was determined by FPIA in rabbits having taken aminophyllin or aminophyllin combined with keto conazole.The two se ries of pharmacokinitics paramete rs were analysed by statistic method.Results The concentration of aminophyllin in the blood could be remarkably descreased by ketoconazole, the V d and AUC in combined group(4.70±1.48 L, 51.94±25.51 mg/L·h-1)were signif ieant ly different from those in the control group(1.39±0.61 L, 75.74±11.29 mg/ L·h-1) (P<0.01, P<0.05), the other pharmaco kinetics parameters were not significantly changed. Conclusion The dosage of amino phyllin should be regulated when the two drugs were combined, and the concentration of aminophyllin in blood should be detected.
    Effect of Zhuanggukangchi capsule, a preparation of traditional chinese medicine, on estrogen level and periodontal tissue in rats
    YANG Geng-Sen, HOU Xiao-Wei, MA Zhi, LI Zun-Min
    1998, 3(1):  41-43. 
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    Aim To investigate the effect of Zhanggukangchi capsule on estrogen level and the development of periodontal tissue in rats.Methods Forty female rats were divided into experimental and control groups in the former.Every rat was perfused with 1 ml Zhuang gukangchifluidper day in the latter, and rats were perfused with distilled water, and 30 days later, the est radial content was detected, and the weight of rat body and their utero-ovarian were measured;In addition, another 32 female rats were also divided into experimental and cont rol groups and fed as discribed aboue.Every 4 rats from each group were killed in 1, 4, 8 and 12 weeks respectively. The histolo gical characte ristics of periodontal tissue materials were observed with light microscope.Results The est radial content, weight of ute ro-o variam, and index of uters/a rium in experimental group were hig her significantly than those in the control group (P<0.01)and gingival epthelial hy perplasia, pericementum and periodontal fibre were thickened.Conclusion It is revealed that Zhuang gukangchicapsule may increase extrogen level distinctly and promote the development of periodontal tissue.