journal1 ›› 2016, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (5): 552-554.DOI: 10.11852/zgetbjzz2016-24-05-33

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Usage and related behaviors of network among adolescents in Jinshan district,Shanghai.

ZHANG Ling-ling,CHENG Wei.   

  1. Jinshan District Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Shanghai 201599,China
  • Received:2015-06-23 Online:2016-05-10 Published:2016-05-10



  1. 上海市金山区疾病预防控制中心,上海 201599

Abstract: Objective To study the current situation of the network involvement and related behaviors among adolescents,and provide scientific evidence for targeted interventions. Methods Totally 8 schools were chosen by stratified cluster sampling."Questionnaire of Health Related Behavior among Adolescents" was administered among 2 010 students. Results In the past 7 days,the proportion of students surfed the internet,spent more than 4 hours on the internet and video games was 84.5%,11.9% and 11.3% respectively; Main purposes were films (60.2%),chat (51.6%),data (50.0%) and news(37.6%);In the past 12 months,11.1% of the teenagers had browsed pornographic websites and approached audio-visual products.The proportion of senior middle school students(15.3%) and boys(18.2%) were higher than junior middle school students(6.7%) and girls(4.9%) (χ2=37.425 and 90.479 respectively,P<0.001);The proportion of boys(14.9%) and senior middle school students(15.9%) accessed sexual knowledge via the internet were higher than girls (8.8%) and junior middle school students(7.1%)(χ2=18.293 and 36.523 respectively,P<0.001). Conclusions Network usage among students is common.Excessive use should need attention which may bring adverse effect on physical and mental health of youth.Appropriate measures should be adopted.

Key words: internet, behavior, adolescent, student

摘要: 目的 了解金山区青少年网络使用及相关行为现状,为采取针对性的干预措施提供依据。方法 采用《上海市青少年健康相关行为调查问卷》,分层整群随机抽取郊区8所中学的2 010名学生进行匿名问卷调查。结果 过去7 d,中学生上网率为84.5%。每天上网超过4 h、玩网络电子游戏超过4 h的学生各占11.9%及11.3%;上网主要目的为音乐、影视收听收看(60.2%),网聊(51.6%)、查阅资料(50.0%)、浏览新闻(37.6%);过去12个月,11.1%的青少年看过色情网站、音像制品,高中生比例(15.3%)高于初中生(6.7%),男生(18.2%)高于女生(4.9%)(χ2分别为37.425和90.479,P均<0.001);通过互联网了解性知识的男生比例(14.9%)高于女生(8.8%),高中生(15.9%)高于初中生(7.1%)(χ2分别为18.293和36.523,P均<0.001)。结论 本区青少年网络使用较为普遍,针对网络的过度使用对青少年的身心健康可能带来的不良影响,需引起重视并积极干预。

关键词: 因特网, 行为, 青少年, 学生

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