journal1 ›› 2011, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (9): 844-847.

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Survey and research on feeding behavior of infants and toddlers aged between 2 months and 36 months in Shanghai

XU Qiong, XU Xiu, LIU Jing, LU Ping, YAN Dong-yong   

  1. Children's Hospital of Fudan University, Shanghai 201102, China
  • Received:2011-05-24 Online:2011-09-06 Published:2011-09-06



  1. 复旦大学附属儿科医院,上海 201102
  • 通讯作者: 徐秀,
  • 作者简介:徐琼(1977-) ,女,主治医师,硕士学位,主要从事儿童发育行为临床工作

Abstract: 【Objective】 To obtain a systematic insight into feeding behavior of infants and toddlers in Shanghai. Main indicators included feeding behaviors, feeding activities by feeders and development of feeding skills of infants and toddlers. 【Methods】 The research adopted a cluster sampling method to conduct the questionnaire survey on 960 healthy infants and toddlers aged between 2 months and 36 months at several neighborhoods in six districts. The study recouped 873 completely-filled-in and effective questionnaires and used the SPSS 11.5 software for analysis. 【Results】 42.7% of responding parents believed that their children had feeding problems. The main feeding problems of infants included eating too little (38.0%), picky eating and finicky eating (21.4%) as well as nausea and vomiting (19.8%). The main feeding problems of children included picky eating and finicky eating (39.5%), eating too little (34.3%) and eating too slowly (32.8%). The main feeding problems included longer mealtimes, high frequency of meals, inappropriate feeding position as well as feeders' poor feeding techniques. Meanwhile, the research also found out that infants and toddlers of all ages lagged in acquiring feeding skills than those listed on the textbook. In terms of skills such as finger feeding, feeding self with help, drinking from cup with help, drinking from cup without assistance, infants and toddlers admitted in this study apparently lagged their counterparts listed on the textbook. The differences featured statistical significance (P<0.05). 【Conclusion】 Changing the unreasonable frequency of meals, duration of meals and feeding behaviors while promoting development of feeding skills of infants and toddlers in a proper manner will help reduce the occurrence of feeding problems and boost normal development of feeding behavior of infants and toddlers.

Key words: feeding problems, feeding behaviors, feeding skills, infants and toddlers

摘要: 【目的】 了解目前上海地区婴幼儿的进食行为状况:主要进食行为问题,喂养人的喂养行为,婴幼儿进食技能的发展状况。 【方法】 采用整群抽样的方法,抽取6个区2~36个月的健康婴幼儿960位进行进食问卷调查,收回填写完整有效的问卷共873份,应用SPSS11.5统计软件进行分析。 【结果】 42.7%的家长认为婴儿存在进食行为问题,主要进食问题依次为吃得太少(38.0%)、挑食或偏食(21.4%)、恶心或呕吐(19.8%),幼儿的主要进食问题为挑食或偏食(39.5%)、吃得太少(34.3%)、吃得太慢(32.8%);喂养行为中有喂食时间过长、进餐次数过多、喂食位置不合理、喂养人的喂食技巧不合理等问题;同时调查还发现婴幼儿进食技能获得的月龄均存在不同程度的落后, 会用手指喂食、帮助自我喂食、用杯喝水、独立用广口杯喝水这几项进食技能的获得月龄明显落后与教科书上列举的婴幼儿该几项进食技能的获得月份,且差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 【结论】 改变不合理的喂食频率、进食时间、喂养行为,适时的促进婴幼儿进食技能的发展,可以减少婴幼儿进食问题的发生,促进婴幼儿进食行为正常发育。

关键词: 进食行为问题, 喂养行为, 进食技能, 婴幼儿

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