journal1 ›› 2012, Vol. 20 ›› Issue (12): 1130-1132.

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Research and analysis of the epidemiologic characteristics of infectious childhood diseases

CHENG Ai-ping   

  1. Department of Prevention and Health Care,the First People's Hospital of Zhumadian,Zhumadian,Henan 463000,China
  • Received:2012-03-09 Online:2012-12-06 Published:2012-12-06



  1. 驻马店市第一人民医院预防保健科,河南 驻马店 463000
  • 作者简介:程爱萍(1962-),女,副主任医师,本科学历,主要从事传染病防治及网络直报

Abstract: 【Objective】 To know about the pathogeny and epidemiologic characteristics of infectious childhood diseases,to master the prevention and control measures and to decrease the morbidity. 【Method】 Descriptive epidemiology was used to analyze statistically the infectious diseases in children from 0 to 14 years old who were reported through the network and registered from January 1,2004 to December 31,2011. 【Results】 The 1 584 infectious childhood reported cases were mainly respiratory and intestinal.Scattered children,especially male and rural,were the major patients.B disease was more popular than C disease.HFMD,measles,epidemic parotitis,chickenpox and congenital syphilis ranked the top five.Before 2010,when the vaccination of measles vaccine was carried out,measles was the majority,and after 2008,HFMD was the majority. 【Conclusions】 The key to prevent the infectious childhood diseases is to control the respiratory and intestinal infectious diseases.Vaccination is an effective way to decrease the morbidity.Strengthening the education of prevention knowledge,forming a good habit can also prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

Key words: infectious disease, epidemiologic characteristics, prevention and control method, children

摘要: 【目的】 了解儿童传染病的发病规律及流行病学特征,掌握预防控制措施,降低发病率。 【方法】 运用描述流行病学的方法对本院2004年1月1日-2011年12月31日网络直报及登记监测的0~14岁儿童传染病病例进行统计分析。 【结果】 报告的1 584例儿童传染病以呼吸道、肠道传染病为主,散居儿童病例最多,男性多于女性,农村多于城区,丙类多于乙类,排列前五位的是手足口病、麻疹、流行性腮腺炎、水痘、胎传梅毒。2010年全国实行麻疹疫苗强化免疫以前以麻疹发病为主,2008年以后以手足口病为主。 【结论】 控制呼吸道、肠道传染病是预防儿童传染病的关键,疫苗接种是降低发病率的有效措施,加强家长及儿童防病知识的教育,养成良好的生活习惯,可防止传染病的传播流行。

关键词: 传染病, 流行病学特征, 控制措施, 儿童

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