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    Volume 12 Issue 12
    26 December 2007
    Effects of extract of Sonchus oleraceus on cardiovascular protection
    MU Yan-ling, XIE Yan-ying, ZHOU Ling, XU Shu-lan, HU Zhi-li, WANG Fu-wen
    2007, 12(12):  1241-1320. 
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    AIM: To observe the cardiovascular protective effects of extract from Sonchus oleraceus. METHODS: Several experiments including hypoxia experiment, the survival test of hungry mice, acute myocardial ischemia, and electrical stimulation of thrombosis model in rats were used to evaluate the pharmacy activity of extract of Sonchus oleraceus. RESULTS: Extract of Sonchus oleraceus markedly prolonged the living time of the fasting, hypoxia experimetal mice, the formation time of carotid artery thrombosis, decreased blood viscosity shear rate (compared with control, P < 0.01), prevent myocardial ischemia caused by hypophysin. CONCLUSION: Extract of Sonchus oleraceus can prolong formation time of carotid artery thrombosis, anti-myocardial ischemia and then protect cardiovascular.
    Establishment of a network pharmacokinetic model for multiple component drugs and parameter analyses
    HE Fu-yuan, ZHOU Hong-hao, LUO Jie-ying
    2007, 12(12):  1321-1331. 
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    AIM: To establish a network pharmacoki-netic model for studying multiple drug components and analyzing parameters. METHODS: A model has been set up based on the comparent and linear kinetic theories, and the solutions have been obtained by Laplace transform method. The relations between the whole comp-artment model and network model for multiple component have been comparatively studied and their kinetic parameters have also been estimated and analyzed. RESULTS: The multiple component network pharmacokinetics follow a first order linear mammillary model. C, is a polynomial of power index numbere, which is similar to the whole compartment model. Various parameters (transit constant) were calculated by the expression of matrix consisting of αi and the compartment parameters. Its kinetic parameters can be obtained on the basis of the whole compartment model. CONCLUSION: The multiple component net-work pharmacokinetic parameters can be obtained and analyzed similarly as the whole compartment model.
    Advances of analysis technology and data processing in metabonomics study
    REN Hong-can, WANG Cuang-ji, A Ji-ye, HAO Hai-ping, SUN Jian-guo, ZHA Wei-bin, YAN Bei
    2007, 12(12):  1332-1338. 
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    Metabonomics takes great progress withthe development of analysis technology and biometrics. Asa new member of omicssciences, metabonomics hasshown potentials in drug development, screening of drugtoxicity, and disease diagnosis for its sensitive, rapid,quantitative, noninvasive, and systemic characteristics.The key aspects of metabonomics, including preparationof samples, analysis technology, principle of data pro-cessing, traectory of metabolome, identification of bio-markers and indexation of metabolic pathway are reviewed in this article. The advantages and disadvantages of sev-eral popular analysis technologies for metabonomics areevaluated. Also the development prospect of metabonom-ics is expected.
    Survey of studies on defecation in normal and constipated animal model
    QIAN Bo-chu, SHI Hong, ZHENG Xiao-liang
    2007, 12(12):  1339-1343. 
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    In recent years, new methods of defecation experiment in nonnal and constipated animal model have been successfully established in some species such as rats, rabbits, dogs and cynomolgus monkeys induced by several condition. This paper briefly introduced the progress in prepar of defecation in normal and constipated animal models, which was classified into two categories. (1) Drug-induced constipation animal models: Ftriptyline-induced constipation in cynomolgus monkeys, morphine-induced constipated rabbits, brimonidine and morphint induced atonic or spastic constipated ferrets, and loperamide-induced constipated rats and its colonic mucus decreased. (2) Defecation in normal animal models, including defecation in normal rabbits and dogs, measurement of gastrointestinal contractile activity in conscious monkeys. The paper reviewed the progress on methodology of constipated animal model which will be useful for the study on the anticonstipation drugs.
    Progress in inhibitory mechanism of somatostatin in the growth of human colonic carcinoma cells
    LIU Li, WU Pei
    2007, 12(12):  1344-1353. 
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    Somatostatin(SS) is an inhibiting gut hormone that widely exists in central nervous system (CNS), gastrointestinal tract, pancreatic tissue. A lot of researches indicate the anticancer activity of somatostatin analogue. It was reported to suppress proliferation of endocrine tumors,especially some solid tumors in digestive system. This review summarizes the progress on mecha-nism of somatostatin analogue(SSTA) and its influences on colon cancer of in recent years.
    Application status of using clopidogrel during perioperative period of percutaneous coronary intervention
    WU Hui, YANG Jun, DING Jia-wang, Ll Wen-hui, Ll Song, Ll Li
    2007, 12(12):  1354-1358. 
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    Percutaneous coronary intervention(PCI) has become one of the most important therapeutic methods for atherosclerotic heart disease(AHD), but the following complications such a-, stent thrombosis and restenosis affected its long-term efficacy. Platelet activation was a key component of thrombosis of during perioperative period PCI. As one of the most effective anti platelet drugs, clo-pidogrel has been established its important role in preventing thrombosis during perioperative period of PCI. After several large-scale clinical trials in recent years.
    Effects of recombinant human endostatin on the expression of apoptosisrelated genes in synovial tissue in rats with adjuvant arthritis
    HUANG Xue-ying, CHEN Fei-hu, LIU Yong-jing, ZHANG Xiao-ming, YUAN Feng-lai
    2007, 12(12):  1359-1363. 
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    AIM: To observe the effects of recombinant human endostatin (rh-end) on the expression of p53, fas and bcl-2 genes in synovial tissue in rats with adjuvant arthritis (AA). METHODS: The effects of rhend on the expression of p53, fas and bcl-2 mRNA in synovial tissue in AA rats were examined quantitatively by SYBR Green I real-time fluor, cent quantitative PCR (FQ-PCR). RESULTS: The expression of fas and bcl-2 mRNA in synovial tissue inprats treated with rh-end was significantly increased, as compared with model con-trols (P < 0.01). However, p53 mRNA expression decreased significantly in rh-end group than that in control (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: Recombinant human endostatin may induce fas-mediated apoptosis of synovial cells in AA rats, which may be independent on p53 and bcl-2.
    Effects of essential oil from Radix Angelicae Sinensis in mice with sepsis
    JIA Min, YANG Tie-hong, PAN Feng, LUO Xiao-xing
    2007, 12(12):  1364-1366. 
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    AIM: To investigate the effects of essential oil from Radix Angelica Sinensis (EOAS) in septic mice. METHODS: The lipopolysaccharide (LPS) was injected intravenously to set up septic model in mice. The survival rate was recorded during 7 days after LPS injection. The concentrations of TNF-α and IL-6 in serum were determined by ELISA. RESULTS: The survival rate was increased significantly by intravenous injection of EOAS (100 mg/kg) after intravenous injection of LPS (25 mg/kg). Within 2 hours before or after LPS (25 mg/kg) injection, the survival rate was increased significantly by EOAS at the dosage of 100 mg/kg,with the highest sur-vival rate when EOAS was injected l hour before LPS. The concentrations of TNF –α and IL-6 in serum were markedly increased by LPS(0.125 mg/kg). And the increased levels of TNF-α and IL-6 in serum were decreased remarkably by EOAS at 25-100 mg/kg. CONCLU LPS, this results suggest that EOAS has potential thera peutic effect on sepsis.
    Effects of caffeic acid on apoptosis of HUVEC-12 induced by H2O2 and the mechanism involved
    XIONG Dan, YAN Feng-xiang, OU He-sheng
    2007, 12(12):  1367-1375. 
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    AIM: To investigate the effects of caffeic acid on apoptosis of HUVEC-12 induced by H2O2, and to explore the related phaimacological mechanism. METHODS: The (cells were incubated with H2O2 (0. 5 mmol/L) and caffeic acid (1, 10, 100 µmol/L). The viability of HUVEC-12 was measured by MIT assay at different concentrations or times. Flow cytomet analysis was uesd to determine the rate of cell apoptosis. AO/EB dyeing was used to detect the morphological changes of cells. Westem blotting was used to detect the NF-kB, P53 or Bcl-2 protein expression. RESULTS: HUVEC-12 was pretreat ed with 1, 10, 100 µmol/L caffeic acid for 30 minutes followed by 0.5 mmol/L H2O2, the rate of cell survival reduced in dose-dependent manner. Results of flow cytoment demonstrated that the apoptotic rate of cells decreased from 21. 9 % ± 2. I % to 3. 8 % ± I. I %. Spontaneous apoptosis was significantly increased in the cells incubated with caffeic acid, meanwhile, the NF-kB protein was upregulated, Bcl-2 protein was down-re lated, ai1d P53 protein was up-regulated. CONCLUSION: Caffeic acid could resist the H2O2-induced cell apoptosis, with the possible molecular mechanism of regulating the NF-kB, P53 and BCL-2 expression.
    Protecting effect of matrine on pulmonary interstitial fibrosis in rats
    FU Song-quan, FU Song-bo, YAN Xi-lin, LIU Zhen-fen, RAN Jun–tao, ZHAO Chong-chong
    2007, 12(12):  1376-1380. 
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    AIM: To study the effect of matrine on bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats and its mechanism. METHODS: Pulmonary fibrosis model was estalished in male Wistar rats by intratracheal instillation of bleomycin (BLM). Then the rats were given matrine by the intraperitoneal injection. Histological changes of the lungs were evaluated by HE stain and Masson's trichrome stain. Collagen content of the lung tissue was assessed by hydroxyproline concentration. Malondialdehyde (MDA) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) of the lung tissue were measured by colorimetric method. RESULTS: Pulmonary fibrosis of matrine group (OM) and hydrocortisone group (P) was improved as compared with that of group BLM. Hydroxyproline concentrations of up (OM) and group were lower than that of group BlM (P < 0. 05); The levels of MDA in the lung tissue were significantly increased in group OM and group P as compared with group BlM (P < 0.01). Therapeutic efficacy of the matrine was the same as the treatment of hormone in the rat model of bleomycin-induced pulmonarγfibrosis. CONCLUSION: Matrine alleviates bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis in rats, which reated to the effectively inhibition of oxidative stress in lung tissues.
    Effects of atorvastain on transcription levels of TGF-β1 and IL-lβ in rats post myocardial infarction
    WANG Ai-li, CHENG Ling-ling, HU Jian-feng, CHENG Xin-yao
    2007, 12(12):  1381-1388. 
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    AIM: To investigate the effects of atorv-astain on transcription levels of cytokines of TGF-β,andIL-1ppost acute myocardial infarction in rats. METH-ODS: Rats with acute myocardial infarction were random-ly divided into myocardial infarction group and'atorvastaintreatment group(21 in each group). 13 normal rats wereused as non-infarction controls(sham group). In treat-I ment group,atorvastain wasintragastrically administra-tered at the 2 nd day after myocardial infarction. After 1week, TGF-β, and IL-1β mRNA were detemined in eachgroup. After 6 weeks, the cardiac function, related ven-tricular remodeling parameters and TGF-β and IL-1β mR-NA were determined as well. RESULTS: Compared withmyocardial infarction group, atorvastain significantly de-creased LV end-diastolic dimension (LVEDD). However,the ventricular remodeling parameters, ejection fraction(EF) and fractional shortening (FS) weresignificantly increased in atorvastain treatment group, compared withmyocardial infarction group (P < 0.05). The mRNAtranscription levels of TGF-β, and IL-lβ in both myocardi-al infarction and atorvastain treatment groups were signifi-cantly higher than those in the sham group (P < 0.05).After 6 weeks, IL-1β and TGF-β mRNA levels were in-creased in myocardial infarction group. After treatmentwith atorvastain for 6 weeks, the mRNA levels of IL-1β and TGF-β were decreased compared with myocardial in-farction group(P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Atorvastaincandownregulate TGF-β, and IL-1β transcription and maybe effetive in preventingventricular remodeling aftermyocardial infarction in rats.
    Cytotoxicity evaluation of a novel anticholinergicdrug penehyclidine hydrochloride and its optical isomers
    WANG Yi-mei, PENG Shuang-qing, ZHONG Bo-hua, LIU Ke-liang
    2007, 12(12):  1389-1389. 
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    AIM: To evaluate the cytotoxicity of anovelanticholinergic drug penehyelidine hydrochloridle(PHC) and its four optical isomers R-1, R-2, S-1, and S-2. METHODS: Two in vitro assays. MTT assay andneutral red uptake 198ay, were used to evaluate the cyto-toxicity following PHC and its isomers exposure to HepG2cells at different concentrations. RESULTS: PHC and itsisomers induced decreases of viability of HepG2 ceils in aconcentration-dependent manner. Comparison of the cyto-toxicity of the five anticholinergic agents with 50% inhibi-tory concentration (ICg) values indlicated that the orderof potency was PHC> R-2> R-1> S2> S-1 for MTTassay, and R-2> PHC ≈ R-1> S2> S-1 for neutral reduplake assay. CONCLUSION: With respect to the cyto-toxicity of the four isomers on HepG2 cells, the config-uration was more potent than the S configuration, and R-2 was the most potent isomer whereas S-! was the leastpotent isomer among the four optical isomers.
    Studies on anti-cancer and immune enhancing effects of carboxymethyl-ch-itosan
    YANG Jing-ya, YU You-jun, WU Hong-zhong, LIU Jian-wen
    2007, 12(12):  1390-1394. 
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    AIM: To detemine the anti-cancer andimmune-enhancing effects of carboxymethyl-chitosan. METHODS: MTT method was used to detect the activity of carboxymethyl-chitosan in vitro; S180 tumor model wasbuilt to study the antitumor ffeet of carboxymethyl-chi-tosan in tito. Flow cytonetric analysis was employed toanalysis tumor cell eyele and apoptosis. ELISA was usedto measure the immune modulation activity of carboxym-ethyi chitosan. RESULTS: Carboxymethyl-chitosan sup-pressed tumorcells. The IC50 is 30 μg/mL. The cell ey-rle was arested in Gphase afer Carboxynethyi-chitsan treatment, and apoplosis of cancer cell was induced obvi-ously. Carboxymethyl-chitosan also presented proninenteffects on anti-cancer and imanune enhancement. CONCLUSION: Carboxymethyl-chitosan exhibit anti-caner effects significantly by direetly illing cancer celis and in-mune enhancement.
    A new idea of the positive control medicine in the clinical trial of traditional Chinese medicine
    XIANG Nan, DENG A-li, Li Xiao-dong, ZHOU Ya-na
    2007, 12(12):  1395-1397. 
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    In the clinical trial of new traditional Chinese medicine, because of the special characteristics and particularity in the diagnosis and treatment system of TCM, the choice of the positive control medicine always face some problems. Which affects the validity of clinical drug evaluation seriously. We present a new concept of “composite control”. The new concept provides new ways, which is widely used in the choice of the positive control medicine in the clinical trial of TCM. It has real-istic significance to research the validity of clinical drug evaluation.
    Ethical review of biomedical research involving human subjects: expedited review
    WANG Xiu-Qin, XIONG Ning-ning, LU Shen-lin, Li Qi-yi, JIANG Meng, LU Fang, Jian-dong, GAO Wei-min, XUE Xue-kun
    2007, 12(12):  1398-1400. 
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    There are two mxdies ol Istitinal Revicw Bard (IRB mvie "epeliel" and "full buand" or "fall conmeittrereview. The preliminary repuirenent of eqedited revicw is mininal niak, Taking sone inenational gideine and cosidering tde wongre of revierw of IRB which reviewbiomedical research invalving human subjets in China as well, thie paper put forward de clepnie of rearch subietiqehi dreview and the oprating preeure of eqpedied review, point out several items which should be paid attit lo wben on ducting expedited review in the meantine.
    Issues of clinical trails on traditional Chinese new drugs for diabetic poly-neuropathy
    LI Tao, GUO Lan
    2007, 12(12):  1401-1404. 
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    The paper introduced the international regulation method and discussed the diagnosis, control drugs, duration and efficacy evaluate of clinical trails on traditional Chinese new drug of diabetic polyneuropathy and made some suggestion.
    Effects of CYP2C19 and CYP2C9 genotype on valproate clearance in patients with epilepsy in China
    BAI Xiang-rong, JIANG De-chun, WANG Yu-qin, QI Xiao-lian
    2007, 12(12):  1405-1410. 
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    AIM: To evaluate the effects of CYP2G19 and CYP2C9 gene polymorphisms on Val-proate (VPA) clearance of epileptic patients in China inorder to promote individualized medicine. METHODS: The demographic data and steady plateau concentrations of VPA frorn 216 epileptic patients to tetrospectively collect-ed.The gene polymorphisms of CYP2CI9 and CYP2C9 were examined by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polynorphism (PCR-RFLP). Accondingto the genotype of CYP2G19 and CYP2C9, these pa-tients were divided into three groups: G1 (wild type),G2(heterozygous type),G3(homozygous type). Themean of VPA oral clearance CL/F) was calculated foreach group, and was compared among three groups. The relationship between mean of VPA oral clearance and genepoly morphism was character rizedby multiple regression analysis. RESULTS: In 216 cases of Chinese patients, the number of patients in each group was 86(G1) 86(G2) and 44(G3). The mean plateau concentrations in three groups were (54.13± 21.53),(54.43±18.86), (62.55±25.62) μg/mL, and CLIF of VPA were (11.49±4.47),(11.13±4.95),(9.40±4.67) mL-1·h-1·kg-1, respectively. The CLIF of VPA in G3 group was lower than those in the other two groups. There was significant correlation between genotype and VPA oralcle arance. The regression equation were as following: G1 group:Y=7.395+0.299 mg-1·kg-1·d-1, G2 group: y=4.503+0.473ng,G3 group: y=5.025+0.335 mg-1·kg-1·d-1. CONCLUSION: The polynorphisms of CYP2G19 and CYP2C9 have effect the VPA oral clearance. The CLIF of VPA in ho-mozygous typeis significantly lowered than one in het-erocygous type. It will be valuable to failitate individual-ized usage of VPA according to the genotype in elinicaltherapy.
    Effects of five drugs including ciclosporin and nifedipine which were usually used in patients with kidney transplantation on erythrocyte thiopurinemethyltransferase activity
    XIONG Hui, XIONG Lei, SU Dan, XIN Hua-wen, WU Xiao-chun, LI Qing, LI Gao
    2007, 12(12):  1411-1414. 
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    AIM: To investigate the effects of five dugs which were usually used simultaneously with azathioprine (AZA) in patients with kidney transplantation: ciclosporin, hydrocortisone, nifedipine, captopriland al-lopurinol on erythrocyte tliopuriner methyltransferase(TPMT) activity. METHODS: The erythrocyte TPMT activity of healthy volunteers was measured by high-per-formance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Sixteen volunteers were chosen, in which 8 cases with intermediate TPMT activity and others with normal TPMT activity. Themean inhibition ratio of each drug concentration and the mean IC values of the inhibitors were determined. RESULTS: Ciclosporin, hydrocortisone, captopril and allo-purinol had nearly no impacts on TPMT activity. Nifedip-lnehighly inhibited TPMT activity in vitro, the meanI IC50 value in intermediate TPMT activity groupwas (24±17) μg/mL and in normal TPMT activity group was (12±10) μg/mL. CONCLUSION: The co-administration of nifedipine and thiopurines may lead to drug interactions.
    A cical study on codirtiono of Cyloporin A and beberin hydro-chlride in renal transplanted recipients
    YU Ai-rong, XIN Hua-wen, WU Xiao-chun. Li Qing
    2007, 12(12):  1415-1418. 
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    AIM: To study the eflect of berberinhydrochloride (Ber) on the elevation of blod concentra-tion of Cyelosporin A (CsA) and liver and renal functionsin renal transplanted recipients. METHODS: 138 caseswith renal transplantation in experimental group weretreated with CsA and Ber and 150 cases with renal trans-plantation in control group received CsA only. Blood lev-els of CsA, biochemistry indexes for liver and renal func-tion were detennined. RESULTS: After 1,3,6 monthscombined with Ber, blood concentrations of CsA in pa-tients went up by 49.8%,81 4%.36.9% and the radiosof blood concentration of CsA to CsA dosage inereased taking Ber(P < 0.01). ht had a sigifiant increase com-pared with the control group(P < 0.01). No significantffet on liver or renal function was obsenved when com-bined with Ber and CsA. CONCLUSION: Ber couldmarkedly elevale the blood concentration of CsA in renaltransplanted recipients and did not inerease the toxicity ofCsA. Ber combined with CsA can be used as a method forsaving money on CsA.
    Study on clinical pharmacokinetics of tegaserod hydrogen maleate tablet in healthy Chinese volunteers by LC-MS
    OUYANG Dong-sheng, WU Wei-hua, TANG Zhi-rong, CHEN Rao, ZHOU Gan, HU Dong-li
    2007, 12(12):  1419-1423. 
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    AIM: To study the phamnacokinetics of Tegaserod Hydrogen Maleate Tablet in healthy Chinese volunteens, METHODS: The volunteers received a single 6, 12 or 18 mg dose of tegaserod orally, respectively. Te-gasenxl in plasma was detemined by LC-MS.RE-SULTS: The pharmacok inetics of tegaserod confomed toa 2-compartment open moolel after single oral dose (6, 12 and 18 mg). The tmax was (2.2±1.0), (1.3±0.5),(1.3±0.4) h; Cmax (3.4±0.4), (8.5±1.4),(12.0±2.4) ng/mL; $t_{\frac{1}{2}α}$ was (5.5 ±6.4), (4.6 ±5.6), (2.0±2.0) h; $t_{\frac{1}{2}β}$ was(16.2±2.4), (15.2±1.8), (14.9±2.0) h; $AUC_{0→48}$ was (53±9), (96±29), (135±54) ng·h·mL-1; $AUC_{0→∞}$ was (64±12),(108±33), (158±60) ng·h·mL-1; MRT was (16.3±l.0), (14.8±1.1), (14.6±0.7) h. The Cmax、$AUC_{0→48}$ and $AUC_{0→∞}$ were orelated linearly with dosage within 6-18 mg. The satistical unalysis indicated that the tmax, $t_{\frac{1}{2}α}$, $t_{\frac{1}{2}β}$ and MRT had no significant differences among different groups.'The plasma concentration of tegaserod reached steady state after successive adminis-trationof 3 days, and the tmax 、Css,max、Css,min 、Css,avg、,DF were(1.5±0.4) h, (8.1 ± 1.3), (2.6±0.7),(4.4±10.8) ng/mL, (126±16) % respectively. The Cmax、$AUC_{0→48}$、$AUC_{0→∞}$ and $t_{\frac{1}{2}β}$ were apparently more than those reported in other population. CONCLUSION: The phamnacokinetics of tegaserod hydrogen maleate tabletin healthy chinese volunteers can he described by a two compartment model and has a linear dlynamics character within the range of 6-18 mg.
    Effects of dexamethasone on blood S100β and Neuron Specific Enolaselevels in cardiac valve replacement patients undergoing cardiopulmonarybypass
    LUAN Hai-hong, WANG Shi-lei, WANG Shi-duan, JIANG Yan, YUAN Li, LIU Ying-zhi
    2007, 12(12):  1424-1427. 
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    AIM: To observe the effects of dexam-ethasone (DXM) on blood S100Β and Neuron SpecifieEnolase NSE) levels of cardiac valve replacement pa-tients undergoing cardioqulnonary bypass (CPB). METHODS: 30 patients, who were 31-63 years old,weighted 46-76 kg, ASAIl-Ill, were randonized toreceived 0.5 mg/kg dexanethasone (dexanethasonegnoup) or plceho(control group) 60 minutes before oper-alion. The plasma levels of TNF-α, IL-Iβ, S-1003 ard NSE were measured at the follwing times: before thedexamethasone or lacehe were aiminisered(T1) before-stating CPB(T2), the end of CPB(T3), imnediately af-ter oeration T4).24 h aler skin doue(T5) and 48hafter skin closure(T6). RESULTS: Both the plasrna com-centrations of TNF-α, IL-Iβ were upregulated after T2.S-100 β, and NSE were upregulated after T3(P < 0.05)and alnoestly resume to nomal level at T6. The plasma cocentratins of TNF-α, IL-Iβ, S100βand NSE in dex-amethasone group were lower than those in placebo grup(P < 0,05). CONCLUSION Dexamethasone may de-crease the blood S-100Β and NSE levels after cardiopul-monary bypass by iting the release of prinfianmnatory cytokine.
    Effects of Xingnaojing injection on serum cytokines in patients with severepneumonia in ICU
    YIN Hai-yan, ZHANG Rui, Li Bao-hong, ZHAO Wei-shi, WEl Jian-rui
    2007, 12(12):  1428-1431. 
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    AIM: To investigate the effets of Xing-naujing injection on serum cytokines in patients with severe pneunonia in ICU. METHODS: 40 patients with severe pneumonia in ICU were randkomly divided into two groups. 20 patients were infused Xingnaojing(XNJ group) and were treated with routine drugs and mnechanical venti-lation. Another in the control(C) group 20 patients were treated with drugs and mechanical ventilation. The noermal(N) group was consisted of 20 health oulpatients in thesame period. Tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-α), inter-lukin-6(IL-6) and C-response protein(CRP) in plasmawere measured before aund after therapy in 40 patients withsevere pocumnia and in the nrmal group. RESULTS: The levels of TNF-α, IL-6 and CRP olf 40 patients were significantly higher than these in nmal penple(P < 0.05. P < 0.01). There was obviously lower level of TNF-α and lL-6 after therapy than before therapy in XNJ group and with dayS and(P < 0.05). But the level of CRP in all groups has no statistical significance. CONCLUSION: TNF-α and IL-6 are associated with in-flammakory reaction of the severe pneumonia. Xingnaojinginjection plays a lung injury poeetion role by reducing cytokine-mediated inflammalory response.
    Effects of trimetazidine on myocardial ischemia and heart rate variabilityin patients with non ST elevation acute coronary syndrome
    ZHANG Jing, HE Sheng-hu, CHEN Shu, ZHANG Yi, YAN Feng-di, YAN jian-feng, ZHAO Fu-quan, XU Xiao-hua
    2007, 12(12):  1432-1435. 
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    AIM: To obsene the eletes of tincazd-dine on nyrardial ischemia and heurt ate variability(HRV) in patients with non ST-elevalion acute comonarysymadroe (NSTEACS). METHODS: 74 patients withNSTEACS were chosen and ransiomly assiged into twugou one grop wa given orvratioal therapy wilh uae.pirin, isurhide mononitrate, fluvastatin and m fopokol,trimetazidine was akled on the base of coeveninal thera-py in the other group. The total obseralien lime of thera-py was 8 weeks. The heart rale, blood presure, frequency and penidene time of chesl pain, nuanden of tinesofusing Nitngyerin every day,tie exlent anl dke olmyo andial iseheria. HRV of plients were dored le.fore and after treatnen. RESULTS: The therapeutie ef-fect od inetaridie treatnert gorep(wilh the efetie rate 94.4%. exelleae rate 72.2%) was olviasly het-ler than tha ol the comentional treataen grap (with theffetive rale 65.8%. ecellence rale 36.8%)(P < 0.05 or P < 0.01). The SDNN, SDANN, MSSD an PNN50 of HRV wre significantly inereawed (P < 0.05);LF,LF/HF of HRV were sigpificanily decreaeed (P < 0.05) in trinstazidine Imeatnsent grsup whun eenpared with thene olf the cornventional treatment group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: Trinetazidine inpeovemyxandial ischemia am HRV in palienis with NSTEACS.
    Clinical research on biochemical aspirin resistance in coronary heart dis-ease patients
    ZHANG Jian-hua, YE Lin-li, ZHAO Wei, CHEN Xiao-shu, CHEN Da-kai
    2007, 12(12):  1436-1440. 
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    AIM: To investigate biochemical aspirinresistance(AR) in coronary heart disease(CHD) patientsand the preventive measures. METHODS: CHD group(156 patients with angiographically documented CHD)and control group(n = 22) whose coronary artery angio-gram were normal took aspirin 100 mg/d for ≥ 7 days, and then their blood samples were collected for determination of optical platelet aggregation index (PAG) induced byarachidonic acid (AA)andadenosinediphosphate(ADP).'The CHD patients were given clopidogrel 75 mg/d after blood collected. After 7 days the blood sampleswere collected again. AR wasdefinedas a state in whichaggregation > 20% with AA and that > 70% with ADPwasfound. Aspirin semiresistance (ASR) was defined asmeeting one of the above criteria. If both above criteriaswere not met, the condition was defined as aspirin sensi-tive(AS). RESULTS: ln CHDgroup, ADP-inducedPAG, lg(AA-induced PAG) andlg(TXB, level) in ARor ASR subgroupwere higher than those in AS subgroup 154%. respectively(P < 0.05). The incidence of AR and AA-induced PAG in CHDgroup were higher than those incontrol group respeetively (P < 0.01). The TXB, level inCHD patients correlated with ADP and AA-induced PAG,respectively (r =0.497, P < 0.0I; r=0.391, P < 0.01). The above data were collected before taking clopi-dogrel. AA and ADP-induced PAG, the incidence ofASR or AR and the plasma level of TXB, after taking clo-pidogrelwere higher than those of before taking clopi-dogrel. CONCLUSION: The antiplatelet effect of aspirinin CHDgroup was more inferior than that in controlgroup. The incidence of AR in CHD patients increased.The plasma levels of TXB, in AR or ASR subgroup werehigher than those in AS subgroup. Clopidogrel can rein-force the effect of antiplatelet, can be used to prevent orcure AR.