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    Volume 1 Issue 1
    26 March 1996
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    Clinical evaluation of treatment of acute ischemic cerebreal infarction with intravenous nimodipine
    Gong Peili, Fang Siyu, Wei Guirong, Liu Guheng, Zng Fandian
    1996, 1(1):  4-7. 
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    Aim This study was designed to evaluate the effect of nimodipine on acute ischemic cerebral in-farction and its safety. Methods With single - blind, paralle controll and random methods 120 patients with acute ischemic cerebral infarction were equally divided into 2 groups. Patients in ni-modipine group (n = 60)received nimodipine 3 mg/d by intravenous infusion as well as mannitol, for 21 days. Patients in control group (n = 60) received only mannitol for 21 days. Results The rates of effect in nimodipine and control groups were 95.0 % and 71.7 %,respectively. There was a significant difference (P< 0.01) between the two groups. The improvement of nervous functional defect was obvious and rapid in the nimodipine group compared with that in the control group (P <0.01). Platelet aggregation rate after treatment decreased by 15.7 % compared with that before treatment in nimodipine group (P< 0.01); Cerebral blood flow velocity of arteriae cerebri media (MCA) and arteriae cenebri anterior (ACA) increased by 15.4 % and 11.4 % respectively compared with those before treatment (P< 0.05). Platelet aggregation rate and cerebral blood flow velocity in control group were not affected (P< 0.05). The commonest adverse effects in the two groups were headache and diziness. No patient withdrew from the treatment due to the adverse reactions. Conclusion Nimodipine, administered by intravenous infusion, has shown to be a relatively safe and rapidly effective drug for trea tment of patients with acute ischemic cerebral infarction.
    Study on the antibacterial activity in vitro of cefoperazone/sulbactam
    Fang Xiangqun, Liu Youning, Wang Rui, Chen Qian, Li Yong, Che Mengli, Zhao Zhijian
    1996, 1(1):  8-12. 
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    Aim To study the antibacterial activity in vitro of cefoperazone/ sulbactam. Methods The MIC50, MIC90 and IC50 of cefoperazone (CPZ), sulbactam (SBT) sulperazone(SPZ) (a combina- tion of CPZ and SBT in a ratio of 1: 1) against 322 strains isolated clinically were determined and analyzed. Results SPZ was more effective than CPZ against the isolates except S. aureus. MIC90 of SPZ to these isolates were reduced to 2 ~ to 4 - fold. MIC50 of SPZ to S. pncumonia and Ⅱ. influenza were reduced remarkly; MICs of SPZ to 53.2 % strains of the family Enter-obacteriaceae and to 40.7 % strains of Ps. auruginosa reduced 2 - fold or more than CPZ. Tolerance to CPZ occurred in 9.04 % strains of the family enterobacteriaceae and in 33.3 % strains of Ps. auruginos and 52.9 % of the fomer and 50.0 % of the latter of CPZ resistant strains were susceptible to SPZ. Although there was almost no antibaterial activity of SBT against the isolates tested, but SBT may enhance the effectivity of CPZ,it may be induced by its inhibitory effect to β-lactamase. Conclusion SPZ may be used in treatment of serious infection caused by CPZ resistant isolates.
    Determination of cyclosporine A by the fluorescence polar-ization immunoassay methods in renal transplant recipients and the influence of hepatic function on CsA concentration
    Wang Feng, Zhang Huafeng, Li Ying, Su Shiping, Sun Bin
    1996, 1(1):  13-16. 
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    Aim This study was to investigate the influence of specific and nonspecific detecting methods on CsA blood concentration in renal transplanting patients, and to observe the effects of hepatic function on CsA concentration. Methods Eighty-four whole blood specimens from 36 renal transplant recipients who had received cyclosporine (CsA) were measured with MAFPIA and PAFPIA. Results Linear regression analysis showed that there was a better rela tionship between PAFPIA and MAFPIA (r = 0.8974). Values of PAFPIA in patients with reduced hepatic function was significantly higher than those of MAFPIA. Both regression curve parameters differed greatly from each other. It is suggested that therapeutic drug monitoring for CsA should be performed with the specific method.
    Effects of intravenous injection of calcitonin gene-related peptide into rats on mean arterial pressure and heart rate
    Wu Hongcha, Hong Changjiang, Li Zhujiang, Qian Xuexian, Zhang Yong
    1996, 1(1):  17-18. 
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    Aim The effects of intravenous injection of calcitonin gene - related peptide (CGRP) on mean arterial pressure and heart rate in rats were investigated. Methods Different doses o{ CGRP were injected intravenously into rats,and their effects on normal and adrenaline-induced increased arterial pressure and heart rate were observed. Effect of enalapril (1.5mg/kg i.v.) on adrenaline - in- duced increased arterial pressure was also observed. Results The results showed that CGRP re-duced mean arterial pressure significantly, and the effects were dose-related,but it had no effect on heart rate. Enalapril also significantly decreased the adrenaline-induced increased arterial pressure. Conclusion intravenous injection of CGRP into rats significantly decreased mean arterial pressure but had no obvious effect on heart rate.
    Effect of yan yang liquor on a mouse model of yang-deficiency
    Xu Shikai, Wang Gexin, Huang Yong, Zeng Shan
    1996, 1(1):  19-20. 
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    Aim To test the effects of Yan Yang Liquor on a mouse model of Yang-Deficiency. Methods Hydrocortisone was used to induce Yang - Deficiency syndrom in mice. Yan-yang liquor in different dosages was given to mice both in normal group and yang-defeciency group, and Nan Bao capsule was given to the mice in the control group. Results Like the effects of Nan Bao Capsule, Yan Yang Liquor could significantly relief the Yang-Dificiency snydrom. The mobility score in 10 min was 46.4±20.3 and 53.1±19.4 at 7.04mg/kg and 14.08mg/kg Yan Yang liquor,respectively,compared with 15.3±12.2 in Yang-Deficiency models. Conclusion Yan Yang Liquor has certain effects in tonifying the kidney and invigorating Yang.
    Effects of tea ployphenols on levels of PIP2,IP3 of acute schemic myocardium in rat
    Ke Yongsheng, Zhao Zhengdong
    1996, 1(1):  21-22. 
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    Aim The effects of tea polyphenols (TP) on phosphoinositides metablism in rats with acute ischemic myocardium were studied. Methods The model of acut myocardial ischemia in rats was prepared by ligating anterior decending branch of left coronary artery. Results The functio1l of the phosphoinositide signal system was enhanced 10 min after acute myocardial is-chemia. Both of the levels of phosphotidylinositol-4,5-biphosphate(PIP2) and inositol -1,4,5-triphosphate (IP3)were higher than those in the non - ischemic control group(P<0.01).The rise of the levels of PIP2 and IP3 caused by myocardial ischemia were remarkedly in-hibited by the TP and a dose - effect relalionship was observed (P<0.01). Conclusion The results showed that the protection of TP was relation to its inhibiting the function of phosphoinositides metablism in acute ischemic myocardium.
    Study of MTX pharmacokinetics and relationship between local and systemic drug concentration in patients
    Wang Shaohua, Li Deai, Shi Jie, Li Yang, Yu Jingchai, Jiang Haiyi
    1996, 1(1):  23-25. 
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    Aim Pharmcokinetic action of MTX and the relationship of drug concentration in cancers with that in the systemic blood were studied. Methods MTX in a dose of 30 mg/m2 was given to 31 cancer patients. Samples of systemic blood were taken at 1h, 3h, 6h, 12h, 24h, 30h, and 48h after drug administration. The same dosage of MTX was given to 30 patients with mammary cancer 3 hours before operation and blood samples from the organ where the cancer was located and from peripheral veins were taken during operation. The drug concentration in each kind of samples was detected and analysed. Results The plasma concentration vs time date were better described by an open three compartment model. In patients with 30 mg/m2,local and systemic drug concentrations were in high relationship, and adverse drug reactions were smaller than that of other dose. Conclusion The 30mg/m2 dose of MTX was a safe therapeutic dose.
    Enhancement effect of 1-menthol and azone on percutaneous penetration of salicylic acid in vitro
    Wang Hui, Xu Weiming, Wang Zongrui
    1996, 1(1):  26-28. 
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    Aim Percutaneous penetration enhancement of 1 - menthol and azone on salicylic acid was studied. Methods Eaperimental solutions of 1 - menthol and azone, used singly and jointly, in different doses and hairless mouse skin were prepared. A percutaneous penetration apparatus and an ultraviolet spectrophotometer were employed to measure the a bsorption volume of salicylic acid. Results Percutaneous penetration enhancement of 1 - menthol was stronger than that of azone, but when they were used jointly, the action were not better or even lower, than that of 1 - menthol or azone used alone.
    The experimental study on forming of gallstone induced by drugs of sex hormone
    Wang Chenyou, Yu Hongzhui, Zhang Weiwei
    1996, 1(1):  29-30. 
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    Aim To know whether the sex hormone played a role in formation of gallstone, the experimental study on the drugs was designed. Methods 60 rabbits were randomly divided into 6 groups in 4 of which(groups E2,P,T,H) estradiol,progesterone,testosterone and HCG were administered separately, and normal saline and refined oil were given to as control in the other groups(C1、C2). The animals were put to death in 6 weeks. The blood, bite, gallbladder, bile duct, liver and gallstones were assayed. Results The gallstone formation rate was 90% in group E2,50% in group H and 10% in group T. There no gallstone that was formed in the alimals in groups P, C1 and C2. Most of the gallstones were found in the female animals. Only in group E2 were the gallstones found in 4 male rabbits. The comnpostion of stone was mainly choles-terol. Conclusion Among the sex hormones estradiol and HCG are in relation to the formation of gallbladder cholestrol stone.
    Therapeutic effects of polysaccharide sulfate intravenous injections in treatment of coronary heart disease
    Wu Keng, Qian Weiming, Wu Ping
    1996, 1(1):  31-33. 
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    Aim To observe the therapeutic effects of polysaccharide sulfate. Methods Thirty - two patients with coronary heart disease ( M20, F12; age 58±10a) were treated with polysaccharide sulfate 200mg in 10% glucose solution 500ml, iv, drip, qd,for 14d as a courae. For the control group, 16 patients with coronary heart disease (M11, F5; age56±9a) were treated with injection of compound salvia miltiorrhiza 16ml in 10% glucose solution iv, drip, qd, for 14d. Results The efficacy for angina in the polysaccharide sulfate group was similar to that in the compound salvia miltiorrhiza group (90% to 88%), but the EKG, heart rate, pressure blood, blood fat, blood rheology and cardiac function were more significantly improved in the polysaccharide sulfate group than those in the compound salvia miltiorrhiza group(P<0.05). Conclusion Polysaccharide sulfate could have a good effect on the treatment of coronary heart disease.
    Establishment and application of pharmacokinetic local model
    Cao Guoxian, Li Weiyi, Yu Huixing, Sun Ruiyuan
    1996, 1(1):  50-53. 
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    Aim To establish and apply a new model called pharmcokinetic local model. Methods The local model of pharmacokinetics was deduced on the basis of multicompartment model, and phar macokinetical equation and several important patameters were obtained. Results The model could properly describe pharmacokinetic action of pharmaceuticals in organs or other tissues. Thereby,ambiguous explanation of multicempartment model about pharmaceutical in a specific tissue is replaced by the visual explanation of the new model. According to formulae of the model, we complited the computer program and made some calculations. The results show that the model can ideally explain experimental facts.
    Histological Analysis of Protective Mechanism in Gastric Mucosa & Evaluation of Drug Efficacy
    Kagoshima Masatoyo, Huang Zhili
    1996, 1(1):  64-70. 
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