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    Volume 1 Issue 2
    26 June 1996
    Polyporus Umbellalus Ploysaccharides and Silybin in protecting ultrostructure of human fetal hepatocytes injured by CCL4
    Wang Maorong, Le Meizhao, Xu Jiazhang, et al
    1996, 1(2):  81-83. 
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    Aim In order to investigate the protective effects of Silybin and Polyporus Umbellalus Polysaccharides (PSP) on the ultrostructure of human hepatocytes a new experimental model system was founded by human fetal hepatocytes injued by CCL. Methods The hepatocytes the liver of human fetus aged. between 5 and 7 monthes were pretreated by collegenase digestion, treated with Silybin and PSP for different times and then exposed to CCL for 4 hours. Under scanning electron microscope (SEM) the hepatocytes were observed and the transaminase. and SOD in the culture medium were also assayed at the end of culture. Results The levels of transaminaese ALT and AST were largely decresed and the SOD level was elevated in culture medium in two medicines groups when compared with that in control group. And also the cellular integrity and membrane ultrostructure of hepatocytes were well preserved in two drugs groups. Conclusion Polyporus Um bellalus Ploysaccharides (PSP) and Silybin are good drugs for treatment of the liver damage. This model system founded by human fetal hepato-cytes injured by CCL could acl as one of useful methods for observing the effects of drugs on human hepatocytes.
    The Study of the in-vitro Postantibiotic Effects Induced by A minoglycoside
    Wang Yuesong, Walng Rui, Liu Guiyang, Fang Yi, Liu Qingfeng, Zhou Liang, Ji Shuguo
    1996, 1(2):  85-87. 
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    Aim To study the in-vitro postantibiotic effec1s (PAEs) induced by Gentamicin (GN), Netilmicin (NTL) and Amikacin (AMK) and estimate their clinical significance. Methods The invitro postantibiotic effects (PAE) induced by GN, NTL and AMK were determined by means of measurement of transmitance using AV ANGE Microbilolgy system. Results The PAE induced by GN、NTL and AMK against gram-postive and gram-negative bacterial was rather long,and even in the subinhibitory antibiotic concentrations (sub-MICs). The duration of the PAE was enhanced with increasing concentration, showing strongly a concentration-dependent relationship (P<0.05),Furthermore,the PAE induced by different pathogens was varied. Conclusion Less fre-quences and longer dosing intervals in adminstration of aminoglycosides would be able to maintain the same efficiency and to reduce the side effects.
    The effectiveness of Y uejiancao in the treatment of duodenal ulcer and the changes of GMBF,PD after treatment
    Hu Heping, Zhao Jiasong, Chen Shibao, Zheng Xiankang, Zhang Xingrong
    1996, 1(2):  89-90. 
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    Aim This study aims mainly to explore the effectiveness and mechanism of Y uejiancao, a preparation abounding in linoleic acid (75%+) in the treatment of duodenal ulcer. Methods Yuejiancao (1.5g tid) was used respectively in 31 patients with dodenal ulcer and raniti-dine(0.15g,bid) in 32 matched control patients with the same disease for four weeks. The effectiveness of treament was obseverd by the examination of gastroendoscopy, and the values. of GMBF and PD were determined before and after treatment. Results A 87. 10% response. rate was acquired in Y uejiancao treated patients and a 87. 50% response rate in ranitidine group. There was no statistical difference between two groups. GMBF and PD increased significantly after treatment with Yuejiancao (P<0.05). Conclusion These findings sug-gest that Yuejiancao is an effective agent for treating peptic ulcerous disease. The effectire meckanism of Yuejiancao is mediated by significantly increasing GMBF and PD(P<0. 05).
    Effect of crataegus cuneata on fibrinolysis of bovine aortic endothelial cells
    Dai Shiwen, Sun Jian, Zhang Weimin
    1996, 1(2):  92-93. 
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    Aim The effect of crataegus cuneata (CC) on fibrinolysis of bovine aortic endothelial cells was studied. Methods The activity and level of tissuetype plasminogen activator (t-PA) from bovine aortic endothelial cells induced by hyperlipidemic serium, activity of plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI) and level of cholesterol in bovine aortic endothlial cells were mea-sured. Result It was demonstrated that Crataegus cuneata promoted the release of t-PA from bovine aortic endothelial cells induced by hyperlipidemic series and increased its activity (contrast:1.032±0.412 IU/ml:CC(L):1.461+0.117 IU/ml, P<0.05;CC(H):1.539士0.304 IU/ml, p<0.05), but it inhibited singnificantly activity of PAI(control:12. 563±0. 637 IU/ml:CC(L): 10.397+0.341 IU/ml, P<0.01;CC(H): 10. 105士0.493 IU/ml, P<0.01). Crataegus cuneata could reduce the level of cholesterol in bovine aortic endothelial cells. Conclusion The. new evidence proved that crataegus cuneata was a stimulat to fibrinolysis of bovine aortic en-dothelial cells.
    Study of Pefloxacin Mesylate Pharmacokinetics in Normal Volunteers after Single Oral Administration
    Xu Rongqing, Den Sishan, Xia Zhilin, Guo Shunmin
    1996, 1(2):  94-95. 
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    Aim Pefloxacin mesylate(PM) was given orally in a single dose of 400mg to 10 healthy adult volunteers to observe its pharmacokinetics. Methods The assay of plasma PM concentration. by HPLC method revealed that the concentration-time data in 8 subjects were fit for a two-compartment model and in 2 subjects for a one-compartment model. Results The average Tmax 1. 19+0.48h,elimination T1/2 11.61±±2.53 h and AUC 51.82士17.10 μg h·ml-1. A considerable intersubject variability was noted in the constants of absorption rate. Pefloxacin esylate was rapidly absorbed in gastrointestinal tract, and was widely distributed, which indicated that it was of benefit to the therapy of deep tissue infections.
    Chronopharmakinetics of acetaminophen administered peros in healthy volunteers
    Wang Hui, Chen Junjian, Zhong Wangtao, Lao Guishi, Zhong Hua, Zou Shuangjin
    1996, 1(2):  97-98. 
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    Aim Effect of different chronos on acetaminophen pharmacokinetics was studied. Methods After acetaminophen was given at 8:00 and 20: 00 by mouth, the drug concentrations in salivas were moni-tored and pharma kinetics parameters were calculated. Results Compared with at 20: 00, acetaminophen given at 8: 00 had more rapid absorption, shorter time of arriving at peak, but had worse absorption degree, greater clearance, and shorter mean residence time.
    The Relieving Cough of Compound Pseudoephedrine and Analysis of the Effects of the Complex Prescription
    Zhao Qiuxian, Yuan Bingxiang, Yuan Yuan, Zhang Dianzhen, Gao Xiaoli
    1996, 1(2):  99-100. 
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    Aim and Methods In order to identify and analysis the effects of compound pseudoephedrine on cough reaction, wihch consist of pseudoephedrine, dext romethorphan and chlerpheni-ramine. The effects of the complex on cough elicited by ammomia in mice were studed. Results The results showed that the complex and dextromethorphan could inhibit cough reaction, while pseudoephedrine and chler pheniramine could not. The effects of compound pseudoephedrine were more potent than that of any component, but not than complex of its two components. Conclusion The data indicated that compound pseudoephedrine could relieve cough reaction and each of its components had a synergistic action.
    Arterial Hypertension and its Influence on Renal Function in Chronic Glomerulonephritis
    Zhang Daoyou, Ye Rengao1, Lu Zhi, Yang Weiming
    1996, 1(2):  102-106. 
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    Aim To derermine the frequency of arerial byertension in chronic glomerulonepbri-tis. Methods Pive bundred and lwenty patens of chronic glomerlonephritis asifed mophogically acording to the criterin of the WHO's and Chinese Medical Asociaion were alyed rperiveley. Results The overal prevalerce of arerial hyertensin was 32.7% Hyerension was mot frequent in mrbraorplieretive exrpilaryy and scde trotic glomerulonephritis (P<0.05), but infrequent in IgA nephropathy and minimal lesion(P <0. 01): Hyperension often dveloped durng the early stage of the disease when renal fuction was nomal or minimal abhormal. Real function was ofen improved after antity. pertension therapy. Conclusion The frequency of the hypertension in dfferent subgroup was dferent. and nihyerension therapy might improre renal function and slow down the rate of progressive renal failure.
    Changes in volume of cerebral blood flow in elderly patients with essential hypertension after treatment to captopril and atenolol
    Peng Yingxin, Yang Kangnu, Li Chunyan, et al
    1996, 1(2):  107-108. 
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    Aim To study the effects of captopril and atenolol on volume of cerebral blood flow in el-derly patients with essential hypertension. Methods The velocity of cerebral blood flow: (CBF) was measured with transcranil doppler before and after 4-week treatment of captopril (CPT) 75~ 150mg/ day, or atenolol(ATL) (50 ~ 100 mg/ day) in elderly patients with EH. Results The mean velocity of CBF was signficantly increased before treatment of CPT or ATL, and it was reduced after treatment to normal level (in the CPT group) the and to an excessive lower level ATL group. Conclusion CPT leads to an improvement of CBF, while ATL to decrese in elderly patients with EH.
    Effect of Lacidipine for Patents with Essential Hypertension and its Effect on Plasma Endothelin and Angiotensin Ⅱ Level
    Shi Xiangyun, Zhu Zhiming, Tian Huisheng, Cao Yuean, Zang Guiming, Zhao Yuetao, Xue Fanhua, Nie Zhijun
    1996, 1(2):  109-111. 
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    Aim The effect of lacidipine for patients with essential hypertension and its effect on plasma endothelin and angiotensin Ⅱ level were observed. Methods Forty patients with essential hyper-tension were treated with lacidipine 4-8 mg 1/d,for 4 weeks. Ambulatory blood pressure monitor-ing(ABPM) was carried out in 20 patients. Result The responsive rate was 67.5%,the total ef-fective rate was 92. 5%. SBP,DBP and MAP were decreased 28. 40,19.7 and 22. 7 mmHg,re-spectively. The total effective rate in patients with essential hypertension in stage I, Ⅱ was higher than that in patients in stage Ⅲ. We also found the plasma endothelin and angiotensin I level were decreased after lacidipine treatment. Conclusion The results suggest that lacidipine is a drug of stabilization, persistance, low dose (1/d) and good toleration for the treatment of essential hypertension.
    The Clinical Use of Anticoagulant in.Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) of NIDDM
    Wang Zhanjian, Pan Shufang, Li Ying, Gu Lianfan
    1996, 1(2):  112-113. 
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    Aim The study was aimed to investigate the nechanism of anticoagulant in reducing urinary albumin excreling rate (UAER). Methods Fifty-eight patients at their microalbuminuria stage of NIDDM (H stage of DN) were treated by anticoagulant (acid acetylsalicylic enter-solubilis and dipyridamole). The relationship between UAER and hypercoagulability was ob-served before and after treatment. Results It was found that anticoagulant significantly reduced UAER. With improvement of hypercoagulability, UAER was decreased remarkably (P<0.05). Conclusion Dipyridamole and acid acetylsalicylic entersolubilis are easy,effi-cient and safe drugs for redycing UAER of DN.
    Pharmacological Property Compound Zhenqi Oral Liquid
    Zhang Yufang, Wu Yubo, Zhang Yongheng, Peng Shiyun
    1996, 1(2):  115-116. 
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    Aim The influence of the compound Zhenqi oral liquid both on the antineoplastic activity of chemotherapy drugs MMC and CTX and on certain senility indexes was to be observed. Method Antineoplastic activity of the compoud used alone and in combination with MMC and CTX and its immunlogical function were observed in both senile(18 months)and young (1 month) mouse transplanted tumor models. The MDA content was detected by MDA-TSA colorimetry,SOD activity by photoreduced NBT method, and MAO-B activity by spec-trophotometry. Result It was revealed that the compound Zhenqi liquid obviously increased the antineoplastic activity of MMC and CTX, decreased the MDA concentration in tissues of mouse internal organs, inhibited the MAO0-B activity, enhanced SOD activity and prevented the immusuppress induced by MMC and CTX. Conclusion The compoud Zhenqi oral liquid has the properties of synergia, detoxification and antisenility which result from its enhance of immunological function and regulation of metabolism and related enzymatic activity.
    Treatment of Uterine Leiomyomata with Mifepristons
    Zhong Huifang, Hu Xianglian
    1996, 1(2):  118-119. 
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    Aim To evaluate the effect of mifepristone on uterine leiomyomata. Methods Thirty-eight patients with leiomyomata were randomly divided into two groups, nineteen in each group. The patients in group A were prescribed nifepristone, 50 mg/day, for 3 months beginning on the first day of the menstrual cycle the subjects in group B were given tra-ditional Chinese medicine (NEI XIAO LUO LI WAN) without mifepristone. All subjects had a pelvic sonogram performed blood before initiation of therapy and monthly there-after. Beselin and monthly sannples for complete blood count, liver and renal functions and hormonal evaluation were obtained, LH,FSH, PR1.E2 and P were determined by RIA. Results Three months after receiving mifepristone, a mean reduction of 52% in leiomyomata volune was observed, the difference of the tumor volume between group A and B was statistically significant. Mifepristone was well tolerated by all patients except that two patients experienced atypical hot flashes, When compared with pretreatment values, mifepristone treatment induced a significant increase in mean LH levels (P<0.01) and decline in P and E2 (P<0.01). Conclusion Mifepristone had a therapeutic effect on uterine leiomyomata and its adverse reactions were mild.