journal1 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (8): 894-896.

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Rehabilitative functions of visual aids to low vision children

ZHU Wen-hui,LIAO Rui-duan,ZHOU Jian-hua,LIN Xian-xuan,FANG Yi-jun,CHEN Yong-chong   

  1. Department of Ophthalmology,the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhongshan University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510080,China
  • Received:2013-01-03 Online:2013-08-06 Published:2013-08-06
  • Contact: CHEN Yong-chong,



  1. 广州市中山大学第一附属医院眼科,广东 广州 510080
  • 通讯作者: 陈咏冲,
  • 作者简介:朱文珲(1976-),女,广东人,主治医师,硕士研究生,主要研究方向为儿童低视力康复的研究。

Abstract: Objective To investigate the visual rehabilitation of 6~14-years old low vision children after refraction correction and using visual aids. Methods 86 cases (172 eyes) of low vision patients aged 6~14 years old were recruited.All of them received refraction correction and visual aids after optometry combining retinoscopy. Results The refractive error of 6~14 years old low vision children was mainly high-degree myopia.After refraction correction,27.4% had enhanced visual acuity.After using visual aids,81.4% had visual acuity improvement,and 58.3% became non-disabled.Comparing grade I and grade II low vision children,the latter had higher ratio of becoming non-disabled(P<0.01). Conclusions Refraction correction and using visual aids are both positively helpful in rehabilitation and using visual aids has a better rehabilitative effect.Low vision children with better the residual visual acuity have more ideal visual rehabilitation.

Key words: low vision, low vision devices, visual rehabilitation, refractive, children

摘要: 目的 研究6~14岁低视力儿童行屈光矫正和助视器配戴的视力康复情况。 方法 对6~14岁低视力儿童86例(172眼)检影验光后行屈光矫正和助视器验配。结果 6~14岁低视力学龄儿童屈光不正以高度近视为主。经单纯屈光矫正后27.4%视力得到提高;在助视器配戴下81.4%视力有提高,其中脱残率58.3%。在助视器配戴下Ⅱ级低视力儿童比Ⅰ级低视力儿童脱残率高(P<0.01)。 结论屈光矫正和助视器配戴对低视力儿童均有积极的康复作用,助视器的视力康复效果更好。残余视力越好,视力康复越理想。

关键词: 低视力, 助视器, 视觉康复, 屈光, 儿童

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