journal1 ›› 2013, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (9): 929-930.

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Comparative study of speech respiratory functions and diadochokinetic rate between children with functional articulation disorder and normal children

LIU Wen-long,JIANG Rui-fen,LIU Xue-fang   

  1. Department of Child Development and Behavior,Maternal and Child Health Care Hospital,Xiamen,Fujian 361003,China
  • Received:2012-12-25 Online:2013-09-06 Published:2013-09-06



  1. 厦门市妇幼保健院儿童发育行为科,福建 厦门 361003
  • 作者简介:刘文龙(1977-),男,内蒙古人,主治医师,硕士学位,主要方向为发育行为儿科。

Abstract: Objective To explore the difference of speech respiratory functions and diadochokinetic rate between children with functional articulation disorder (FAD) and normal children and provide treatment evidence for the speech therapy. Methods 30 children with FAD were chosen as object of study and were assessed by Chinese Articulation Abilities Test.Their speech respiratory functions and diadochokinetic rates were assessed at the same time.30 normal children were chosen as control group based on sex and age. 【Result】 The abnormal rates of speech respiratory functions and diadochokinetic rate of children with FAD were higher than that of normal children and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05). 【Conclusions】 Speech respiratory functions and diadochokinetic rate of children with FAD are abnormal and need to be strengthened during the speech therapy.

Key words: functional articulation disorder, speech respiratory functions, diadochokinetic rate, children

摘要: 目的 探讨功能性构音障碍儿童的言语呼吸功能及口腔轮替运动速率与正常儿童的差异,为语音矫治提供治疗依据。方法 选择30例功能性构音障碍儿童为研究对象,按性别和年龄匹配,选择30例正常儿童作为对照组。以汉语构音能力测验(华东师范大学黄昭鸣词表)作为测试材料,测试患儿构音能力;同时测试患儿言语呼吸功能及口腔轮替运动速率。结果 功能性构音障碍儿童言语呼吸功能及口腔轮替运动速率异常发生率较正常儿童高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。 结论 功能性构音障碍儿童存在言语呼吸功能及口腔轮替运动速率的异常,在矫治过程中应加强言语呼吸功能及口腔功能训练。

关键词: 功能性构音障碍, 言语呼吸功能, 口腔轮替运动速率, 儿童

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