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Chinese Journal of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics ›› 2006, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (7): 810-813.

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Effect of Heparin on heparanase mRNA expression and invasion of human hepatoma carcinoma cells in vitro

CHEN Xiao-peng, LIU Ying-bin1, SHI Liang-hui, PAN Yi-long1, RUI Jing   

  1. 1General Surgery of Yijishan Hospital, Wannan medical college, Wuhu 241001 , Anhui , China;
    2Medical College, Zhejiang University , Hangzhou 310009 , Zhejiang, China
  • Received:2006-03-21 Revised:2006-04-07 Online:2006-07-26 Published:2020-10-30

Abstract: AIM: To explore the effect of Heparin on heparanase (HPA) mRNA expression and invasion of human hepatoma carcinoma cells(HCC) in vitro.METHODS: Human liver carcinoma cells, BEL-7404, were transfected with a full-length human HPA cDNA using a pcDNA3 expression plasmid, and different dose of Heparin was added when the cells were cultured.The invasiveness of transfected BEL-7404 was measured by the Matrigel invasion assays, and the HPA mRNA expression was observed by using RT-PCR.RESULTS: The HPA mRNA expression could not be detected in BEL-7404 cells(HCC group) and HCC transfected with a control pcDNA3 plasmid lacking the HPA cDNA insert (pcDNA3 group) while the HPA expression was positive in HPAtransfected HCC (pcDNA3-HPA group).The number of membrane-permeating cells in pcDNA3-HPA group(27.00±4.30) was significantly more than that in the other groups (11.67±2.52 for HCC group and 9.67±2.89 for pcDNA3 group ) (P<0.01).No obvious changes inHPA expression and cell invasiveness were observed in both HCC group and pcDNA3 group after Heparin was added.The membrane-permeating cells in pcDNA3-HPA group gradually decreased along with the increase in the dose of Heparin, and the further decrease was no longer found when added Heparin exceeded a certain quantity.The HPA expression was positive all the time in pcDNA3-HPA group.CONCLUSION: Within a certain dose range, Heparin can inhabit the invasive ability of HPA gene-transfected HCC, but does not influence the HPA mRNA expression.

Key words: Heparin, heparanase, cancer, liver cells, invasion

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