Progress of metabonomic study on various metabolic diseases
ZHAO Chun-yan, A Ji-ye, CAO Bei, LIU Lin-sheng, WANG Xin-wen, LI Meng-jie, SHI Jian, WANG Guang-ji
2011, 16(4):
715 )
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Changes of modern living style and food structure greatly challenge biochemical metabolism of our body. Consequently, there appears an increasing rate of the metabolic diseases, such as hypertension, diabetes, dyslipidemia, tumor and so on, which do seriously harm to public health. Although substantial evidences have proved that metabolic diseases are tight associated with metabolic disorders, the underlying pathogenic mechanism is poorly known. By quantitative measuring of the in vivo molecules, metabonomics enables a dynamic profile of metabolic response of living systems to pathologic, genetic and environmental stimuli, and provides metabolic data for further exploring these diseases. Recently metabonomic studies have gained fruitful achievements, which show that in vivo biochemical metabolism is perturbed during the development of these diseases, including energy metabolism, lipids metabolism and amino acids turn over. Additionally, metabololism of fatty acids are possible to build the interchangeable association among hypertension, diabetes, and dyslipidemia,both oxidative stress and insulin resistance are deeply involved in their linkage. This article reviews recent studies of metabonomics on the metabolic diseases, aiming at clarifying the association between metabolic diseases and metabolic disorders, and providing potential strategy for the prevention and management of metabolic diseases.