Compare effects of total intravenous anesthesia and balanced anesthesia on stress response on suspensive laryngoscope vocal cords surgery
MAN Yuan-yuan, JIANG Yu-ge, XU Long-he, ZHANG Hong
2006, 11(5):
94 )
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AIM: To compare the effects of total in-travenous anesthesia and balanced anesthesia on stress re-sponse on suspensive laryngoscope vocal cords surgery. METHODS: Thirty patients undergone microlaryngeal surgery were randomly divided into two groups(n =15). Analgesia and amnesia slow inductionwas used in all pa-tienswith nosal incubation.During maintenance of anes-thesia, propofol, remifentanil and scopolamine were used in total intravenous anesthesia group(group TIVA);fenta-nyl, scopolamine and isoflurane were used in balanced anesthesia group(group BAL).Record the data of each group, including base data, after induction, end of tra-cheal intubation, 3 min after intubation, setting the sus-pensive laryngosopy, 3 min after setting the suspensive la-ryngosopy, removing the trachea, MAP, HR of each time, the time of recovery.The blood concentrations of epinephrine (E), noradrenalin(NE), cortisol, IL-6 were measured at each time point of base data, end of tracheal intubation, setting the suspensive laryngosopy, 3 min af-ter setting the suspensive laryngosopy.RESULTS: There is no significant difference of HR, MAP, blood concen-tration of E, NE, cortisol, IL-6 at end of tracheal intuba-tion compared with base data.AT setting the suspensive laryngosopy, 3 min after setting the suspensive laryngos-opy, HR, MAP, blood concentrations of E, NE, corti-sol, IL-6 in group BAL were all higher than that of base data, and were also higher than group TIVA at the same time.The recovery time of group TIVA was shorter than that of group BAL.CONCLUSION: Analgesia and am-nesia slow induction with nosal intubaion and maintenance with remifentanil, propofol can inhibit sudden change of hemodynamics and stress response of intubation and set-ting the suspensive laryngoscope, with quicker recovery. It is an ideal anesthesia method for suspensive laryngo-scope vocal cords surgery.