journal1 ›› 2014, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (2): 218-221.

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Four mineral element level changes trend and comparison of difference in 918 cases of children of different ages in Baotou.

HE Chun-lei.   

  1. (The First Affiliated Hospital of Baotou Medical College of Inner Mongolia, Baotou, Inner Mongolia 014010, China)
  • Received:2013-04-03 Online:2014-02-10 Published:2014-02-10



  1. 内蒙古科技大学包头医学院第一附属医院, 内蒙古 包头 014010
  • 作者简介:贺春蕾(1975-), 女, 内蒙古人, 副主任护师, 硕士学位, 主要研究方向为人群营养与健康临床护理。

Abstract: Objective To understand nutrition levels and change trends of zinc(Za), iron(Fe), magnesium(Mg), copper(Cu) in the whole blood of children aged 0~12 in Baotou. Method A total of 918 children aged from 0 to 12 years old for the healthy examination were randomly selected, and statistical analysed using SPSS 16.0 software packages. Results Lack rate of Zn and Fe in 4 age stages were higher.Along with the growth of the age, the content of zinc increased gradually.Iron level as a whole was on the rise, and rised more sharply after 6 years old.Cu and Mg lack of rate were low.Mg level was on the rise along with the age growth.Between 0~6 years old children's copper level change was not obvious and decreased obviously after 6 years old. Conclusions Lack sequence of children in Baotou is as follows:zinc, iron, copper, magnesium.Diagnostic criteria of 4 mineral elements of children should be divided according to age stage.

Key words: copper, zinc, magnesium, iron, children

摘要: 目的 了解包头地区0~12岁不同年龄段儿童全血中锌、铁、镁、铜4种矿物质元素营养水平及变化趋势。方法 0~12岁健康体检的儿童中随机抽样918例, 利用SPSS 16.0软件包进行统计分析。结果 4个年龄阶段Zn、Fe均有较高的缺乏率;随年龄的增长, 锌元素水平逐渐增加, 铁元素水平整体呈上升趋势, 6岁后上升更加明显;Cu和Mg元素缺乏率较低;镁元素水平随年龄增长呈上升趋势; 0~6岁间儿童体内铜元素的水平变化不明显, 6岁后含量明显下降。结论 包头地区儿童4种矿物质元素的缺乏顺位依次为:锌、铁、铜、镁;儿童4种矿物质元素诊断标准应按年龄阶段划分。

关键词: 铜, 锌, 镁, 铁, 儿童

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