Influence of traditional Chinese medicine on PCOS rat model serum sex hormone T, FSH, LH, and Leptin
DENG A-li,ZHOU Zhong-ming, XIANG Nan, JIANG Hui-zhong, ZHANG Ya-bing, JING Jing, YU Nian, CHEN Lu
2008, 13(10):
103 )
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AIM: To observe the changes of serum sex hormone T, FSH, LH and Leptin, and explore the influence of traditonal Chinese medicine complex on the reproduction endocrine system in PCOS rat model. METHODS: PCOS rat model was established by Poresky method, the changes of the rats weight, serum sex hormone T,FSH, LH and Leptin were observed af-ter the treatment with traditional Chinese medicine, western medicine (rosiglitazone) , united medication, respectively, and the correlations of serum Leptin levels with FSH, LH, LH/FSH, T, Weight were analyzed. RESULTS: The traditional Chinese medicine group could decrease serum sex hormone T, LH, Leptin level and the LH/FSH, Leptin level and LH, T were positive correlated in model rats. CONCLUSION: The traditional Chinese medicine can improve reproduction en-docrine system functoins and decrease serum Leptin levels on PCOS rat model.