Progression of sulodexide and clinical application
WANG Ya-min
2010, 15(1):
270 )
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Sulodexide is a new type of natural glycosaminogly cans, contains two main components to different synergistic action principle, with anticoagulation, thrombolysis, ant i-cardiovascular disease, reducing blood lipid, protecting the kidneys and other role, In recent years, in the treatment of cardio vascular disease, peripheral artery disease, post-phlebitis syndrome, complications of diabetes, especially diabetic nephropathy, etc.The clinical application attracted attention, this article on its chemical composition, pharmacokinetics, biological activity,quality control, mechanism and pharmacology, clinical research and applications, and recent research are reviewed.To be compared with similar drugs heparin, sulode xide to special due to be taken orally, the bioavailability of high, fewer side effects, and with heparin no role of the decomposition of fat can be considered more widely applied.Currently only the imported products, domestic manufacturers are in research and development stage, Ibelieve that in the near future will be made to sulodexide in china.