Antitumor effects of docetaxel alone and in combinat ion with batimastat in human giant cell carcinoma of the lung model
GU Bin, WU De-Zheng, LIANG Yue-Qin, LU Huan-Zhang, GAO Hong-Zhi
1999, 4(3):
92 )
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Aim To study the effect of docetaxel alone and in combination with batimastat (BB-94)on human giant cell carcinoma of the lung (PG).Methods and Results Growth curve analysis, MTT assay and clonogenic assay were used to determine the cytotoxic effect of docetaxel or/and BB-94 on PG cell in vitro.The results showed that docetaxel but not BB-94 had a significantcy to toxicity, and the effect of docetaxel was not enhanced by BB-94.In early stage PG tumor model, obvious antitumor effect of docetaxel or doxorubicin doxorubicin given iv at maximum tolerated dose(MTD, docetaxel 20 mg·kg-1, dox orubicin, 6 mg·kg-1)every 4 days for 3 injections(q4d×3), even of BB-94 (30 mg·kg-1, ip, qd×20)was observed. Tumo rg rowth inhibition was greater for Docetaxel-bat imastat (97.3 %)than for doxorubicin-batimastat (86.5 %), docetaxel (92.0 %), doxorubicin (74.0 %)and BB-94(31.0 %).Docetaxel also showed active against advanced stage PG tumor in dose-dependeNTManner, and was more effective at MTD than do xorubicin with 4/5 regression, 55.8 day stumor growth delay and 2.8 log 10 tumor cell kill.Conclusion Docetaxel is an effectivecy to toxic new drug against PG tumor, and BB-94 can enchance the antitumor activity of docetaxel.