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    Volume 7 Issue 2
    26 April 2002
    Effect of theasinesin on proliferation and apoptosis of murine lymphocytes1
    SHI Xiao-Yan, XIN Hua-Wen, XIE Bi-Jun, ZENG Fan-Dian
    2002, 7(2):  97-99. 
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    AIM: To study the effects of theasinesin (TS) on proliferation and apoptosis of murine lympho-cytes.METHODS: MTT method was employed to inves-tigate the proliferatory response of murine splenocytes. Cellular morphological observation, DNA agarose gel elec-trophoresis and flow cytometry analysis were used to study the effects of TS on apoptosis of murine thymocyte and splenocyte.RESULTS: 50, 150 and 500 mg·L-1 TS could markedly promote ConA-induced splenocyte prolif-eration in mice.In the cellular morphologic observation and DNA biochemical analysis, murine thymocytes cul-tured for 20 h in vitro showed keryopyk-nosis, condensa-tion of cell, typical “ladder” on gel electrophoresis and typical apoptotic peak (AP) by FACS analysis.After treatment with 50, 150 and 500 mg·L-1 TS, DNA lad-der and apoptotic peak were decreased gradually and apoptotic rates were reduced to 12.14%, 9.49%, 6.71%respectively from 19.87%in control group.But the apoptosis of murine splenocytes induced by 10-5 mol·L-1 DEX was not affected by TS.CONCLUSION: TS can significantly promote splenocyte prolifera-tion in mice and has an inhibitory effect on spontaneous apoptosis of murine thymocytes.
    Comparison of CYP2D6 genotyping by allele-specific PCR with DXT phe-notype and gene chip testing1
    YAN Feng-Xiang, LIAO Duan-Fang, CHOU Wen-Hwei, WEDLUND Peter-J, ROBBINS-WEILERT Dor-ris-K, RYDER Thomas-B, LIU Wei-Wei, PERBOST Clotilde, FAIRCHILD Maureen, KOCH Walter-H
    2002, 7(2):  100-105. 
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    AIM: To evaluate association of genotype and phenotype of CYP2D6 and the application of oligonu-cleotide microarray hybridization genetic testing in CYP2D6 multiple alleles analyses.METHODS: Two hundred forty-two healthy volunteers were recruited, and a 60 mg oral dose of dextromethorphan (DXT) was ad-ministered to each for assessment of the DXT metabolic ratio [MR].A 20 ml blood sample was also collected for DNA isolation and testing.CYP2D6 alleles *2——— * 11;*17 and multiple CYP2D6 gene copies were tested by allele-specific PCRand/or the affymetrix CYP450 gene chip assay.Five of the CYP2D6 alleles (*3, *4, * 6, *7, and *9) were evaluated by both PCR and the CYP450 gene chip assay.RESULTS: The CYP2D6 genotype was more informative and reflective in CYP2D6 enzyme expression than a phenotype.Genetic tests for the CYP2D6 *3, *4, *6, *7 and *9 alleles showed a high degree of concordance between the CYP450 gene chip and AS-PCR methods.CONCLUSION: Oligonu-cleotide microarray hybridization is a promising and reli-able approach for detecting multiple alleles at gene loci.
    Effects of chloride channels blockers on Ca2+ influx induced by adrenaline in A10 cells1
    RUAN Hong-Mei, GUAN Yong-Yuan, HE Hua, QIU Qing-Ying
    2002, 7(2):  106-109. 
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    AIM: To investigate the relationship be-tween chloride channels and the Ca2+ influx induced by a-drendine(Adr).METHODS: The effects of drugs on Adr-induced Ca2+ influx were investigated with Fura-2 fluorescence technique.RESULTS: Adr-induced Ca2+ influx was inhibited by nifedipine, SK&F96365, NFA and furosemide in a concentration manner respectively; Ca2+ influx could be further inhibited by NFA or furosemide after the maximal inhibition by SK&F96365;SK&F96365 also could further inhibit the Ca2+ influx which had been inhibited by NFA or furosemide.Genistein and vanadate could reduce or increase the Ca2+ influx respectively. .CONCLUSION: Ca2+ influx induced by Adr is related to VDC and ROC, and chloride channels involves in the processes.The levels of tyrosine phosphoralation affect the Ca2+ influx.
    Effect of polysaccharide from spirulina platensis on hematopoietic recovery and related cytokines in mice with transplant tumor after treated by chemotherapy
    ZHANG Hong-Quan, LIU Xiao-Mei
    2002, 7(2):  110-114. 
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    AIM: To evaluate the effect of polysac-charide from spirulina platensis (PSP) on hematopoietic recovery and related cytokines in mice with transplant tu-mor after treated by chemotherapy.METHODS: The tu-mor cells were subcutaneously injected in the right forefoot to induce transplant solid tumor in mice.The mice were ig with PSP for 10 d and injected intraperitoneally with cyclophosphamide (CTX) for 3 d.On d 11, the count of peripheral blood cell, nucleated cell in bone marrow and CFU-S (Colony Forming Unit-Spleen) was observed;The content of DNA in bone marrow was inspected by UV-spectrophotometer;The cytokines in serumswere inspect-ed by double antibody sandwich ELISA.RESULTS: CTX could induce evident myelosuppression.But PSP could elevate the level of peripheral blood cell, increase nucleated cell and DNA in bone marrow, and promote CFU-S formation.In addition, PSP could also increase the content of IL-1, IL-3, GM-CSF, and TNF-αin serum.CONCLUSION: It is probably that PSP acceler-ates the hematopoietic recovery in mice with transplant tu-mor treated by chemotherapy by promoting endogenous cy-tokines secretion.
    Expressions of nitric oxide synthase in neonatal rat after hypoxia-ischemia and their changes while ganglioside GM1 administrated1
    HU Zhi-Bing, LU Xue-Fen, ZHENG De-Shu, DENG Ping, LI Wan-Mei
    2002, 7(2):  115-118. 
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    AIM: To study the neuroprotective effect and possible mechanism of ganglioside GM1 on neonatal hypoxic-ischemic-encephalopathy( HIE).METHODS: A rat model of neonatal HIE was established, then the pathological changes and expressions of nitric oxide syn-thase (NOS) in the brain tissueswere investigated in dif-ferent periods after hypoxia-ischemia (HI) and the subse-qent changes of the above results after GM1 administrated. RESULTS: The damage of the brain exposed to HI were alleviated significantly after GM1 administrated.The lev-els of NOS expressions in the brain tissue increased after HI. GM1 could inhibit NOS expressions induced by HI.CONCLUSION: GM1 may have some protective effects on neonatal HIE, and the possible mechanism is related to the partial inhibition of NOS expression .
    Alfentanil protects the isolated rat heart against ischemia and reperfusion injury via opioid receptors and NO linked mechanisms
    CHEN Meng, ZENG Yin-Ming, DUAN Shi-Ming, SHEN Zhi-Zhong, XU Peng-Cheng
    2002, 7(2):  119-123. 
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    AIM: To investigate if alfentanil protects the isolated rat heart against myocardial reperfusion injury andif the mechanism of this protection ismediated via opi-oid receptors and NO-dependent pathways.METHODS: Langendorff rat hearts were perfused at constant pressure with Kreb-Henseleit (K-H) buffer for 20 min and then were perfusedwith test solution:K-H buffer or K-H buffer containing alfentanil 50 μg·L-1, alfentanil 100 μg·L-1, naloxone 200 μg·L-1, alfentanil 100 μg·L-1 +naloxone 200 μg·L-1, L-NAME 100 μmol·L-1 and alfentanil 100 μg·L-1 +L-NAME 100 μmol·L-1.After 10 min of this, the hearts were subjected to 25 min normothermic (37 ℃) global ischemia followed by 30 min reperfusion with the same test solution as before.To evaluate myocar-dial function, LVEDP, LVDP, ±dp/dtmax, HR and CF were measured at the 20th, 25 and 30th minute of perfu-sion and the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 10th, 20th and 30th minute of reperfusion.After experiment, the NOS and ATP con-tent of myocardium were assessed.RESULTS: Before is-chemia, alfentanil 100 μg·L-1 decreased the HR at the 30th minute compared with the 20th minute(P<0.05). Treatment with 50 μg·L-1 alfentanil and alfentanil 100 μg·L-1 improved post-ischemic mechanical function assessed by LVEDP, LVDP and ±dp/dt max compared with controls after 30 min of reperfusion(P<0.05 or P <0.01).Furthermore, 100 μg·L-1 alfentanil improved post-ischemic mechanical function better than 50 μg·L-1 alfentanil indicated by lower LVEDP and higher-dp/ dt max (P<0.05).These effects were attenuated by 200 μg·L-1 naloxone and 100 μmol·L-1 L-NAME.CONCLUSION: Alfentanil have few inhibitive effects on the mechanical function of the non-ischemic hearts and have dose-depended protective effects against myocardial reperfusion injury by a mechanism mediated via opioid re-ceptors and NO-dependent pathways in rats.
    Effects of liqustraxin on dysfunction of myocardial nuclear calcium trans-port
    XIA La-Mei, WU Jie-Xiong
    2002, 7(2):  124-126. 
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    AIM: To observe the dysfunciton of my-ocardial nuclear calcium transport in rat myocardial injury and the effects of liqustraxin on it.METHODS: The model of myocardial damage was induced by subcutaneous injection of isoproterenol (ISO, 5 mg·kg-1 ·d-1 ).My-ocardial nuclei were purified with sucrose density centrifu-gation and identified zymologically.The activity of Ca2+-ATPase was measured zymologically and calcium uptake was assayed with 45Ca2+ isotope.RESULTS: Compared with the control, the Ca2+-ATPase activity of myocardial nuclear membrane in ischemia group(exprimental) was decreased by 18.1%(P<0.05), the nuclear 45Ca2+ up-take was significantly decreased and Vmax value was low-ered by 54.6%.Vmax and Km of ATPase activity de-creased by about 33.0%(P<0.05) and 42.8%(P< 0.01) respectively.Compared with the control, Ca2+-ATPase activity and 45 Ca2+ uptake in the myocardial nu-clei of the liqustraxin group showed no significant change.CONCLUSION: Liqustraxin has notable protective ef-fects on dysfunction of nuclear calcium transport in rat myocardium.
    Protective effect of Zn-pipemidate on experimental gastric ulcer and its mechanism
    LIU Xiao-Li, LIU Chun-Xia, LIU Ju-Yuan, YANG Yu-Ting, ZHANG Xiao-Yi, CHANG Ji-Mei
    2002, 7(2):  127-129. 
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    AIM: To study protective effest of Zn-pipemidate on experimental gastric ulcer and its mecha-nism. METHODS: Pylous-ligated, stess-induced, acetic acid-induced and reserpine-induced gastric ulcers in rats or mice were used in experiment.Rats or mice were randomly divided into five groups including car-boxymethylcellulose (CMC), cimetidine and three doses of Zn-pipemidate (0.025, 0.05, 0.1 g·kg-1 ).The drugs were given ig, once a day, for 5d.Gastric juice, out-put of pan-acid, pepsin activity and the volume of mucusgas-tric wall were determined in pylorus-ligated gastric ulcer in rats.RESULTS: Zn-pipemidate could inhibited the formation of all gastric ulcer models in a dose-dependent manner.All of the three doses of Zn-pipemidate groups could reduce out-put of pan-acid (P<0.01) and pepsin activity, and increase the volume of mucus gastric wall (P<0.01).CONCLUSION: Zn-pipemidate can pro-tect experimental gastric ulcer.Its mechanism is related to increasing protective factors and reducing damaging factors of gastric mucosa.
    Influence of probenecid on pharmacokinetics of cefaclor
    WANG Chang-Sheng, LIU Xiao-Ping, MA Zhang-Qing, SONG Jian-Guo
    2002, 7(2):  130-133. 
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    AIM: To observe the effects of proben-e-cid of different doses on pharmacokinetics of cefaclor and to provide the basis of their co-adiministration. METHODS: 30 rabbits were randomly divided into 5 groups: Cef 50 mg·kg-1, Cef 50 mg·kg-1 +Pro 50 mg·kg-1, Cef 50 mg·kg-1 +Pro 100 mg·kg-1, Cef 50 mg·kg-1 + Pro 200 mg·kg-1, Cef 25 mg·kg-1 +Pro 100 mg·kg-1. The blood samples were drawn from thigh vein after IG and the concentrations of cefaclor were determined by HPLC. Pharmacokinetics parameters were calculated by NDST procedure.RESULTS: In groups with Cef 50 mg·kg-1, Cmax and AUC of cefaclor increased, and Vd/F and Cl/F decreased progressively with the adding probenecid. There was no significant difference between Cef 25 mg +Pro 100 mg and Cef 50 mg·kg-1 in each parameter except Cl/F.CONCLUSION: Probenecid can remarkably alter the pharmacokinetics of cefaclor and the magnitude of the effects of probenecid is dependent on its dose in this trial.Cef 25 mg·kg-1 with Pro 100 mg·kg-1 can reach the same blood concentration as Cef 50 mg· kg-1 alone.
    Protective effects of imipramine on ischemic injury in cultured rat cerebral neurons
    XU Yong, JI Bian-Sheng, GAO Yuan, LIU Hong, XU Qing-Rong, ZHANG Gui-Qing
    2002, 7(2):  134-137. 
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    AIM: To study the protective effects of Imipramine ( Imi) on ischemic injury in cultured rat cere-bral cortical neurons.METHODS: Cortical neurons of fetal rat were cultured in vitro.The protective effects of Imi on ischemic injury in cultured rat cerebral neurons were observed.RESULTS: Imi ( 10-5, 10-6, and 10-7 mol·L-1 ) reduced the number of cell death, low-ered LDH,NO, and MDA content, and increased of activ-ity of SOD.CONCLUSION: Imi can protect rat cerebral cortical neurons from ischemic injury and toxicity of Glu. And it maybe attribute its to antioxidation and calcium an-tagonism .
    Effect of ligustrazine on the calcium contants and calmodulin activity of lung tissue in rats of the bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis1
    LIU Ju-Yuan, CHEN Yong-Feng
    2002, 7(2):  138-140. 
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    AIM: To observe the effect of ligustrazine on the calcium contents and calmodulin activity of lung tissue in rats of the bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibro-sis.METHODS: Thirty-two SD rats were replicated into pulmonary fibrosis models by intratracheal injection of bleomycin A 5 in one lump and were divided into two groups randomly, untreated model group (n=16) and ligustrazine group(n=16).The calcium contents and calmodulin activity of the lung of the rats of each group were assayed on d 14, d 28 after the injection and com-pared with control group (n=8).RESULTS: The cal-cium contents and calmodulin activity of model group were obviously higher than control group (P<0.01), and ligustrazine groupwere lower than those of model group at all pases (P<0.05).The degree of alveolitis and fibro-sis of the lung studied by histopathology was lower than that in the model group.CONCLUSION: The mecha-nism of the protective effect of ligustrazine on bleomycin-induced pulmonary fibrosis may be related to decrease the calcium contrents and calmodulin activity.
    Experimental study of Huanglian Pikang tincture for anti-cutaneous-fungal action
    CHEN Chao, SUN Lian-Fen, PENG Yan
    2002, 7(2):  141-142. 
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    AIM: To observe the antifungal action of Huanglian Pikang tincture (HPT).METHODS: An ani-fungal experiment was performed in vitro.RESULTS: HPT had obvious antibacterial actions for the trichophyton rubrum, T.interdigital, epidermophyton floccosum, candida albicans and lessened the colonies (n=5, P < 0.05).The effect of HPT on cutaneous funguswas better than that on deep fungus.CONCLUSION: HPT has ob-vious antibacterial actions for cutaneous fungus.
    Relationship between left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and hyperinsuli-naemia in patients with primary hypertension1
    HONG Hua-Shan, WANG Yi-Bo, LIN Lan, JIANG Qiong, ZHENG Guan-Yi
    2002, 7(2):  143-146. 
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    AIM: To evluate the relation of LVH to the fasting insulin in untreated primary hypertensive pa-tients.METHODS: 83 cases of newly diagnosis and un-treated hypertensive patientswere divided into two groups (LVH group and LV normal group) according to the left ventricular mass index (LVMI) which was measured and calculated by echocardiography.The fasting insulin, lipids, glucose, creatine and urine nitrogen were assayed and compared between two groups.RESULTS: The lev-els of fasting triglyceride and insulin in LVH group were higher than LV normal group while the insulin sensitivity index was lower than the latter.The multifactor regression analysis showed that only insulin was positively correlated to LVH in primary hypertensive patients (r=0.49, P < 0.01).CONCLUSION: That hyperinsulinemia is close-ly correlated with and involvement in the pathogenesis of left ventricular hypertrophy in patients with primary hy-pertension.
    Study of chemosensitivity in vitro and therapeutic effects of chemotherapy on stomach cancer
    XIN Hua-Wen, WU Xiao-Chun, LI Qing, JIA Ju-Feng, DU Guang-Zu
    2002, 7(2):  147-149. 
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    AIM: To study chemosensitivity in vitro and therapeutic effects of chemotherapy in the patients with stomach cancer.METHODS: Chemosensitivity in vitro of 98 cases with gastric cancer was determined by modified MTT method and chemotheraputic regimen was selected according to the results of chemosensitivity. Therapeutic effects on gastric cancer for the shot term and long term were studied.RESULTS: The chemosensitivity order of drugs in 98 cases with gastric cancer was cis-platin, mitomycin, doxorubicin, etoposide, fluorouracil, cytarabine, vincristin, and methotrexate, andwas consis-tent with effective drugs for gastric cancer proved by clini-cal practice.The total coincidence rate of chemosensitivi-ty in vitro and therapeutic effects for short term was 81.8%(18/22).The survival rate of three years and of five years for Ⅱ, Ⅲ phase gastric cancer in chemosensi-tivity test group were 62.5% and 52.8%, respectively, which were higher than those in control group. CONCLUSION: Chemotherapy under the guidance of chemosensitivity in vitro can improve the long term sur-vival rate of gastric cancer, especially advanced gastric cancer.
    Evaluation of domestic trimebutine in the treatment of functional dyspepsia
    FAN Zhu-Ping, ZENG Min-De, XU Guo-Ming, LI Zhao-Shen, ZOU Duo-Wu, WANG Gen-Sheng, ZHU Yue, BAO Zhi-Jun, CHEN Wei-Xiong
    2002, 7(2):  150-152. 
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    AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of domestic trimebutine in the treatment of functional dys-pepsia.METHODS: As an open multicenter study, the inclusion criteria were the patients with early satiety and bloating which might accompany with nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, heartburn, anorexia, belch, and the du-ration >12 weeks.Trimebutine was used in these pa-tients for 2weeks.The symptoms, including nausea, vom-iting, abdominal pain, heartburn, early satiety and bloat-ing, anorexia, belch, and bad apetite were observed be-fore and after the treatment.The degree of above symp-toms were classified into no, mild, moderate and severe. The some aboratory indexeswere also tested before and af-ter the treatment.RESULTS: 86 patients completed the whole study by per protocol analysis.The total improved rate were (67.64±23.91) %.There had significant im-provement for the main symptoms like early satiety and bloating (P<0.01).The effective rate of early satiety was 72.7%, bloating was 84.7%, and the rate of side effect was 3.49%.CONCLUSION: Domestic trimebu-tine is effective and safe to treat functional dyspepsia.
    Variation of coagulation system in the different periods of oral warfarm anticoagulation
    ZHANG Hong-Chao, LAN Hong-Jun, SUN Zong-Quan, YU Lu-Fong, QIN Bin, WAN Shi-Jie, WANG Wei-Xin
    2002, 7(2):  153-155. 
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    AIM: To observe the coagulation state in different periods of oral warfarin anticoagulation (OWAT), and to estimate the role of uFPA in evaluating OWAT effect.METHODS: Initial group (n=20) and follow-up group (n=20) were the patients respectively at 14 days and 0.5 to 20 years after heart valve replacement with a range of INR 1.8-2.8.Ten healthy volunteers were regarded as control group.The blood and urine samples were taken and measured.The contents of protein C (PC ), platelet granulate membrane protein 140 (GMP140 ), 6-keto-PGF1α(6-K-F1α) and D-2-Dimer (D2D), the activity of antithrombin Ⅲ (AT Ⅲ), and tissue-plasminogen activator (t-PA) urine fibrinopeptide A (uFPA) were measured.RESULTS: Coagulation process was inhibited during OWAT as well as fibrinolysis process activited at some extent.At the same levels of INR, coagulation process during OWAT was inhibited at a more low and steady level in the follow-up group than in the initial group.CONCLUSION: The variation of coagulation system is complex and fibrinolysis should be considered in analyising the OWAT complications, and uFPA is more accurate and senstive than INR to judge the activited levels of coagulation process during OWAT.If the fibrinolysis is relatively steady, it can reflect the whole anticoagulation effects of OWAT.
    Clinical study of urokinase in the treatment of acute infarct
    WANG Wen-Jing, ZAO Jian-Ming, YU Feng, SUN Bo-Song, WANG Yin-Zhou, ZHU Shou-Zhen
    2002, 7(2):  156-158. 
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    AIM: To explore the efficacy of urokinase used intravenously in the treatment of acute infarct. METHODS: Urokinase of 300 thousand units were added to 250ml 0.9 % normal saline intravenously, lasting for 5 days, and then changed to 100 thousand units for 5-10 d.RESULTS: The assessment of neurologic dysfunction as follows:there were no significant difference after 5 day treatment as compared with pretreatment (P> 0.05), and significant difference was noticed after 14 day treatment as compared with pretreatment (P<0.05). The status of life ability as follows:there were much significant difference after 5 day and 14 day treatment as compared with pretreatment (P<0.01).The clinical efficacy:the ratio of showing-effect was 42.86 % after 5 day treatment, and 71.43 % after 14 day treatment, and there were much significantly difference between those two groups.The fibrinogen and blood deoxidized viscosity: there were significantly difference after 5 day and 14 day treatment as compared with pretreatment (P<0.01).CONCLUSION: It is safe, effective, convenient for urokinase to treat acute infarct used intravenously, and the side effects can be avoided or reduced.
    Combination effect of captopril and losartan on cell adhesion molecules and cytokines in the patients with coronary heart disease
    LIANG Xu-Guo, PAN Qi-Xing
    2002, 7(2):  159-161. 
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    AIM: To explore the effect of the combination of captopril and losartan on the sICAM-1, sVCAM-1, TNF-α, and TGF-β in the patients with coronary heart disease.METHODS: sICAM-1, sVCAM-1 and TGF-β were measured with ELISA, and TNF-αwas measured with RIA in the patients with or without the treatment of captopril and losartan.RESULTS: sICAM-1 and TNF-α decreased, and TGF-β increased distinctly in the patients given a combination of captopril and losartan compared with patients without the drugs.sVCAM-1 had the tendency of decrease in combined therapy, but no significant difference showed compared with the control patients. .CONCLUSION: The combination of captopril and losartan has the effects on the cell adhesion molecules and cytokins in patients with coronary heart disease.
    Effects of compound salvia miltiorrhiza pills on nailfold microcirculation of the elderly patients with diabetes mellitus
    YUAN Guang-Ping
    2002, 7(2):  162-163. 
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    AIM: To investigate the effect of compound salvia miltiorrhiza pills on nailfold microcirculation of the elderly patients with diabetes mellitus.METHODS: The 38 patients were given, based on the regular treatment of decreasing blood sugar, the compoud salvia miltiorrhiza pills (10 pills, po, tid) for 3 mon.The alteration of nailfold microcirculation were observed before and after the treatment.RESULTS: All kind of parameters and comprehensive integral values of their nailfoldmicrocirculation were improved after the regular treatmeat combined with the compound salvia miltiorrhiza.CONCLUSION: The compound salvia miltiorrhiza pills can improve the nailfold microcirculation of the elderly patients with diabetes mellitus.
    Clinical investigation of irbesartan in treatment of chronic congestive heart failure
    Tan Jian-Qiang
    2002, 7(2):  164-166. 
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    AIM: To evaluate the therapeutic effect and safety of irbesartan in treatment of chronic congestive heart failure.METHODS: 80 patients with chronic congestive heart failure were randomizedly divided into the irbesartan group and the routine group, 40 cases in every group.The routine group was treated with nomal treatment digtoxin ethacrynicum and dilation vasocular, and the irbesartan group was treated with irbesartan 75-300 mg one time daily based on the nomal treatment.The course of treatment was 12 weeks.RESULTS: Irbesartan could improve symptom and heart function clearly (P< 0.01), and inccrease left ventricular ejection faction (LVEF).The reverse left ventricular mass weigh decreased more significantly than routine group (P< 0.05).Little side effect was found.CONCLUSION: Irbesartan has better curative effect and safety in patients with chronic congestive heart failure.
    Efficacy analysis of nimodipine in the treatment of acute severe brain injuries
    LU Li-Hua, WU Nian-Zen, YANG Shang-Zhu
    2002, 7(2):  167-174. 
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    AIM: To observe the effect of nimodipine on the severe brain injury.METHODS: Nimodipine was ccsed for acute severe brain injury patients early in 6 hours after wounded.The effect and safety were observed in an open trial.RESULTS: The mortality and morbidity of 20 patients decreased significantly by the use of nimodipine in comparisom with another 20 patients treated normally.CONCLUSION: Nimodipine is benefit to severe brain injury patients.
    Analysis of the relationships among three statistical tests of rank data
    SU Yin-Fa
    2002, 7(2):  175-176. 
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    The three statistical tests were compared among the Ridit test, the Ridit simplified test, and the rank value test .The results showed that the Ridit simplified test is equivalent to the Ridit test and the rank value test .
    Effect of thyroid hormones on cardiacion channels and transporters
    FANG Fang-Zhi, DAI De-Zai
    2002, 7(2):  177-180. 
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    In the article the effect of thyroid hormones was reviewed on cardiac ion channels and transports, so as to explain the changes of the action current on cardiac myocyte.Based on the molecular biology, the hormonal regulation of cardiac and transports were discussed and explained.
    Advance in the genetherapy of Gaucher' s disease
    WANG Jie, YIN Cai-Ling
    2002, 7(2):  181-183. 
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    Gaucher disease is a commonly inherited, autosomtic recessive lysosomal storage disorder, due to the mutation of structure gene encoding beta-glucocerebrosidase (GC)resulted in the deficiency of the enzyme .Besides enzyme replacement, there is no good ways to treat it .This review briefly introduced the phenotypes, pathologic physiology and general therapy to the disease, strongly stress the genetherapy .From animals to human, from in vitro to in vivo, the review detaily descibe the rapid progress made in genetherapy of Gaucher disease .
    Advance in diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmia by adenosine triphosphate or adenosine
    HE Sheng-Hu, CAO Ke-Jiang, SHAN Qi-Jun
    2002, 7(2):  184-188. 
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    Administration of adenosine triphosphate or adenosine is an important clinical trial in diagnosis and treatment of arrhythmias.It may not only terminate the paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia and the specific type of ventricular tachycardia, but also identify the mechanism of majority of arrhythmias.Otherwise, It is also a useful diagnostic test for sick sinus sydrome and a reliable methos to assess radiofrequency catheter ablation.
    Relationship between the angiotensin receptor/antagonist and renal diseases
    YANG li-Cai, ZHANG Dao-You
    2002, 7(2):  189-192. 
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    The renin-angiotensin system plays an important role in the pathogenesis and chronic progress of renal diseases.The increased plasma level of angiotensin can induce the changes of haemodynamics and diverse cytokines secreted by the kidney, and the change promotes the renal injury.How to block renin-angiotensin system has been a focus of nephrology.Recently, with the emerging of angiotensin receptor antagonist, the relationship between the angiotensin receptor antagonist and renal diseases has being realized.