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    Volume 7 Issue 3
    26 June 2002
    Inhibition of resveratral on lipid peroxidativereaction and reactive oxygen species of early experimental rat spinal cordinjury
    CAO Cheng-Xi, HE You-Zhao, ZHOU Shu-Lin, QIAN Yi-Tai
    2002, 7(3):  193-196. 
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    AIM: To study the effects of resveratral on lipid peroxidativereaction and reactive oxygen species (ROS) in experimental spinal cordinjury rats.METHODS: The weight-dropping method was used to produce the experimental spinal cordinjury (SCI) in adultrats. Resveratrol (Res) and methylprednisolone (MPSS) were given intraperitoneally by the bolus injections of 50, 100mg·kg-1 and 100 mg·kg-1, respectively, immediately after induction of SCI.And then the effects of Res were observed at 1, 24, 48 h after SCI compared with MPSS.RESULTS: Res could obvious prevented reduction of superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and reduce malondialdehyde (MDA) production andinhibit the ROS level in the injured spinal cord tissue in comparison with the SCI model at the dose of 50 mg·kg-1 and 100 mg·kg-1, which the mostremarkable effects was at 48 h with the inhibition rate over 40 %.The effects of Res were the sameas or even greater than those of MPSS.CONCLUSION: Res may effectively protect the spinal cord from lipid peroxidativereaction and ROS damage in SCI.
    Effects of midazolam on macroscopic voltage-gated potassium currents in rat sympathetic neurons
    MAO Qing-Hong, ZHUANG Xin-Liang, CHEN Meng, TANG Jun, XU Guo-Hui
    2002, 7(3):  197-199. 
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    AIM: To explore the influence of different concentration midazolam on the macroscopic voltage-gated potassium currents and to discuss the relationship between potassium currents andinhibitory effect of clinical relevant concentration midazolam on sympathetic nervous system.METHODS: Superior sympathetic ganglion neurons were dissociated enzymatically from 7 to10-day-old rat.Experiments were performed about 5 h after plating atroom temperature (20-24 ℃).Appropriate solution was chosen to separate the K+ current from the other transmembrane currents.1 μmol·L-1 TTX was applied to the extracelluar solution to block the Na + current.Midazolam was also resolvedin extracelluar solution to get various concentration (0.1, 0.3, 3, 10, 50, 100 μmol·L-1).Currents were recorded with the patch-clamp technique in whole cell configuration using glass electrodes with a tip resistance of 2-4 M.Potassium currents were evoked by test pulse from-100 mV to +30 mV with holding potential-80mV. Data were analyzed using Clampfit 6.0 and Oringih 5.0 software.Whole-cell current records were corrected for leakage and capacitance by using the P/5 protocol.RESULTS: Midazolam dose-dependently inhibited the wholecell potassium currents.Clinical relevant concentrationmidazolam (0.3 μmol·L-1) only reduced the peak currents by 3.89 %(P =0.88).The concentration required to produce 50 %current inhibition(IC50) was 76.065 μmol·L-1.CONCLUSION: Midazolam inhibits the whole-cell potassium current significantly and dose-dependently, but clinical relevant concentration midazolam has minor effect on the potassium currents, indicating that the inhibitory effect of midazolam on potassium current is not related to the suppression of activity of sympathetic system.
    Inhibition of chlorobenzyl-tetrahydroberberine on the H2O2-induced apoptosis and proliferation of endothelial cells
    FANG FANG-Zhi, DAI De-Zai, WANG Zi-Zhen, WANG Shu-Kui, WONG Shen-Yi
    2002, 7(3):  200-204. 
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    AIM: To examine the inhibition of chlorobenzyl-tetrahydroberberine (BTHB) on the H2O2-induced apoptosis and proliferation of endothelial cells(ECs) in the serum deprivation medium.METHODS: The DNA content and percentage of apoptosis were measured by flow cytometry;the DNA fragmentation was analyzed by agarose gel electrophorsis;the viability percentage of cells was measured using MTT assay.RESULTS: The apoptosis and proliferation of ECs occuredin serum-free medium (18 h) containing H2O2.When the ECs had been treated with BTHB, the percentage of ECs apoptosis and proliferation was markedly decreased, and the degraded fragments of DNA obviously decreased.BTHB (10-5, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8mol·L-1) could partly protect cells from necrosis induced by H2O2.CONCLUSION: BTHB can prevent ECs from apoptosis, proliferation and necrosis induced by H2O2 in free-serum medium.
    Anti-toxical effect of iminoethyl-lysine on guinea pig renal damaged by gentamicin
    HE Qing-Lian, TAN Min, SHI Lin-Qun, ZHANG Wei-Bin
    2002, 7(3):  205-208. 
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    AIM: To investigate the anti-toxic effect of iminoethyl-lysine (Imi), an inhibitor of inducible nitricoxide synthase (iNOS), on the guinea pig renal injury with gentamicin (Gen).METHODS: The experiment was consisted offour groups:normal animal group, gentamicin model group (Gen group), Gen +Imi group and Imi group.Guinea pigs of both Gen group and Gen +Imi group were given (sc) Gen 100mg·kg-1·d-1 for 10 d, and the guinea pigs of Gen +Imi group were treated with Imi intraperitoneally.Gen group were treated with the samevolumeof saline.Guinea pigs of normal animal group were treated with subcutaneous and venous injection of the samevolumeof saline.Guinea pigs of Imi group were treated with the samedose of Imi.The renal function of guinea pigs of all groups was examined before and after experiment.Renals of all groups were embedded with paraffin, sectioned, stained with HE, and examined with the light microscope.iNOS was examinedin the kedney of all groups with immunohistochemistry.RESULTS: The expression of iNOS was negative in kidney of normal animal group and Imi group, and positive in both Gen group and Gen +Imi group.The activity of iNOS of Gen group was significantly stronger than that of Gen +Imi group.The damage of renal of Gen group was much more severely than that of Gen +Imi group.CONCLUSION: The expression of iNOS is positive in the renal damaged with Gen.Imi can significantly inhibit the activity of iNOS, and has also the significant anti-toxical effect on the renals damaged with Gen.It suggests that nitricoxide takes part in the process of pathology of renals damaged by gentamicin.
    Study of molecular mechanism of cardiac injury induced by adriamycin
    LI Yong-Mei, SONG Bo-Gen, ZHAO Gui-Fen, SHEN Li-Xian
    2002, 7(3):  209-212. 
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    AIM: To preliminarily study the molecular mechanism for the cardiac injury in rat by adriamycin and the mechanism for the acuterepair in the body.METHODS: The male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly dividedintofour groups (n =10 in each):The first group was kept without treament and served as the control;the second, the thirdand the fourth received ADR in different doses (10, 20, 40 mg·kg-1, respectively) by injection of adriamycin.The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in the serum was estimated with thiobarbituric acid.Cu-Zn-SOD was measured by its reaction with xanthine oxidase.GSH was measured by its reaction with 5, 5-nitrobenzoic acid. Using semi-quantitativereverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), we analyzed the expression of the associated gene.RESULTS: MDA contents in the medium and high ADR dose groups were higher than that in the control group (P<0.05, P<0.01).FN mRNA and P105 mRNA had different extents higher expression in different doses groups compared to normal rats.The enzymeactivities of copper, zinc-superoxide dismutase (Cu-Zn-SOD) and glutathione peroxidase(GSH-Px) in the medium and high ADR dose groups were lower than that in control group respectively (P<0.01), and were positively correlated with the expression of their gene.CONCLUSION: The changes of the expression of Cu-Zn-SOD and GSH-Px may be one of the molecular mechanism for the cardiotoxicity by adriamycin, andit is supposed that FNand P105 are involvedin the acuterepair after the cardiac injury induced by ADR in the body through a serial of signal pathways.
    Protective effect of warmblood cardioplegia on ischemic rabbit myocardium
    YANG Li, ZHANG Shi-Jiang, GAO Sheng-Fu
    2002, 7(3):  213-216. 
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    AIM: To investigate the effect of warm blood cardioplegic solution on myocardial protection.METHODS: Twenty-four rabbits were randomly dividedinto three groups.Immediately after aortic clamping and just before aortic unclamping, the rabbithearts received warm (37 ℃) blood cardioplegic solution in group Ⅰ(n = 8), cold crystalloid crdioplegic solution in group Ⅱ (n = 8), and warm (37 ℃) crystalloid cardioplegic solution in group Ⅲ (n =8) respectively.During 120 min of ischemia, all hearts were reinfused with cold crystalloid cardioplegic solution every 20min.Samples were taken 1min after cross-clamp removal to assess lactate dehydrogease1 (LDH1) and creatine phosphonate kinase (CK) in coronary sinus blood, and glutamate dehydrogenase (GLDH) within mitochondrion and myocardium water content.Myocardial biopsies were obtained for electron microscopical study and stereological quantitative analysis of mitochondria.RESULTS: 1 min following aortic unclamping, there were no significant differences among the three groups in LDH1 (P >0.05).GLDH was significantly higher (P<0.05) in group Ⅰ than that in group Ⅱand Ⅲ, while there was no statistical difference between group Ⅱand Ⅲ (P > 0.05).The value of CK-MB was significantly lower (P<0.05) in group Ⅰthan that in group Ⅱand Ⅲ, and the difference was not significant between group Ⅱ and Ⅲ (P > 0.05).Myocardium water content in group Ⅰwas the lowest among the three groups (P<0.05), and no significant difference existed between the latter two groups (P > 0.05).Myocardial ultrastructure study showed that group Ⅰ was better protected than the other two groups, and group Ⅱbetter than group Ⅲ.Stereological quantitative analysis determined by calculation of mitochondria area density revealed significant differences between the three groups, in which group Ⅰwas lower than group Ⅱ (P<0.05) and group Ⅲ (P<0.01), and group Ⅱ lower than group Ⅲ (P<0.05).CONCLUSION: Warm blood cardioplegic solution, applied at the start and the end of aortic clamping, results in better myocardial protection than does the crystalloid solution used alone.
    Therapeutic effect of tea polyphenols on cationic bovine serum albumin glomerulonephritis in rabbits1
    HONG Zong-Yuan, ZHENG Qing-Shan, GUI Chang-Qing, SONG Jian-Guo, SUN Rui-Yuan
    2002, 7(3):  217-220. 
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    AIM: To investigate the therapeutic effect of tea polyphenols (TP) on cationic bovine serum albumin (C-BSA) glomerulonephritis.METHODS: C-BSA glomerulonephritic model was inducedin rabbits.TP in three different doses (30, 100 and 300 mg·kg-1) was ad-ministered (ig) once daily for 14 days.RESULTS: TP not only significantly reduced the urinary protein excretion, decreased blood urea nitrogen (BUN) and plasma creati-nine (Cr) levels, but also significantly relieved gloermular lesions in the rabbits treatedand there was a significant dose-dependent relationship between high dosage (300 mg·kg-1) and low dosage (30 mg·kg-1).CONCLUSION: TP can reduce proteinuria, suppress the development of glomerular impairments, and ameliorate the kidney function of rabbits with C-BSA glomerulonephritis.
    Circadian rhythm of blood sugar in rats and chronotherapeutics of glop-izide in diabetic rats
    LIU Xiao-Ping, GUO Zu-Feng, WANG Chang-Sheng, WANG Juan, CUI Hai-Ju, YANG Jie-Ren, SONG Jian-Guo
    2002, 7(3):  221-223. 
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    AIM: To investigate the circadian rhythm of blood sugar level in healthy as well as diabetic rats and tofind the appropriate timefor using glopizide in diabetic rats.METHODS: The blood sugar level of two kinds of rats was detected at 6 ∶00, 12 ∶00, 18 ∶00, 0 ∶00 and circadian rhythm of the data was analyzed.Different groups of diabetic rats were treated with glopizide at 9 ∶ 00 or 21 ∶00 respectively.The variation of blood sugar level andits average were compared between groups after the treatment.RESULTS: Significant circadian rhythm of the blood sugar level was foundin healthy rats, but not in diabetes rats.The variation of blood sugar level andits average were lower when glopizide was given at 9 ∶00 than those at 21 ∶00.CONCLUSION: There is a circa-dian rhythm of blood sugar level in healthy rats and glop-izide shows a better action of decreasing blood sugar in the morning than evening.
    Effect of sibutramine on the obesity with metabolic disorder of blood glu-cose and lipid
    WANG Ping-Fang, YANG Ya, LIAO Er-Yuan, YAN Xiang, ZHANG Hong, HE Lin, ZHU Xue-Ping
    2002, 7(3):  224-230. 
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    AIM: To observe the effect of sibutramine on the obesity with metabolic disorder of blood glucose and lipid.METHODS: Subjects with BMI (body mass index) over 25 kg·m-2 were selected.The observedin-dexes included the weight, waist and hip measurements, abdomen measurement, blood lipid, blood glucose levels fasting and after a standard test meal (FBS and 2PBS), bloodinsulin, and glcosylated haemoglobine (HbAIC) level, before and after taking sibutramine.RESULTS: After taking sibutramine, it was significantly improved (P<0.01) in the abdomen measurement, lipid rate and lipid mass in the 41 patients with obesity.The FBS, 2PBS, weight, and abdominal measurement decreasedin 18 patients with metabolic disorder of blood glucose (P<0.01).The bloodinsulin and HbAIC had no significant changes, but triglycerides (TG), cholesterol (CHO), high-density lipoprotein (HDL), and low-density li-porotein (LDL) were improved.CONCLUSION: Sibu-tramine can decrease weight, improve the disorders of blood glucose and lipid, and decrease cardio-vascular dis-ease risk factors in the patients with metabolic disorder of blood gucose and lipid.
    Influence of calcitriol on calcium phosphorus metabolism and Tlympho-cyte subpopulation in peritoneal dialysis patients
    CAI Chu-Dan, CAI Cong, LU Juan-Juan, ZHUO Yu-Yin, ZHENG Zhuo-Heng, ZHOU Pei-Fang
    2002, 7(3):  231-233. 
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    AIM: To observe the influence of cal-citriol (1, 25-(OH) 2D3) on calcium phosphorus metabolism andimmunologic function of peritoneal dialy-sis (PD) patients.METHODS: The level of serum T cell subpopulation, IL-8, immunoreactive parathyroid hormone(iPTH), calcium, and phosphorus were observed before and after patients taking calcitriol.RESULTS: Before taking medicine, CD4/CD8 of group PD was lower than that of normal comparing group (P<0.05);4 weeks after taking calcitriol, CD4/CD8 rised from 0.56±0.10 to 0.79±0.12, andiPTH clearly reduces, while blood calcium, and blood phosphorus obviously goes down as well.CONCLUSION: Calcitriol is able to improve the calcium phosphorus metabolism of PD patients, and their immunologic function.
    Feasibility of early reversal of vecuronium with neostigmine in patients with elective surgery
    PENG Li-Chao, YANG Mei-Rong, JIANG Ke-Quan
    2002, 7(3):  234-236. 
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    AIM: To investigate the feasibility of ear-ly reversal of vecuronium with neostigmine.METHODS: 48 patients (ASA class I or II) scheduled for elective surgery undergoing general anaethesia were randomly as-signed to vecuronium group (n =16) and vecuronium + neostigmine group (n =32).Furthermore, the latter was dividedinto two groups according to the timeof reversal. In vecuronium + neostigmine group 1, the patients re-ceived neostigmine antagonization within 10 min after ve-curonium administration, andin vecuronium +neostigmine group 2, timeof reversal within 11-30 min after vecuro-nium administration.All patients received vecuronium 1.5 mg·kg-1 after general anesthesia.Neostigmine 0.05 mg·kg-1 +atropine 0.5-1.0 mg +saline 8 ml was ad-ministered to vecuronium +neostigmine group and recov-ery was compared with that of vecuronium patients who re-ceived 8 ml saline.The timefrom vecuronium administra-tion torecovery of TOF 0.25 and 0.7 was recorded.RESULTS: In vecuronium group, the recovery timeto TOF 0.25 and 0.7 was (45.58±8.88) min, and (67.59±5.60) min, respectirely;in vecuronium + neostigmine group 1, it was (23.45±2.82) min, and (31.86±3.36) min, respectirely;andin vecuronium + neostigmine group 2, it was (28.70±4.13) min, and (38.86±2.10) min, respectirely.The recovery timein vecuronium +neostigmine group was evidently shorter than that in vecuronium group (P<0.01) and similarly the recovery in vecuronium +neostigmine group 1 was more rapid than that in vecuronium +neostigmine group 2 (P<0.01).The recovery was monitored continuously after surgery, and residual neuromuscular blocking was not founded from all 48 patients.CONCLUSION: Recovery of vecuronium neuromuscular block can be antagonized byearly neostigmine administration, and more early reversal, more rapid recovery.
    Susceptibility of ureaplasma urealyticum in vitroto seven antimicrobial agents
    HUANG Chang-Zheng, LIU Zhi-Xiang, LIN Neng-Xing, TU Ya-Ting, LI Jia-Wen, ZHANG De-Mei
    2002, 7(3):  237-238. 
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    AIM: To study the susceptibility of ure-aplasma urea1yticum (UU) to 7 antimicrobial agents.METHODS: A specific agent kit was used for UU cul-ture and drug susceptibility detection in vitro.RESULTS: 7 antimicrobial agents on the susceptibility of ureaplasma urea1yticum from high tolow were josamycin (96.67 %), doxycycline (90.67 %), minocyclin (88.67 %), shiba-floxacin (58.67 %), roxithromycin (39.33 %), ofloxacin (18.00 %), and azithromycin (8.00 %), respectively.The higher rates of drug resis-tance of UU were ofloxacin (31.33 %), shibafloxacin (18.67 %), and roxithromycin (18.00 %), respective-ly.CONCLUSION: UU shows multiple drug resistance. The determination of the susceptibility of UU to antimicro-bial agents can instruct reasonable medication and prevent the occurrence of drug resistance.
    Effect of low concentration desflurane on hemodynamics and fibrinolysis in patients with elective chest surgery during general anesthesia
    LIU Zhao-Fang, LU Wei-Hua, JIN Xiao-Ju, ZHANG He, WANG You-Xia
    2002, 7(3):  239-241. 
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    AIM: To investigate the effect of low concentration desflurane on hemodynamics and fibrinolysis in patients during general anesthesia.METHODS: Twenty-eight ASA grade Ⅰ-Ⅱ patients during general anesthesia, scheduled for elective chest surgery, were studied, and hemodynamics and fibrinolysis were observed after inhalation of desflurane at 0.5 and 1.0 MAC, re-spectively.RESULTS: Compared with those before anes-thesia, SBP, DBP, and MAP remarkably decreasedand HR significantly increased at intubation.However, the changes were more remarkable than those of before anes-thesia when inhalation of desflurane at 0.5 and 1.0 MAC;blood pressure did not further decreased;and HR did not increasedin comparison with intubation.The level of plasma tissue plasminogen activator (t-PA) re-markably increasedand the level of plasma plasminogen activitor inhibitor (PAI) significantly decreased when in-halation of desflurane.The level of plasma t-PA further increasedand the level of plasma PAI further decreased as inhalation of increased desflurane concentration.CONCLUSION: There are someeffects of low concentration desflurane on hemodynamics and fibrinolysis in patients with chest surgery during general anesthesia.
    Clinical observation of the effect of the combination of hydrobromidum and salviae miltiorrhizae in the treatment of diabetic peripheral neuropa-thy
    LU Wei-Ming, ZHONG Guo-Lian
    2002, 7(3):  242-244. 
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    AIM: To observe the effect the combina-tion of hydrobromidum (654-2) and salviae miltiorrhizae on diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN).METHODS: sixty-two cases of DPN were given the normal treatment of diabetes.Based on the treatment, they were dividedinto three groups at random.The first group (n =24) was given the combinction 654-2 and salviae miltiorrhizae, the second group (n =20) was given 654-2 alone, and the third group (n =18) was given salviae miltiorrhizae alone.RESULTS: The effertiverates in the first, the secondand the third group were 79.2 %, 45 % and 27.8 % (P<0.05), respectively, while the effectiverate were 100 %, 85 % and 61.1 %, respectively (P<0.05).CONCLUSION: Combination of 654-2 and salviae miltiorrhizae has a good effect to DPN.
    Clinical evaluation of the effect of perindopril alone and combined with gliclazide in the treatment of diabetic nephropaphy
    ZHANG Xiao-Dong, LI Xin-Li, LIU Qun-Cai
    2002, 7(3):  245-247. 
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    AIM: To observed clinical effect and safety of perindopril alone and combined with gliclazide in the treatment of type Ⅱdiabetic with hypertension and di-abetic nephropaphy (DN).METHODS: 61 patients (male 34, female 27) were randomly dividedinto 2 groups. Perindopril group (n =31):perindopril 4 mg qd, and gliclazide 80 mg bid.Nifedipine group (n = 30):nifedipine 10 mg qd, and gliclazide 80 mg bid.The treatments lasted for three months.RESULTS: After the treatments, the levels of blood pressure, FPG, and GHb were distinctly reducedin the two groups (P<0.05), but the marked differences did not show between the two groups (P >0.05).In perindopril group, the urine min-im albumin (UMA) was markedly reduced (P<0.01), but nifedipine group was not changed.The values of + WBC, RBC, PLT, Ure, Cr and K in the two groups were not changed before and after the treatments.CONCLUSION: Perindopril is safe and effective in the treat-ment of the type Ⅱdiabetic with hypertension and diabetic nephropaphy.The agent can obtain a better effect in com-bination with gliclazide than alone.
    Clinical study of compound bFGF preparations on patients with recurrent aphthous ulcer
    SONG Wei
    2002, 7(3):  248-249. 
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    AIM: To observe the recent curative ef-fect of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) to patients with recurrent aphthous ulcer (RAU).METHODS: 60 patients with RAU were treated by locally spraying com-pound bFGF preparations composing of calculated quantity of bFGF, tinidazole and dicaine on the surface of ulcera-tions, other 40 patientswere treated by alternatively smear-ing Xi Leisan and Smecta on the surface of ulcerations as routine treatment group, tid, for 5 d.RESULTS: The improvement of three indexes including the size, the de-gree of ache and hyperemia of the ulcerations are greater in compound bFGF treatment group than those in routine treatment group (P<0.001), and the effectiverate was also higher in bFGF treatment group (86.67 %) than those in (65.00 %) routine treatment group (P<0.05). No significant side effect was observed during the treat-ment with compound bFGF.CONCLUSION: The com-pound bFGF preparations usedin this study is effective and safe for the treatment of RAU.
    Analysis of the effect of the combination of radix salviae miltiorrhizaenovol-ten, diclofenac and soldium aescinate in treatment of severe migraine
    GE Lin-Tong, LIN Li, ZHANG Jin
    2002, 7(3):  250-251. 
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    AIM: To explore the treatment methods of severe migraine.METHODS: 51 cases of severe mi-graine patients were treated with the combination of radix salviae militiorrhizae, diclofenac and sodium aescinate, andanother 62 cases of severe migraine patients were treated with diclofenac alone.RESULTS: The efficacyof the combination is better than that of diclofenac alone (P<0.01).CONCLUSION: The exact efficacyis ob-tained by the combination of radix salviae miltiorrhizae, diclofenac and sodium aescinate in the treatment of severe migraine
    Effect of motilium on 50 cases of bronchial asthma associated with gastroe-sophageal reflux
    LI Yun-Quan, KONG Hai-Hong, LI Min-Hua
    2002, 7(3):  252-254. 
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    AIM: To observe the effect of motilium on bronchial asthma associated with gastroesophageal reflux (GER-BA).METHODS: 50 cases of GER-BA, were treated with routine anti-asthma and motilium 20 mg tid, ranitidine 0.3 g, amoxicillin 0.5 g and metronidazolum 0.2 g tid for chronic gastritis cases, and losec 20 mg for the gastric acid rdflux at night.The treatment lasted for 1-4 wk, and then stopped to observe the response of the treat-meat.The recurrent cases would be treated as the above again.RESULTS: 45 cases were curedin the 4 wk, no case recrudescedin 6 mon.5 cases neededanother the treatment for 1-4 wk since the recurrence, and 4 of the 5 cases were cured.CONCLUSION: Motilium has a good curative effect in preventing and curing bronchial asthma associated with gastroesophageal reflux.
    Efficacyof the qiangganzaisheng pill and nifedipine alone andin combina-tion in treatment of the cirrhosis related hepatitis
    ZHANG Ai-Sheng
    2002, 7(3):  255-256. 
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    AIM: To observe efficacyof the qiang-ganzaisheng pill and nifedipine alone andin combination in the treatment of the cirrhosis related hepatitis (CRH).METHODS: The 64 cases of the patients with CRH were randomly dividedinto three groups:the qiangganzaisheng pill group, the nifedipine group and qiangganzaisheng + nifedipine group.Each treatment lasted for 3 mon.RESULTS: The clinical curative effect of qiangganzaisheng pill and nifedipine in combination was better than that of qiangganzaisheng pill or nifedipine alone.CONCLUSION: The clinical efficacyof qiangganzaisheng pill and nifedipine usedin combination in the treatment of CRH is remarkable.
    Statistical adjustment of treatment effect for covariates in clinical trials
    LIU Yu-Xiu, YAO Chen, CHEN Feng, CHEN Qi-Guang, SU Bing-Hua
    2002, 7(3):  257-262. 
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    Somenon-treatment variables that affect the outcomeof a disease are often called covariates. These covariables should be consideredin the design andanalysis of clinical trials to obtain unbias conclusion.To ensure that any observed treatment effect is not influenced by an imbalances in baseline characteristics, both pread-justment and postadjustment are providedin the design stage andanalysis stage of the trials respectively.They can improve the credibility of the trial results andincrease the statistical efficiency.Based on a few papers published about adjustment for covariates and somedocumentations of the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH), wereview the concepts, methods and procedures for ad-justment of treatment effects for the influence of covari-ates.The statistical issues on the application of adjust-ment are especially discussedin great depth.
    Pharmacogenomics and selection of antihypertensive drugs
    TAO Xia, LIU Gao-Lin
    2002, 7(3):  263-268. 
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    Pharmacogenomics is defined as the study of the association between genetics and drug response. This review includes basic concepts of pharmacogenomics, heterogeneity of hypertension andantihypertensive drug responses, genes associate with drug metabolism, andin-dividualized drug therapy.The knowledge of genes that influence the pharmacodynamic determinants of blood pressure response to antihypertensive medications has the potential to provide new insights not only into molecular mechanisms influencing drug response, but also into the role that these genes may play in determining interindivid-ual differences in blood pressure level and the occurrence of hypertension.
    Reversal of multidrug resistance mediated by P-Glycoprotein JI Zhao-Ning, LIU Guo-Qing1
    JI Zhao-Ning, LIU Guo-Qing
    2002, 7(3):  269-272. 
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    Multidrug resistance (MDR) is the phe-nomenon observedin tumor cells that describes the simul-taneous emergence of cellular resistance to the cytotoxic attack by structurally and mechanism unrelated chemotherapeutic drugs.The mdr-1 gene was sufficient to confer the MDR phenotype, including the expression of the P-Glycoprotein (P-Gp).P-Gp appears to play an im-portantrole in tumor cells by acting as an energy-depen-dent efflux pump toremove various drugs from the cell be-fore they have a chance to exert their cytotoxic effects.It is generally accepted that reversal or inhibition of P-Gp function in tumor cells is an important way for modulating MDR.It has been demonstratedin the laboratory that MDR mediated by the P-Gp may be modulated by a wide variety of compounds.These compounds, which include verapamil and cyclosporin, generally have little or no ef-fect by themselves on the tumor cells, but when usedin conjunction with antineoplastic agents, they decrease, andin someinstances eliminate, MDR.This paper will introduce somenew reversal agents and discuss their physical and chemical characteration and others.
    Evaluation of the pharmacokinetic methods of traditional Chinese medicine remedy
    MA Yue-Ming
    2002, 7(3):  273-275. 
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    The pharmacokinetic process of traditional Chinese medicine remedies are mainly studied by measur-ing the timecourse of either biological responses or active component concentration.In recent years, someprogress has been achievedin developing new methods.This re-view article outlined the rationale and characteristics of these methods and evaluated their advantages and disad-vantages when appliedin study of traditional Chinese medicine remedy.Somefuture research directions in the field were prospected.
    Veterinary drug andits impacts on human health
    YUAN Zong-Hui
    2002, 7(3):  276-278. 
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    Veterinary drug is a kind of pharmaceuti-cals approved officially to apply in animals.It has many special features by comparison with the drug usedin hu-man.The residue of veterinary drug in edible tissues offood-producing animals is a big issue concerned currently by people due to that it could arise several harmful prob-lems on consumers.China is taking actions against any kind of residues in foods originally from animals.
    Advances of pharmacokinetic studies of topiramate, a new antiepileptic a-gent
    HE Xi-Mei, HE Xin, ZHANG Er-Huai
    2002, 7(3):  279-282. 
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    The article introduced advances of pharma-cokinetic studies of topiramate, a new antiepileptic agent, in recent years.Topiramate pharmacokinetic parameters were determined after the administrations of single dose, multiple dose and concomitant therapy.The changes of its pharmacokinetic parameters were determinedin the influ-ence of the factors, for example, age, disease, and so on.These results haverevealed the regulations of metabolism and excretion of topiramate in the healthy vol-unteers and patients.The data provide a basis of clinical rational medication for the patiens with epilepsy. KEY WORDS:topiramate;epilepsy;pharmacokinetics
    Therapeutic progress on the treatment of hepatitis B recurrence after liver transplantation
    WANG Chun-Ge, ZHANG Yi
    2002, 7(3):  283-285. 
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    Hepatitis B recurrence is an important factor to show whether liver transplantation is successful or not.Recrrrence rate is nearly 80 % in the patients liver transplantation, and HBV reinfection is the main cause of death.After the operation, HBV may copy very quickly, because of taking in immunosuppressant therapy and graft diseases develop rapidly.Recently, the exploitation and application of therapy has becomea focus.Now the drugs of preventing and treating HBV reinfection are mainly sortedinto passive immunity agents (Hepatitis B im-munoglobulin) andantivirus therapeutic agents(interferon and nucleotide analog antivirus drugs, etc)..Lamivudine is considered the most promising new drug of treating HBV infection.This article introduced the therapeutic characteristic of these drugs.
    Therapeutic progress of ischemic cerebrovascular disease
    ZHU Hong-Fei, WU Jia-Mi
    2002, 7(3):  286-288. 
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    The improving brain circulation is the most important aspect in protecting brain from the ischemic trauma.This frauma on pathophysiology includes the two stages which are related to different treatments.The paper induced sometherapeutic progress, such as thrombolytic therapy, the use of anticoagulation agents, antiplatelet drugs, neuroprotectine agents, intracerebral transplanta-tion, antiedama, and reducing intracranieal pressure.