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    Volume 15 Issue 3
    26 March 2010
    An important role of pharmacokinetics of traditional Chinese medicine in the new drug development in TCM
    ZHONG Jie, WANG Hai-nan, MA Yue-ming
    2010, 15(3):  241-246. 
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    Although the pharmacokinetic study of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) plays a limited role in promoting the registration of new drugs of TCM, it plays an important role in reforming the Chinese medicine formulations, elucidating the material basis of Chinese medicine, designing the dose regimens for clinical treatment and promo ting the internationalization of Chinese medicine.This review summarized the recent advances and illustrated with examples how the pharmacokinetics of TCM can promote the research and development of Chinese medicine.
    Study on the effect of immune regulation of interleuk-7 (IL-7) gene transfected into human tongue squamous carcinoma cell lines
    PAN De-shun, CHEN Wei-qiang, CHEN Hong-yuan
    2010, 15(3):  247-250. 
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    AIM: To investigate the effect of immune regulation of I L-7 gene transfected into human carcinoma line Tca8113. METHODS pBK-CMV/IL-7 plasmid was transfected into human tongue squamous carcinoma cell lines. The effect of the supernatant of carcinoma culture on the proliferation of lymphocytes was measured using MTT method.The concentrations of TGF-β1, VEGF and IL-10 were determined by ELISA.Human carcinoma cells lines with pPK-CMV/I L-7 were injected into peritoneal of mice, and the tumor formed in peritoneal was detected.The killing activity of NK was analyzed by MT T. RESULTS:Compared with control group, the supernatant from carcinoma cells culture could significantly suppress the proliferation of lymphocytes (P<0.05).The supernatant levels of TGF-β1, VEGF and IL-10 were obviously decreased.The tumor volume in experimental group were fewer then those in control group(P<0.05).The killing activity of NK was significantly increased (P<0.05). CONCLUSION: IL-7 gene transfection into human carcinoma line Tca8113 could inhibit tumor growth by reducing secretion of immune suppressive factors, enhancing lymphocyte proliferation and increasing the killing activity of NK.
    Mutant prevention concentrations study of linezolid and vancomycin against methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus isolates
    LIANG Bei-bei, WANG Rui, BAI Nan, CAI Yun
    2010, 15(3):  251-254. 
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    AIM: To compare the mutant prevention concentration (MPC) of linezolid and vancomycin against methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and study the correlation between minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and MPC. METHODS:MICs and MPCs of two drugs against 35 MRSA clinical stains we re determined by agar plates dilution method.The correlations between MIC and MPC were determined by linear regression.The ability to rest rict the resi stance was evaluated according the pharmaco kinetics of two drugs. RESULTS: The MPCs of two drugs against MRSA were 16 and 8 μg/mL and the MPC/MIC was 8.MPCs and MICs correlated poo rly (R 2 were 0.32 and 0.008, respectively).According to pharmacokinetics of two drugs, the concentration of linezolid was inside the MSW (mutant selective window) for the entire dosage interval, while the concentration of vancomycin exceeded the MPC for the most do sage interval. CONCLUSION: The capacity of vancomycin for rest ricting the selection of MRSA resistant mutants is stronger than that of linezolid.There is low correlation between MPC and MIC.
    Effects of cornel iridoid glycoside on inflammatory reaction in the brain of traumatic brain injury rat model
    WANG Na, LI Lin
    2010, 15(3):  255-259. 
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    AIM: To observe the effects of cornus iridoid glycosides (CIG) on inflammatory reaction especially the inflammatory cytokines in the brain after traumatic brain injury, and to explore the possible mechanisms of its neuroprotective effect. METHODS: SD rats were intragastrically administered with different doses of CIG (30, 60 and 120 mg·kg -1·d -1) for 7 d. The traumatic brain injury rat model was induced by improved Feeney's fall weight method, and the brains were taken out 24 h and 72 h after brain injury, respectively.The morphological changes were observed by HE staining in the cerebral cortex.The expressions of inflammatorycy to kine tumor necrosis factor-α(TNF-α) and interleukin-1β (IL-1β) were detected by immunohistochemical method.The image processing and stati stical analysis were used to measure the number and the area of immunoreactiv ecells. RESULTS: HE staining showed the pathological changes were serious in the cerebral cortex of model group, and compared with the model group, the pathological changes were obviously reduced in CIG group.The positive immune reactive cells of TNF-αand IL-1β were mainly distributed around the foci of contusion, the expressions of TNF-αand IL-1β in the model group were sig nificantly higher than those in sham operated group, and the high expressions were sustained from 24 h to 72 h after brain injury.Compared with the model group, the levels of TNF-α and I L-1β in the brain of CIG treatment groups were obviously decreased in a do se-dependent manner and the inhibitory effects of TNF-αand IL-1β were more significant at 72 h after brain injury. CONCLUSION: CIG may have neuro protective effect on traumatic brain injury through inhibiting the expression of inflammatory cytokines and reducing the inflammatory reaction.
    Protective effects of Jiangtang compound recipe on injured-steatosishepatocyte and hyper lipemia
    WU Guan-zhong, ZHANG Juan, HUANG Wei-jia
    2010, 15(3):  260-265. 
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    AIM: To study the protective effects of Jang tang compo und recipe on injuredsteato sis hepatocyte of HepG2 cells invtiro and hyperlipemia of quails in vivo. METHODS: The hy perlipemia model of quails was induced by high fat diet in vivo and the content oftrigly ceride (TG), hig h density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C), malondialdehyde(MDA), activity of supero xide dismutase (SOD)in serums were assayed as well as patholo gical change of vascular endarterium detected. Further, the injuredsteatosis model of HepG2 cells induced with mixture fat ty acids mixed palmi tic and oleic (PA∶OA =1∶2)wast reated with vario us medicinal serum and TG, MDA, SOD activity in supernatant determined.The treated cells were al so stained with oil-redO to observe the lipid accumulation. RESULTS: The Jang tang compound recipe sig nificantly reduced intima athero scle ro tic plaque area of quails suf fered from hype rlipemia and inhibited intimal lesion. It al so inhibited lipid accumulation in HepG2 cells, reduced the content of TG, MDA and adjust the activity of SOD. CONCLUSION: Jang tang compound recipe significantly inhibits the fatty accumulation in HepG2 cells, alleviates die t-induced hyperlipidemia and the formation of atheroasclerosis in quails.
    Gene expression profiles-based approach identifies candidate therapeutic compounds for lung adenocarcinoma
    WANG Gui-ping, YE Yun, YANG Xiao-qing, CHEN Xin-mei, LIA NG Shuang, ZHENG Wen-ling, MA Wen-li
    2010, 15(3):  266-271. 
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    AIM: To screen the candidate therapeutic compounds for lung adeno carcinoma with gene expression profiles-based approach. METHODS: Two published microarray data (GSE7670 and GSE10072) were downloaded from Gene Expression Omnibus(GEO)web. A meta-analysis were performed with the dchips of tware, and pathway enrichment analysis was done with gene set enrichment analysis method (GSEA).Finally, candidate therapeutic compounds for lung adenocarcinoma were screened by Connectivity map analysis. RESULTS: The rewere 379 differential gene expression, including 94 up-regulated gene and 285 down-regulated gene. Pathway enrichment analy sis showed that there were 18 biological pathw aysrelated with lung adenocarcinoma. With Connectivity map analysis, We screened out eight candida te compounds, including Vorinostat, 15-delta prostaglandin J2, trichostatin A, tanespimycin, etc. In the following experiment, we demo nst rated that 15-delta prostaglandin J2 can inhibit A549 cell prolification. CONCLUSION: Our results demonstrated that gene expression profiles-based approach is perspective for screening the candidate the rapeutic compounds, which accelerates the introduction of compounds into the clinic.
    Application research of superparamagnetic iron oxide in vivo tracing of stem cells
    XIE Qing-song, XU Xin-long, WEI Xiao-jie, PAN Hong-song, FU Xiao-jun, CHEN Zai-feng, LI Li-xin
    2010, 15(3):  272-276. 
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    AIM: To investing ate a new superparamagnetic iron oxide(SPIO) which could label stem cell seff ciently and be traced in vivo by magnetic resonance with out poly-L-ly sine or othertrans fection agent. METHODS: SPIO nano particles was prepared with Fe2O3 coated by athin layer of 3-amino pro py ltriethoxy silane, and then the compound (SPIO) was used to labeled Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs).The labeled MSCs were identif icated by prussian blue stain and counted by MTT. Atlast, labeled MSCs was transplanted into rat brain and scanned by MRI. RESULTS: Prussian blue stain indicated that MSCs could be high efficiently labeled by SPIO, and there was no significant effect on the proliferation and viability of labeled MSCs by MTT. Hypo-intense changes of MRI T2 examination could be o bserved in the transplanted area of MSCs labeled by SPIO after t ransplantation in rats brain. CONCLUSION: The new SPIO(Fe2O3 coated by a thin layer of 3-aminopropy ltrie thoxy silane) had no significant toxicity on cells. MSCs still could be label led with the new SPIO directly and high efficiently without the use of poly-L-lysine or other additional transfecting agents. The transplanted cells could be well imaged and traced in vivo.ysine or other additional t ransfecting agents. The transplanted cells could be well imaged and t raced in vivo.
    Effects of panax notoginsenosides on bone histomor phometry in rats with hyperlipidemia-induced osteoporosis
    NA Qing-qing, XIE Hua
    2010, 15(3):  277-281. 
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    AIM: To explore the effects of panax notoginseno sides (PNS) on bone histomor phometry in rats with hyperlipidemia-inducedo steoporosis. METHODS: Thirty 3-month-old Sprague-Daw ley rats were randomly divided into three groups with 10 per group as follows. Control group was intrag astrically given distilled water at the do se of 5 mL ·kg-1,d-1 for 20 weeks ;Model group was intragast rically given lipid emulsion at the do se of 5 mL, kg -1,d-1 for 20 weeks ;PNS preventing group was intragastrically given lipid emulsion at the dose of 5 mL ·kg-1 ·d-1 in the morning and PNS at the do se of 5 mL ·kg-1 ·d-1 at afternoon for 20 weeks.At the end of the experiment, the right longitudinal proximal tibial metaphy seal parameters of rats were performed undecalcifiedly and used for bone histomo rphometry analysis. And the blood serum contents of FFA, TG, TC, HDL-C and LDL-C were measured by biochemical analy sis. RESULTS: Compared with model group, the blood serum contents of FFA, TC and LDL-C were decreased and HDL-C was increased significantly (P<0.01), the PTM cancellous bone of %Tb. Ar, Tb. Th and Tb.N were increased (P<0.01) and Tb.Sp was decreased significantly (P<0.01).The dynamic parameters in cancellous bone of %L.Pm and bone format ion rate (BFR/BS, BFR/BV) were increased(P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Long-term gastric perfusion of lipid emulsion could induce hyperlipidemia-induced osteoporosis, and PNS could partly prevent it.
    Experiment study of Qing-ying-xie-yu Fang (QXF) in the treatment of intestinal ischemia-reperfusion in rats
    WU Zhi-ming, CHEN Jiang, CHU Xiu-feng, LOU Jian-ping, MENG Xing-cheng, QIUHai-jiang
    2010, 15(3):  282-286. 
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    AIM: To investigate the protective effects and possible mechanisms of Qing-yingxie-yu Fang (QXF) in the treatment of intest inali schemia-repe rfusion in rats. METHODS: Forty Sprague Daw ley rats were randomly divided into sham(n =8), model (n =16) and QXF(n =16) groups. The last two groups were divided into 2 hours g roup and 24 hours group after reperfusion respectively. Intestinal ischemia-reperfusion model in rats was induced by clamping the superior mensenteri cartery for 45 minutes. The pathologic injury of the intestines and the levels of TN F-α, IL-10, D lactic acid in blood were examined at 2 hours point and 24 hours point after reperfusion respectively. The statistical analysis was finished with SPSS 11.0 software. RESULTS: Intestinal ischemia-reperfusion model in rats was successfully induced by clamping the superior mensen tericartery for 45 minutes. QXF alleviated the patho logic injury of the intestines, and reduced the levels of TN F-α, Dlactic acid (P<0.05) in the early period and the level of IL-10 (P<0.05) in the late period. CONCLUSION: QXF can protect the intestines of rats from the injury of intestinali schemia-reper fusion. The following is the possible mechanisms: to clear up dunghill in intestines, regulate the balance of inflammatory mediators and protect gut barrier function.
    Effect of emodin on TNF-αand IL-10 gene expressions and the NF-κBactivityin the myocardial tissue after myocardial infarction in mice
    WU Yan-xia, HUANG Hao, FU Lei
    2010, 15(3):  287-291. 
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    AIM: To study the effect of emodin on TNF-and I L-10 g ene ex pressions and the NF-B activity in the myocardial tissue after myocardial infarction in mice. METHODS: The my ocardiali schemia damage model was caused by sustained left anterior descending coro nary artery ligation in mice and em odin was used to intervene with. The mRNA and protein expression levels of TNF-αand IL-10 in my ocardial tissue af teremodin intervention were detected by fluore scence quanti tative RT-PCR and ELISA.The activity of NF-κB in myocardial tissue was detected by elect rophoretic mo bility shift assay. RESULTS: After intervent ion by emodin, the expression of TNF-αwas signif icant ly reduced and the expression of IL-10 and ratios of IL-10/TNF-αwe resig nificantly increased in the my ocardial tissue of my ocardial infarction damage model. CONCLUSION: Emodinsig nificantly inhibits the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines and the activity of NF-κB in myocardial tissue.
    Expressions of BAG-1 and NF-κB P65 in the mononuclearcell of multiplemyeloma patients
    HUANG Lai-quan, WEI Zhong-lin, ZHANG Jun, ZHANG Dai-yun, WANG Xing-hong
    2010, 15(3):  292-297. 
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    AIM: To investigate the expressions of BAG-1 and NF-κB P65 in the multiple my eloma (MM) and approach the effects of BAG-1 and NF-κB P65 in the pathogenesi s of MM and their clinical sig nificance, which would be useful tofind a theo retical basis for thet reatment of MM. METHODS: The pat ients diag no sed MM in Yiji shan ho spital of wannan medical college from 2006.10 to 2008.10 as the experimental group, w hi le the bo net rauma patients selected as the co nt ro l gro up.The mononuclearcells of bone marrow in the patient swere ext racted and the BAG-1and NF-κB P65 mRNA RT-PCR were detected. RESULTS: The expression of BAG-1 mRNA (71.4 %) in the MM patients was hig her than that in the control group(P=0.007).The expre ssion of NF-κB P65 mRNA (75.0 %) in the MM patients was hig her than that in the cont rol gro up(P =0.004).There was a positive correlation between the BAG-1 and NF-κB P65 mRNA. The tumo rload was high in the MM patients with overexpression of BAG-1 and NF-κB P65, which was ralated to a number of clinical pa rameters indexes.BAG-1 and NF-κB P65 we re po sitive expressed of MM tumor load, relatived with anumbe r of clinical indicato rs. CONCLUSION: The expressions of BAG-1 and NF-κB P65 in MM are high, there are no dif ference betw een the experimental group and control group.BAG-1and NF-κB P65 were related to a number of clinical indexes.BAG-1 and NF-κB P65 may be involved in the occurrence and the development of disease, and they can be used as one of the prog no sis indexes.
    Primary study of antofloxaicn breakpoints with disc-diffusion sensitivity test
    XIAO Yong-hong, LI Yun, LIU Jian, ZHONG Wei, YANG Wei-wei
    2010, 15(3):  298-304. 
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    AIM: To determine the breakpoints of Antofloxacin sensitivity with disc-diffusion test for staphylococci, enterobacteriaceae, non-fermenter and hemophili in primary. METHODS: The in vitro antibacterial activity of Antofloxacin and other comparators was detected with standard agar dilution and disc-diffusion (Antofloxacin 5 μg and 10 μg discs) methods. Referring to the association of in vitro antibacterial activity of different fluoroquinolones and pharmacokinetics property of the investigated agent, the breakpoints of Antofloxacin were determined with scat tergram between MIC and bacterial inhibitory zone. RESULTS: The in vitro antibacterial activity of Antofloxacin against clinical isolates shown better association with those of levof loxacin. Referring to the proposed sensitive breakpoints of Antofloxacin with agardilution method (hemophili being recommended as ≤1 mg/L for sensitive the sensitive, intermediate and resistant breakpoint sagainst other pathogens being≤2, 4, ≥8 mg/L, respectively), the bacterial inhibitory zone breakpoints with disc-diffusion method (10μg disc) were setas ≥21 mm against hemophili for sensitive and ≤14 mm, 15-17 mm, ≥18 mm against the other germs for resistant, intermediate and sensitive. The quality control inhibitory zones against referring strains were 24-31mm for Escherichia coli A TCC25922, 22-26 mm for Pseudomonas aeruginosa A TCC27853 and 22-28mm for Staphylococcus aureus ATCC25923, respectively. CONCLUSION: Referring to the in vitro antibacterial activity and making use of the scatter gram between MIC and inhibition zone of Antofloxacin, the breakpoints for in vitro sensitive test with disc-diffusion method were established in primary and recommended for clinical practice and future review.
    Influence of valsartan and fluvastatin on hepatocyte growth factor in adriamycin-induced nephrotic rats
    WU Xiao-dong, ZHANG Dao-you, CUI Ming-chun, YANG Li-cai, YANG Yan-lang, ZHU Xin-jian
    2010, 15(3):  305-309. 
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    AIM: To investigate the influence of valsartan alone and in combination with fluvastatin on hepatocy tegrow th factor (HGF) in adriamycin (ADR)-induced nephroticrat models. METHODS: Male Sprague-Daw ley(SD) rats were randomly separated intofiveg roups and given dif ferent the rapies.18 no rmal rats wer as no rmal cont rolg roup (group A, n =18).Nephrot icmodel was induced by tail int roveno usly inject ion of ADR (6.0 mg/kg).Eighty-four ADR-induced nephrotic male SD rats were randomly separated into 4 groups:without treatment group (group B:normal saline, n =21), valsartant reatment group(group C, valsartan 35 mg, kg-1,d-1, n=21), fluvastatint reatment group(group D, fluvastatin 10 mg ·kg-1,d-1, n=21) and combined treatment group(group E, valsartan 35 mg ·kg-1 ·d-1 plusfluv astatin 10 mg, kg-1,d-1, n=21).After the end of the therapies for 2, 6, and 10 weeks, the samples of 24 h urine, serum were collected and assayed (sixrat swere assigned randomly in every group). RESULTS: Compared with group A, 24 h urinary protein excretion, the serum levels of total cholesterol, trigly ceride and HGF were increased significantly in group B, C, D, E (P< 0.01).Treatment with either valsartan or fluvastatin or combined with valsar tan and fluvastatin could reduce 24 h urinary protein excretion, reduce the serum levels of to tal cho lesterol, trigly ceride (P<0.05 or P<0.01), increase the levels of HGF in serium and renal. CONCLUSION: Valsartan and fluvastat in can decrease proteinuria, decrease serum triglyce ride, total cho leste rol and increase the HGF in ADR-induced nephrotic rats.Combination of valsa rtan and f luv astatin has superiority overmo no therapies on renal protection. These results suggest that valsar tan and fluvastatin may mediated through, at least partly, increasing serum and renal HGF level and at tenuating renal damage.
    Analysis of the immune function in patients infected with HCV and coinfected with HIV
    DAI Chang-qing, HUANG Sheng-hai
    2010, 15(3):  313-316. 
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    AIM: To investigate the immune function difference between HCV infected patients and patients coinfected with HIV and to analyze its potential mechanism. METHODS: 30 patients of HCV infection and 28 patients of coinfected with HIV were studied. The serological anti-HCV antibodies of patients were detected with Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). HCV RNA was detected with Quantitate fluorescence PCR assay. Facs Calibur flow cytometry was used to detect CD4+ and CD8+ cells. RESULTS: There were 9 cases of negative anti-HCV antibody in 28 patients coinfected with HIV. HCV RNA virus load in HIV coinfected patients was more than that in HCV alone infected patients; CD4+ cell was lower than that in HCV infected patients. In HIV coin fected patients ALT and AST levels were raised significantly compared with those in HCV infected patients. CONCLUSION: It is very important to detect HCV RNA and analyze the immune function of HIV coinfected patients for treatment and slowing down advancement of hepatopathy.
    Related gene of hereditary deafness detection by gene array
    ZHAO Gang-tao, YANG Fan, XU Qian, DING Yuan-yuan, JIANG Nan, XU Jing-feng
    2010, 15(3):  317-321. 
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    AIM: To detect the gene types of 4 genes, gsites which are relating to hereditary deafness by the method of gene array. METHODS: The DNA in the blood of 50 volunteers was extracted. The product of PCR was destructured in the mixture of ice and water. Then the product was hybridized on the gene array. At last the gene type was deduced after scanning. Three DNA samples were carried out for repeated test. RESULTS: 5 kinds of heterozygous mutation in gvolunteers by the experiment of gene type detection of 9 sites in 50 volunteers were detected. These 5 heterozygous mutations were: 5 mutations of GJB2(235delC), mutation of GJB2(299delAT), 1 mutation of SLC26A4(2168A>G), 1 mutation of SLC26A4(IVS7-2 A>G),1 mutation of GJB3(538C>T). CONCLUSION: The gene type of 9 sites was rapidly detected by the method of gene array exactly. And the reproducibility is fine. The results indicated the mutation rate was relatively high; attention should be emphasized on the clinic and patients.
    Protective effect of nicorandil on myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury in patients undergoing cardiac valve replacement
    LIU Liu, ZHOU Hai-yang, WANG Jian-bin, LU Zhi-ping
    2010, 15(3):  322-325. 
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    AIM: To observe the protective effect of nicorandil on myocardial ischemia reperfusion injury in patients undergoing valve replacement. METHODS: Sixty patients undergoing valve repalacement were randomly divided into 3 groups: control(Ⅰ) group, nicorandil delayed precondictioning(Ⅱ) group and nicorandil preconditioning(Ⅲ) group. 20 mg nicorandil was given i.v. 24 h before operation in group Ⅱ, whereas in group Ⅲ, 20 mg nicorandil was given i.v. after induction of anesthesia. Blood samples were taken from coronary venous for determination of cTnI, TNF-α, IL-6 levels at aortic clamping (T0), 15 min (T1), 30 min(T2), 60 min (T3), 90 min(T4) after aortic declamping. Right atria myocardium tissue were taken at T0 and T2 to observe the histopathological changes with electron microscopy. RESULTS: The levels of cTnI, TNF-αand IL-6 in group Ⅱand Ⅲ were significantly lower than those in group I. Myocardium injury was obviously lighter in groupⅡand Ⅲ than that in group Ⅰ, whereas the levels of cTnI, TNF-α, IL-6 and myocardium injury were lower in group Ⅱ than those in group Ⅲ. CONCLUSION: Nicorandil is effcetive in decreasing myocardial ischemia repefusion injury in patients undergoing valve replacement, The protective effect of nicorandil delayed preconditioning is more obvious than precondictioning.
    Effects of edaravone on interleukin-6,-8 and expression of their mRNA in patients undergoing one lung ventilation
    SHUAI Xun-jun, GONG Qian-hong, AI Deng-bin, FU Shi-ou
    2010, 15(3):  326-330. 
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    AIM: To investigate the effects of edaravone on interleukin(IL)-6,-8 and expression of their mRNA in patients undergoing one lung ventilation(OLV) METHODS: Twenty-four ASA Ⅰ or Ⅱ patients with lung cancer of both sexes aged 48-67 yr undergoing elective lung resection were randomly divided into two groups (n=12 each): Control group (C) and Edaravone group (E). Anesthesia was induced with midazolam 0.03 mg/kg, Fentanyl 3 μg/kg and 8% Sevoflurane, and maintained with intermittent i.v. boluses of vecuronium 0.04-0.08 mg/kg, Fentanyl 0.05-0.1 mg and 1.8%-2.7% Sevoflurane in two groups. Group E was received edaravone 0.5 mg/kg after induction of anesthesia. Blood sample were taken before skin incision (T1), 60 min after lungs were inflated(T2)and 1 h after surgery(T3) for determination of plasma IL-6, IL-8 concentration and expression of their mRNA. RESULTS: The levels of IL-6, IL-8 and their mRNA were all significantly increased at T2-3 in both group than at T1(P<0.05); but the levels of IL-6, IL-8 and their mRNA were lower at T2-3 in group E than those in group C(P<0.05). CONCLUSION: Edaravone is effective in reducing inflammatory response in patients undergoing OLV.
    Effects and comparison of promoting the blood flow of Chinese formulated products on endothelial function in chronic stable angina
    PU Jiang-chen, SHEN Li-hua
    2010, 15(3):  331-334. 
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    AIM: To observe the effects and comparison of promoting the blood flow of Chinese formulated products on endothelial function in chronic stable angina. METHODS: 200 chronic stable angina patients were randomized to Danshen root, Ginkgo leaf, Troxerutin, or placebo and treated for 4 weeks. The FMD and NMD were measured by echocardiography. The level of ET-1 in plasma was measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay(ELISA). The level of NO in plasma was measured by nitrate reductase assay. All the data will be collected before and after treatment to analyze the effects of Chinese formulated products of endothelial function. RESULTS: Compared with the placebo group, before and after treatment of Danshen Pill group and venoruton group have a large change in FMD values (P<0.05), before and after treatment of Danshen Pill group,venoruton group and the Ginkgo biloba group NMD have a large value change (P<0.05), before and after treatment of Danshen Pill group, Ginkgo biloba group and venoruton group have a large ET value change (P<0.05), of which the Danshen Pill group, Ginkgo biloba group the largest group followed by Venoruton; with the placebo group, venoruton group, before and after treatment with a large group of Danshen Dropping Pill NO value change (P<0.05); of which Danshen Dropping Pill group of the largest ginkgo biloba group, followed by venoruton group. CONCLUSION: The Chinese formulated products of promoting the blood flow can improve the endothelial function in chronic stable angina patients, and Fufang Danshen Diwan is the most effective Chinese formulated product of these three drugs.
    Association between heme oxygenase-1 gene promoter polymorphism and the susceptibility of human disease
    HOU Rui-ying, LIU Zhao-qian
    2010, 15(3):  335-341. 
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    Heme oxygenase-1(HO-1), the inducible isoform of heme oxygenase, is a cytoprotective enzyme that plays a central role in the defense against oxidative. HO-1 catalyzes the degradation of heme into iron, carbon monoxide (CO), and biliverdin, which is quickly converted into bilirubin. These downstream products of heme catabolism have recently been found to be some protective factors with potent anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and anti-proliferative effects. Although HO-1 is expressed in various tissues at a low level, and is upregulated by multiple adverse stimuli, thus it plays an important role in keeping cell redox homeostasia under various pathophysiological conditions. From several studies it seems that two potentially function polymorphisms in the 5'-flanking region of human HO-1 gene promoter modulate the quantitative level of HO-1 activity, and the polymorphisms were shown to be associated with susceptibility to various disease, so the present article focuses on the role of this two polymorphisms on its function as well as disease susceptibility.
    Progress and thoughts on pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of echinacoside
    DAI Liang, HAO Hai-ping, WANG Yu-xin,WANG Guang-ji
    2010, 15(3):  342-349. 
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    This review makes a summary on the pharmacological effects and involved mechanisms of echinacoside(ECH), including anti-aging, memory improvement, neuro-protective, anti-tumor, liver protective, and immunoloregulation. Besides, the advances in pharmacokinetics of ECH such as absorption and metabolism are also summarized.Based on such summaries, this paper furthers the discussions on the apparent contradiction between the observed pharmacological effects and pharmacokinetic behaviors of ECH. Based on the above, this paper points out the natural sourced innovative drugs were usually characterized on its extensively pre-system metabolism. The overall affection may be contributed by their active metabolites. To AIM directly at such characteristics of Type I the traditional Chinese medicine (TCM)new drugs, we should strengthen the research on pre-system metabolic transformation, as well as establishing scientific and reasonable preclinical pharmacokinetic guiding principle, to direct the research of Type I TCM new drugs with similar characteristics.
    Progress on anti-asthma agents targeted for cytokine
    CAI Xin-jun, ZHANG Xiang-cai, XU Ying-ying
    2010, 15(3):  350-355. 
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    Several cytokines which play key role in asthma patients with chronic inflammation and reconstruction of air duct,are important targets for anti-asthma agents. In this review,we summarize the latest advancement of anti-asthma agents which targeted for cytokines(interleukins, TNF, eotaxin) and investigation development of new anti-asthma agents emerged in recent years.
    Progress of Hemodilution on the role of muscle relaxant effects
    YUAN Xiao-hong, GUO Jian-rong, JIN Xiao-ju
    2010, 15(3):  356-360. 
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    Hemodilution (HD) is a commonly blood conservation method that used to reduce autologous blood loss and allogeneic blood transfusion during operation,but it often causes changes of hemodynamics,blood components and internal environment,resulting in anesthetic drugs appearing some impact of pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics,especially muscle relaxants.In this article,the progress of hemodilution on the role of muscle relaxants effects is reviewed.