Influence of valsartan and fluvastatin on hepatocyte growth factor in adriamycin-induced nephrotic rats
WU Xiao-dong, ZHANG Dao-you, CUI Ming-chun, YANG Li-cai, YANG Yan-lang, ZHU Xin-jian
2010, 15(3):
99 )
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AIM: To investigate the influence of valsartan alone and in combination with fluvastatin on hepatocy tegrow th factor (HGF) in adriamycin (ADR)-induced nephroticrat models. METHODS: Male Sprague-Daw ley(SD) rats were randomly separated intofiveg roups and given dif ferent the rapies.18 no rmal rats wer as no rmal cont rolg roup (group A, n =18).Nephrot icmodel was induced by tail int roveno usly inject ion of ADR (6.0 mg/kg).Eighty-four ADR-induced nephrotic male SD rats were randomly separated into 4 groups:without treatment group (group B:normal saline, n =21), valsartant reatment group(group C, valsartan 35 mg, kg-1,d-1, n=21), fluvastatint reatment group(group D, fluvastatin 10 mg ·kg-1,d-1, n=21) and combined treatment group(group E, valsartan 35 mg ·kg-1 ·d-1 plusfluv astatin 10 mg, kg-1,d-1, n=21).After the end of the therapies for 2, 6, and 10 weeks, the samples of 24 h urine, serum were collected and assayed (sixrat swere assigned randomly in every group). RESULTS: Compared with group A, 24 h urinary protein excretion, the serum levels of total cholesterol, trigly ceride and HGF were increased significantly in group B, C, D, E (P< 0.01).Treatment with either valsartan or fluvastatin or combined with valsar tan and fluvastatin could reduce 24 h urinary protein excretion, reduce the serum levels of to tal cho lesterol, trigly ceride (P<0.05 or P<0.01), increase the levels of HGF in serium and renal. CONCLUSION: Valsartan and fluvastat in can decrease proteinuria, decrease serum triglyce ride, total cho leste rol and increase the HGF in ADR-induced nephrotic rats.Combination of valsa rtan and f luv astatin has superiority overmo no therapies on renal protection. These results suggest that valsar tan and fluvastatin may mediated through, at least partly, increasing serum and renal HGF level and at tenuating renal damage.