Effect of combination of ACEI and ARB on left ventricle in pressure-overloaded hypertrophy rats
LIANG Xu-guo, ZHANG Xiu-mei
2006, 11(10):
108 )
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AIM: To explore the effect of the combination of ACEI and ARB on left ventricle in pressureoverloaded hypertrophy rats, and also the relationshiPbetween left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) and cytokines,matrix metalloproteinases, apoptosis, and apoptosis genes.METHODS: IL-6, IL-10, MMP-2 and MMP-9 were evaluated by ELISA method.TNF-alpha was measured with radioimmunoassays.Flow cytometer was used to measure the apoptosis ratio and the expression of Fas,Bcl-2 and Bax.RESULTS: 6 weeks after abdominal aortic coarctation operation, the weight of the left ventricle(0.983 ±0.316 g) and heart weight body weight (0.382±0.154) were significantly increased in control grouPcompared with the sham operated group.And also IL-6(208.71 ±84.51 pg·ml-1) , TNF-α(1.983 ±0.842ng·ml-1) , MMP-2 (74.63 ±37.62) , MMP-9 (57.74 ±25.61) , apoptosis ratio (8.47 ±4.18) and apoptosisgenes (fas, bax, bcl-2, bcl-2/bax) expression were increased,but IL-10 (86.23 ±40.13 pg·ml-1) was decreasedcompared with sham operated group.The 3groups with drugs (CP, LT, CP+LT) decreased the increasing weight of LV and ventricular weight body weight and inhibited the changes of influencing factors (IL-6,IL-10, TNF-α, MMP-2, MMP-9, apoptosis ratio and apoptosis genes expression) , especially in the grouPof combination of 2 drugs.CONCLUSION: LVH might be related with many influencing factors.ACEI and ARB may have the positive importance in the treatment and prevention of LVH.